1,292 research outputs found

    Renal function in Palestine sunbirds: elimination of excess water does not constrain energy intake

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    Copyright © 2004 Company of BiologistsAlthough the renal responses of birds to dehydration have received significant attention, the consequences of ingesting and processing large quantities of water have been less studied. Nectar-feeding birds must often deal with exceptionally high water intake rates in order to meet their high mass-specific energy demands. Birds that ingest large volumes of water may either eliminate excess water in the kidney or regulate the volume of water absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Because water absorption in the gastrointestinal tract of Palestine sunbirds (Nectarinia osea) decreases with increasing water ingestion rate, we predicted that glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in these birds would not be unusually high in spite of large ingested water loads. When feeding on dilute sucrose solutions, sunbirds ingested between 4 and 6 times their body mass in nectar per day, yet they were able to compensate for varying nectar energy density and increased thermoregulatory energy demands with no apparent difficulty. GFR was lower than predicted (1976.22±91.95 µl h-1), and was not exceptionally sensitive to water loading. Plasma glucose concentrations were high, and varied 1.8-fold between fasted (16.08± 0.75 mmol l-1) and fed (28.18±0.68 mmol l-1) sunbirds, but because GFR was low, glucose filtered load also remained relatively low. Essentially the entire glucose filtered load (98%) was recovered by the kidney. Renal fractional water reabsorption (FWR) decreased from 0.98 to 0.64 with increasing water intake. The ability of Palestine sunbirds to reduce the absorption of ingested water in the gastrointestinal tract may resolve the potential conflict between filtering a large excess of absorbed water in the kidney and simultaneously retaining filtered metabolites.Todd J. McWhorter, Carlos Martínez del Rio, Berry Pinshow and Lizanne Roxburg

    Hummingbirds arrest their kidneys at night: diel variation in glomerular filtration rate in Selasphorus platycercus

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    © The Company of Biologists Ltd 2004Small nectarivorous vertebrates face a quandary. When feeding, they must eliminate prodigious quantities of water; however, when they are not feeding, they are susceptible to dehydration. We examined the role of the kidney in the resolution of this osmoregulatory dilemma. Broad-tailed hummingbirds (Selasphorus platycercus) displayed diurnal variation in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). During the morning, midday and evening, GFRs were 0.9±0.6, 1.8±0.4 and 2.3±0.5 ml h–1, respectively. At midday, GFR increased linearly with increased water intake. During the evening, hummingbirds decreased renal fractional water reabsorption linearly with increased water intake. Broad-tailed hummingbirds appeared to cease GFR at night (–0.1±0.2 ml h–1) and decreased GFR in response to short-term (~1.5 h) water deprivation. GFR seems to be very responsive to water deprivation in hummingbirds. Although hummingbirds and other nectarivorous birds can consume astounding amounts of water, a phylogenetically explicit allometric analysis revealed that their diurnal GFRs are not different from the expectation based on body mass.Bradley Hartman Bakken, Todd J. McWhorter, Ella Tsahar and Carlos Martínez del Ri

    X-chromosomal haplotype frequencies of four linkage groups in a population of Argentina

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    DNA samples of hundred ten unrelated anonymized male individuals living in province of Entre Rios, Argentina, were genotyped using Investigador Argus X-12 system (Qiagen) for 12 STRs in four haplogroups. The frequency of most common haplotype was 0.02727, 0.06364, 0.03636, and 0.03636 for haplogroups 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The Match Probability was 6.0E-08 and the mean exclusion chance was 0.999999936. This work presents the first haplotype frequency data for Investigator Argus X-12 system in a population of Argentina

    Domain integral equations for electromagnetic band-gap slab simulations

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    Trabajo presentado al International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, URSI 2004.Electromagnetic band-gap substrates o er advantages regarding cross-coupling in sub-mm range imaging array applications. Electromagnetic scattering by such substrates may e ectively be formulated in terms of integro- di erential equations. The scattered elds are evaluated via the spectral domain in which the 3-D problem reduces to an in nite system of coupled 1-D integro-di erential equations. The associated matrix-vector products are dominated by FFTs. For moderate frequencies an elementary preconditioner in combination with a prudent initial estimate usually su ces to reach rapid convergence using the transpose-free quasi-minimal residual method.The research presented above has been financially supported by ESA/ESTEC, under Contract No. 15632/01/NL/JA

    The Nature of the Dietary Protein Impacts the Tissue-to-Diet 15N Discrimination Factors in Laboratory Rats

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    Due to the existence of isotope effects on some metabolic pathways of amino acid and protein metabolism, animal tissues are 15N-enriched relative to their dietary nitrogen sources and this 15N enrichment varies among different tissues and metabolic pools. The magnitude of the tissue-to-diet discrimination (Δ15N) has also been shown to depend on dietary factors. Since dietary protein sources affect amino acid and protein metabolism, we hypothesized that they would impact this discrimination factor, with selective effects at the tissue level. To test this hypothesis, we investigated in rats the influence of a milk or soy protein-based diet on Δ15N in various nitrogen fractions (urea, protein and non-protein fractions) of blood and tissues, focusing on visceral tissues. Regardless of the diet, the different protein fractions of blood and tissues were generally 15N-enriched relative to their non-protein fraction and to the diet (Δ15N>0), with large variations in the Δ15N between tissue proteins. Δ15N values were markedly lower in tissue proteins of rats fed milk proteins compared to those fed soy proteins, in all sampled tissues except in the intestine, and the amplitude of Δ15N differences between diets differed between tissues. Both between-tissue and between-diet Δ15N differences are probably related to modulations of the relative orientation of dietary and endogenous amino acids in the different metabolic pathways. More specifically, the smaller Δ15N values observed in tissue proteins with milk than soy dietary protein may be due to a slightly more direct channeling of dietary amino acids for tissue protein renewal and to a lower recycling of amino acids through fractionating pathways. In conclusion, the present data indicate that natural Δ15N of tissue are sensitive markers of the specific subtle regional modifications of the protein and amino acid metabolism induced by the protein dietary source

    Experiencia en un centro de la suspension de inhibidores de tirosin cinasa en pacientes con lmc en respuesta molecular completa prolongada

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    PO-178 Introducción: Los inhibidores de tirosin cinasas (ITK) han mejorado ostensiblemente el pronóstico y evolución de los pacientes con Leucemia Mieloide Crónica (LMC). En la actualidad la remisión libre de tratamiento (RLT) está siendo considerada como un nuevo objetivo para los pacientes que presentan respuestas profundas y prolongadas, aunque la mayoría de la información corresponde a ensayos clínicos. Con la discontinuación se mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes y es una medida de contención del gasto sanitario. Presentamos la experiencia de discontinuación de tratamiento de un centro. Pacientes y métodos: Desde 2002 hasta la actualidad hemos tratado 63 pacientes con LMC e ITK, de los que siguen en tratamiento 55 (6 muertes, 4 de ellas no por LMC y 2 pérdida de seguimiento). De ellos han discontinuado el tratamiento con ITK 15 pacientes (27%), de los cuales 3 han sido en el contexto de ensayo clínico y 12 en práctica de vida real. El motivo de discontinuación fueron efectos adversos en 3 pacientes (edemas, estreñimiento y claudicación intermitente), 3 en ensayo clínico y 9 por consenso médico/paciente. El motivo de cambio de ITK en el caso 1 fue por intolerancia, caso 2 por falta de respuesta (<RMM) a Imatinib, con presencia de la mutación G250E y en el caso 3 por falta de respuesta (<RMM). Los casos 7, 8 y 9 dentro de ensayo clínico. Se realizó monitorización de la PCR cuantitativa BCR/ABL mensual durante los primeros 6 meses y después bimensual hasta el año y posteriormente cada 3 meses. Las características de los pacientes se reflejan en Tabla 1. ..

    Tracing Water Sources of Terrestrial Animal Populations with Stable Isotopes: Laboratory Tests with Crickets and Spiders

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    Fluxes of carbon, nitrogen, and water between ecosystem components and organisms have great impacts across levels of biological organization. Although much progress has been made in tracing carbon and nitrogen, difficulty remains in tracing water sources from the ecosystem to animals and among animals (the “water web”). Naturally occurring, non-radioactive isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water provide a potential method for tracing water sources. However, using this approach for terrestrial animals is complicated by a change in water isotopes within the body due to differences in activity of heavy and light isotopes during cuticular and transpiratory water losses. Here we present a technique to use stable water isotopes to estimate the mean mix of water sources in a population by sampling a group of sympatric animals over time. Strong correlations between H and O isotopes in the body water of animals collected over time provide linear patterns of enrichment that can be used to predict a mean mix of water sources useful in standard mixing models to determine relative source contribution. Multiple temperature and humidity treatment levels do not greatly alter these relationships, thus having little effect on our ability to estimate this population-level mix of water sources. We show evidence for the validity of using multiple samples of animal body water, collected across time, to estimate the isotopic mix of water sources in a population and more accurately trace water sources. The ability to use isotopes to document patterns of animal water use should be a great asset to biologists globally, especially those studying drylands, droughts, streamside areas, irrigated landscapes, and the effects of climate change