28,490 research outputs found

    Surface structure of i-Al(68)Pd(23)Mn(9): An analysis based on the T*(2F) tiling decorated by Bergman polytopes

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    A Fibonacci-like terrace structure along a 5fold axis of i-Al(68)Pd(23)Mn(9) monograins has been observed by T.M. Schaub et al. with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). In the planes of the terraces they see patterns of dark pentagonal holes. These holes are well oriented both within and among terraces. In one of 11 planes Schaub et al. obtain the autocorrelation function of the hole pattern. We interpret these experimental findings in terms of the Katz-Gratias-de Boisseu-Elser model. Following the suggestion of Elser that the Bergman clusters are the dominant motive of this model, we decorate the tiling T*(2F) by the Bergman polytopes only. The tiling T*(2F) allows us to use the powerful tools of the projection techniques. The Bergman polytopes can be easily replaced by the Mackay polytopes as the decoration objects. We derive a picture of ``geared'' layers of Bergman polytopes from the projection techniques as well as from a huge patch. Under the assumption that no surface reconstruction takes place, this picture explains the Fibonacci-sequence of the step heights as well as the related structure in the terraces qualitatively and to certain extent even quantitatively. Furthermore, this layer-picture requires that the polytopes are cut in order to allow for the observed step heights. We conclude that Bergman or Mackay clusters have to be considered as geometric building blocks of the i-AlPdMn structure rather than as energetically stable entities

    The von Karman equations, the stress function, and elastic ridges in high dimensions

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    The elastic energy functional of a thin elastic rod or sheet is generalized to the case of an M-dimensional manifold in N-dimensional space. We derive potentials for the stress field and curvatures and find the generalized von Karman equations for a manifold in elastic equilibrium. We perform a scaling analysis of an M-1 dimensional ridge in an M = N-1 dimensional manifold. A ridge of linear size X in a manifold with thickness h << X has a width w ~ h^{1/3}X^{2/3} and a total energy E ~ h^{M} (X/h)^{M-5/3}. We also prove that the total bending energy of the ridge is exactly five times the total stretching energy. These results match those of A. Lobkovsky [Phys. Rev. E 53, 3750 (1996)] for the case of a bent plate in three dimensions.Comment: corrected references, 27 pages, RevTeX + epsf, 2 figures, Submitted to J. Math. Phy

    A survey of nulling pulsars using the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope

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    Several pulsars show sudden cessation of pulsed emission, which is known as pulsar nulling. In this paper, the nulling behaviour of 15 pulsars is presented. The nulling fractions of these pulsars, along with the degree of reduction in the pulse energy during the null phase, are reported for these pulsars. A quasi-periodic null-burst pattern is reported for PSR J1738-2330. The distributions of lengths of the null and the burst phases as well as the typical nulling time scales are estimated for eight strong pulsars. The nulling pattern of four pulsars with similar nulling fraction are found to be different from each other, suggesting that the fraction of null pulses does not quantify the nulling behaviour of a pulsar in full detail. Analysis of these distributions also indicate that while the null and the burst pulses occur in groups, the underlying distribution of the interval between a transition from the null to the burst phase and vice verse appears to be similar to that of a stochastic Poisson point process.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Crustal deformation, the earthquake cycle, and models of viscoelastic flow in the asthenosphere

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    The crustal deformation patterns associated with the earthquake cycle can depend strongly on the rheological properties of subcrustal material. Substantial deviations from the simple patterns for a uniformly elastic earth are expected when viscoelastic flow of subcrustal material is considered. The detailed description of the deformation pattern and in particular the surface displacements, displacement rates, strains, and strain rates depend on the structure and geometry of the material near the seismogenic zone. The origin of some of these differences are resolved by analyzing several different linear viscoelastic models with a common finite element computational technique. The models involve strike-slip faulting and include a thin channel asthenosphere model, a model with a varying thickness lithosphere, and a model with a viscoelastic inclusion below the brittle slip plane. The calculations reveal that the surface deformation pattern is most sensitive to the rheology of the material that lies below the slip plane in a volume whose extent is a few times the fault depth. If this material is viscoelastic, the surface deformation pattern resembles that of an elastic layer lying over a viscoelastic half-space. When the thickness or breath of the viscoelastic material is less than a few times the fault depth, then the surface deformation pattern is altered and geodetic measurements are potentially useful for studying the details of subsurface geometry and structure. Distinguishing among the various models is best accomplished by making geodetic measurements not only near the fault but out to distances equal to several times the fault depth. This is where the model differences are greatest; these differences will be most readily detected shortly after an earthquake when viscoelastic effects are most pronounced

    Multibranch Bogoliubov-Bloch spectrum of a cigar shaped Bose condensate in an optical lattice

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    We study properties of excited states of an array of weakly coupled quasi-two-dimensional Bose condensates by using the hydrodynamic theory. The spectrum of the axial excited states strongly depends on the coupling among the various discrete radial modes in a given symmetry. By including mode-coupling within a given symmetry, the complete excitation spectrum of axial quasiparticles with various discrete radial nodes are presented. A single parameter which determines the strength of the mode coupling is identified. The excitation spectrum in the zero angular momentum sector can be observed by using the Bragg scattering experiments.Comment: to apper in Phys. Rev.

    Electron propagation in crossed magnetic and electric fields

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    Laser-atom interaction can be an efficient mechanism for the production of coherent electrons. We analyze the dynamics of monoenergetic electrons in the presence of uniform, perpendicular magnetic and electric fields. The Green function technique is used to derive analytic results for the field--induced quantum mechanical drift motion of i) single electrons and ii) a dilute Fermi gas of electrons. The method yields the drift current and, at the same time it allows us to quantitatively establish the broadening of the (magnetic) Landau levels due to the electric field: Level number k is split into k+1 sublevels that render the kkth oscillator eigenstate in energy space. Adjacent Landau levels will overlap if the electric field exceeds a critical strength. Our observations are relevant for quantum Hall configurations whenever electric field effects should be taken into account.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submitte

    Revivals of quantum wave-packets in graphene

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    We investigate the propagation of wave-packets on graphene in a perpendicular magnetic field and the appearance of collapses and revivals in the time-evolution of an initially localised wave-packet. The wave-packet evolution in graphene differs drastically from the one in an electron gas and shows a rich revival structure similar to the dynamics of highly excited Rydberg states. We present a novel numerical wave-packet propagation scheme in order to solve the effective single-particle Dirac-Hamiltonian of graphene and show how the collapse and revival dynamics is affected by the presence of disorder. Our effective numerical method is of general interest for the solution of the Dirac equation in the presence of potentials and magnetic fields.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, 3 movies, to appear in New Journal of Physic
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