236 research outputs found

    Ultrafast Laser-Induced Melting of Long-Range Magnetic Order in Multiferroic TbMnO3

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    We performed ultrafast time-resolved near-infrared pump, resonant soft X-ray diffraction probe measurements to investigate the coupling between the photoexcited electronic system and the spin cycloid magnetic order in multiferroic TbMnO3 at low temperatures. We observe melting of the long range antiferromagnetic order at low excitation fluences with a decay time constant of 22.3 +- 1.1 ps, which is much slower than the ~1 ps melting times previously observed in other systems. To explain the data we propose a simple model of the melting process where the pump laser pulse directly excites the electronic system, which then leads to an increase in the effective temperature of the spin system via a slower relaxation mechanism. Despite this apparent increase in the effective spin temperature, we do not observe changes in the wavevector q of the antiferromagnetic spin order that would typically correlate with an increase in temperature under equilibrium conditions. We suggest that this behavior results from the extremely low magnon group velocity that hinders a change in the spin-spiral wavevector on these time scales.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    BCAT1 redox function maintains mitotic fidelity

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    The metabolic enzyme branched-chain amino acid transaminase 1 (BCAT1) drives cell proliferation in aggressive cancers such as glioblastoma. Here, we show that BCAT1 localizes to mitotic structures and has a non-metabolic function as a mitotic regulator. Furthermore, BCAT1 is required for chromosome segregation in cancer and induced pluripotent stem cells and tumor growth in human cerebral organoid and mouse syngraft models. Applying gene knockout and rescue strategies, we show that the BCAT1 CXXC redox motif is crucial for controlling cysteine sulfenylation specifically in mitotic cells, promoting Aurora kinase B localization to centromeres, and securing accurate chromosome segregation. These findings offer an explanation for the well-established role of BCAT1 in promoting cancer cell proliferation. In summary, our data establish BCAT1 as a component of the mitotic apparatus that safeguards mitotic fidelity through a moonlighting redox functionality

    Probing the interplay between lattice dynamics and short-range magnetic correlations in CuGeO3 with femtosecond RIXS

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    Investigations of magnetically ordered phases on the femtosecond timescale have provided significant insights into the influence of charge and lattice degrees of freedom on the magnetic sub-system. However, short-range magnetic correlations occurring in the absence of long-range order, for example in spin-frustrated systems, are inaccessible to many ultrafast techniques. Here, we show how time-resolved resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (trRIXS) is capable of probing such short-ranged magnetic dynamics in a charge-transfer insulator through the detection of a Zhang-Rice singlet exciton. Utilizing trRIXS measurements at the O K-edge, and in combination with model calculations, we probe the short-range spin-correlations in the frustrated spin chain material CuGeO3 following photo-excitation, revealing a strong coupling between the local lattice and spin sub-systems

    c-myc, not her-2/neu, can predict the prognosis of breast cancer patients: how novel, how accurate, and how significant?

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    The predictive and prognostic implication of oncogene amplification in breast cancer has received great attention in the past two decades. her-2/neu and c-myc are two oncogenes that are frequently amplified and overexpressed in breast carcinomas. Despite the extensive data on these oncogenes, their prognostic and predictive impact on breast cancer patients remains controversial. Schlotter and colleagues have recently suggested that c-myc, and not her-2/neu, could predict the recurrence and mortality of patients with node-negative breast carcinomas. Regardless of the promising results, caution should be exercised in the interpretation of data from studies assessing gene amplification without in situ analysis. We address the novelty, accuracy and clinical significance of the study by Schlotter and colleagues

    Ultrafast domain dilation induced by optical pumping in ferromagnetic CoFe/Ni multilayers

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    Ultrafast optical pumping of systems with spatially nonuniform magnetic textures is known to cause far-from-equilibrium spin transport effects, such as the broadening of domain-walls. Here, we study the dynamics of labyrinth domain networks in ferromagnetic CoFe/Ni multilayers subject to a femtosecond optical pump and find an ultrafast domain dilation by 6% within 1.6 ps. This surprising result is based on the unambiguous determination of a harmonically-related shift of ultrafast magnetic X-ray diffraction for the first- and third-order rings. Domain dilation is plausible from conservation of momentum arguments, whereby inelastic scattering from a hot, quasi-ballistic, radial current transfers momentum to the magnetic domains. Our results suggest a potentially rich variety of unexpected physical phenomena associated with far-from-equilibrium inelastic electron-magnon scattering processes in the presence of spin textures

    A prognostic index for operable, node-negative breast cancer

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    Clinical data and samples from patients diagnosed, more than 10 years previously, with operable node-negative breast cancer (participants in the Scottish Adjuvant Tamoxifen trial), were revisited, Cases with two distinct categories of outcome were selected; more than 10 years disease-free survival ('good outcome') or distant relapse within 6 years of diagnosis ('poor outcome'). An initial set of cases was analysed for a range of putative prognostic markers and a prognostic index, distinguishing the two outcome categories, was calculated. This index was then validated by testing its predictive power on a second, independent set of cases. A combination of histological grade plus immunochemical staining for BCL-2, p27 and Cyclin D 1, generated a useful prognostic index for tamoxifen-treated patients but not for those treated by surgery alone, The value of the index was confirmed in a second set of tamoxifen-treated, early stage breast cancers. Over-all, it correctly predicted good and poor outcome in 79 and 74% of cases, respectively (odds ratio 11.0). Other markers assessed added little to prediction of outcome. In the case of molecular assays, sensitivity and reliability were compromised by the age of the tissue specimens and the variability of fixation protocols. In selecting patients for adjuvant systemic chemotherapy, the proposed index improves considerably on current international guidelines and matches the performance reported for 'gene-expression signature' analysis. (C) 2004 Cancer Research UK.</p
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