626 research outputs found

    Condensate fragmentation as a sensitive measure of the quantum many-body behavior of bosons with long-range interactions

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    The occupation of more than one single-particle state and hence the emergence of fragmentation is a many-body phenomenon universal to systems of spatially confined interacting bosons. In the present study, we investigate the effect of the range of the interparticle interactions on the fragmentation degree of one- and two-dimensional systems. We solve the full many-body Schr\"odinger equation of the system using the recursive implementation of the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree for bosons method, R-MCTDHB. The dependence of the degree of fragmentation on dimensionality, particle number, areal or line density and interaction strength is assessed. It is found that for contact interactions, the fragmentation is essentially density independent in two dimensions. However, fragmentation increasingly depends on density the more long-ranged the interactions become. The degree of fragmentation is increasing, keeping the particle number NN fixed, when the density is decreasing as expected in one spatial dimension. We demonstrate that this remains, nontrivially, true also for long-range interactions in two spatial dimensions. We, finally, find that within our fully self-consistent approach, the fragmentation degree, to a good approximation, decreases universally as N−1/2N^{-1/2} when only NN is varied.Comment: 8 pages of RevTex4-1, 5 figure

    Phases, many-body entropy measures and coherence of interacting bosons in optical lattices

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    Already a few bosons with contact interparticle interactions in small optical lattices feature a variety of quantum phases: superfluid, Mott-insulator and fermionized Tonks gases can be probed in such systems. To detect these phases -- pivotal for both experiment and theory -- as well as their many-body properties we analyze several distinct measures for the one-body and many-body Shannon information entropies. We exemplify the connection of these entropies with spatial correlations in the many-body state by contrasting them to the Glauber normalized correlation functions. To obtain the ground-state for lattices with commensurate filling (i.e. an integer number of particles per site) for the full range of repulsive interparticle interactions we utilize the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for bosons (MCTDHB) in order to solve the many-boson Schr\"odinger equation. We demonstrate that all emergent phases -- the superfluid, the Mott insulator, and the fermionized gas can be characterized equivalently by our many-body entropy measures and by Glauber's normalized correlation functions. In contrast to our many-body entropy measures, single-particle entropy cannot capture these transitions.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, software available at http://ultracold.or

    The Classical Heisenberg Model on the Centred Pyrochlore Lattice

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    The centred pyrochlore lattice is a novel geometrically frustrated lattice, realized in the metal-organic framework Mn(ta)2_2 (arXiv:2203.08780) where the basic unit of spins is a five site centred tetrahedron. Here, we present an in-depth theoretical study of the J1−J2J_1-J_2 classical Heisenberg model on this lattice, using a combination of mean-field analytical methods and Monte Carlo simulations. We find a rich phase diagram with low temperature states exhibiting ferrimagnetic order, partial ordering, and a highly degenerate spin liquid with distinct regimes of low temperature correlations. We discuss in detail how the regime displaying broadened pinch points in its spin structure factor is consistent with an effective description in terms of a fluid of interacting charges. We also show how this picture holds in two dimensions on the analogous centred kagome lattice and elucidate the connection to the physics of thin films in (d+1d+1) dimensions. Furthermore, we show that a Coulomb phase can be stabilized on the centred pyrochlore lattice by the addition of further neighbour couplings. This demonstrates the centred pyrochlore lattice is an experimentally relevant geometry which naturally hosts emergent gauge fields in the presence of charges at low energies.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, resubmission to SciPost with minor revision

    Decay modes of two repulsively interacting bosons

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    We study the decay of two repulsively interacting bosons tunneling through a delta potential barrier by direct numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. The solutions are analyzed according to the regions of particle presence: both particles inside the trap (in-in), one particle in and one particle out (in-out), and both particles outside (out-out). It is shown that the in-in probability is dominated by exponential decay, and its decay rate is predicted very well from outgoing boundary conditions. Up to a certain range of interaction strength the decay of in-out probability is dominated by the single particle decay mode. The decay mechanisms are adequately described by simple models.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Rotating solenoidal perfect fluids of Petrov type D

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    We prove that aligned Petrov type D perfect fluids for which the vorticity vector is not orthogonal to the plane of repeated principal null directions and for which the magnetic part of the Weyl tensor with respect to the fluid velocity has vanishing divergence, are necessarily purely electric or locally rotationally symmetric. The LRS metrics are presented explicitly.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Complete classification of purely magnetic, non-rotating and non-accelerating perfect fluids

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    Recently the class of purely magnetic non-rotating dust spacetimes has been shown to be empty (Wylleman, Class. Quant. Grav. 23, 2727). It turns out that purely magnetic rotating dust models are subject to severe integrability conditions as well. One of the consequences of the present paper is that also rotating dust cannot be purely magnetic when it is of Petrov type D or when it has a vanishing spatial gradient of the energy density. For purely magnetic and non-rotating perfect fluids on the other hand, which have been fully classified earlier for Petrov type D (Lozanovski, Class. Quant. Grav. 19, 6377), the fluid is shown to be non-accelerating if and only if the spatial density gradient vanishes. Under these conditions, a new and algebraically general solution is found, which is unique up to a constant rescaling, which is spatially homogeneous of Bianchi type VI0VI_0, has degenerate shear and is of Petrov type I(M∞)M^\infty) in the extended Arianrhod-McIntosh classification. The metric and the equation of state are explicitly constructed and properties of the model are briefly discussed. We finally situate it within the class of normal geodesic flows with degenerate shear tensor.Comment: 12 pages; introduction partly rewritten, notation made more clear, table of results adde
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