1,562 research outputs found

    Modern and ancient hiatuses in the pelagic caps of Pacific guyots and seamounts and internal tides

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    Incidences of non-deposition or erosion at the modern seabed and hiatuses within the pelagic caps of guyots and seamounts are evaluated along with paleo-temperature and physiographic information to speculate on the character of Late Cenozoic internal tidal waves in the upper Pacific Ocean. Drill core and seismic reflection data are used to classify sediment at the drill sites as having been either accumulating or eroding/nondepositing in the recent geological past. When those classified sites are compared against predictions of a numerical model of the modern internal tidal wave field (Simmons, 2008), the sites accumulating particles over the past few million years are found to lie away from beams of the modeled internal tide, while those that have not been accumulating are in internal tide beams. Given the correspondence to the modern internal wave field, we examine whether internal tides can explain ancient hiatuses at the drill sites. For example, Late Cenozoic pelagic caps on guyots among the Marshall Islands contain two hiatuses of broadly similar age, but the dates of the first pelagic sediments deposited following each hiatus do not correlate between guyots, suggesting that they originate not from ocean chemical changes but from physical processes, such as erosion by internal tidal waves. We investigate how changing conditions such as ocean temperature and basin physiography may have affected internal tides through the Cenozoic. Allowing for subsequent rotation or uplift by plate tectonics, ancient submarine ridges among the Solomon, Bonin and Marianas Island chains may have been responsible for some sediment hiatuses at these distant guyot sites

    Squeezed light generated by a microcavity laser

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 3326).Photon-number fluctuations 1.3 dB below the semiclassical shot-noise limit are observed in the output of a semiconductor microcavity laser. Although the laser oscillates in a single longitudinal mode, photon-number squeezed light is realized through nonclassical correlations between two orthogonally polarized, transverse laser modes

    Inter-decadal variation in diadromous and potamodromous fish assemblages in a near pristine tropical dryland river

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    Freshwater ecosystems are both incredibly biodiverse and highly threatened globally. Variation in environmental parameters including habitat and flow can substantially affect many ecological processes within riverine aquatic communities, but the ties between such parameters and ecology are neither well studied nor understood. In highly variable tropical dryland river systems, assessing such relationships requires data collection over inter-decadal time scales, which is not typically permitted on development schedules driven over short periods (including election and funding cycles). Here, we used seine net sampling data collected over an 18-year period in the tropical dryland Fitzroy River, Western Australia, to assess how environmental and temporal factors including habitat, seasonality, and inter-annual variation in wet season magnitude affect the community assemblage structure, recruitment, and growth of aquatic species in dryland rivers. Results demonstrated that macrohabitat (main channel vs floodplain creek) and the magnitude of wet season rains and resultant flooding both had a substantial influence on biotic communities, alongside seasonal and diel variation. The magnitude of wet season flooding (measured as river discharge volume) had the greatest impact on assemblage composition within floodplain creek habitats and was a significant driver of recruitment rates and growth of recruits and adults of several species examined. This study highlights key considerations for conserving dryland river systems and constituent biota. Specifically, these are maintaining (a) rhythmicity of flow within each year, (b) diversity of flow volume between years, and (c) a variety of habitat types including ephemeral, semi-permanent, and permanent shallow floodplain and deeper main channel pools, in order to support a diverse array of generalist and specialist diadromous and potamodromous fishes

    Atmospheric and oceanic impacts of Antarctic glaciation across the Eocene-Oligocene transition

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    The glaciation of Antarctica at the Eocene–Oligocene transition (approx. 34 million years ago) was a major shift in the Earth’s climate system, but the mechanisms that caused the glaciation, and its effects, remain highly debated. A number of recent studies have used coupled atmosphere–ocean climate models to assess the climatic effects of Antarctic glacial inception, with often contrasting results. Here, using the HadCM3L model, we show that the global atmosphere and ocean response to growth of the Antarctic ice sheet is sensitive to subtle variations in palaeogeography, using two reconstructions representing Eocene and Oligocene geological stages. The earlier stage (Eocene; Priabonian), which has a relatively constricted Tasman Seaway, shows a major increase in sea surface temperature over the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean in response to the ice sheet. This response does not occur for the later stage (Oligocene; Rupelian), which has a more open Tasman Seaway. This difference in temperature response is attributed to reorganization of ocean currents between the stages. Following ice sheet expansion in the earlier stage, the large Ross Sea gyre circulation decreases in size. Stronger zonal flow through the Tasman Seaway allows salinities to increase in the Ross Sea, deep-water formation initiates and multiple feedbacks then occur amplifying the temperature response. This is potentially a model-dependent result, but it highlights the sensitive nature of model simulations to subtle variations in palaeogeography, and highlights the need for coupled ice sheet–climate simulations to properly represent and investigate feedback processes acting on these time scales

    Ethnic-Specific Differences in Vitamin D Status Is Associated with Adiposity

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    BackgroundLow circulating 25 hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations are common in obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) and a negative relationship with body fat distribution has recently been reported. Ethnic-specific differences in body fat distribution have been described with South Asians are reported to have greater visceral adipose tissue (VAT), which could influence circulating 25(OH)D concentrations. The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between plasma 25(OH)D, adiposity, and body fat distribution in Europeans and South Asians.Methods/Principal Findings187 Europeans and 192 South Asians were assessed for demographics, anthropometrics, and plasma 25(OH)D concentrations. Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and VAT were quantified by CT scan, and percent body fat by DEXA. Data were assessed by general linear models. South Asians had lower (P<0.001) plasma 25(OH)D concentrations and higher VAT (P = 0.04) than Europeans. Plasma 25(OH)D concentrations were negatively (P<0.05) associated with BMI, waist circumference, percent body fat, total adipose tissue, VAT, and SAT in unadjusted models and negatively (P<0.05) associated with VAT, SAT, and percent body fat after adjusting for BMI, ethnicity, age, and season of blood collection in males and females. When percent body fat, VAT, and SAT were included in the same model, only VAT remained negatively (P<0.05) associated with plasma 25(OH)D concentrations. Ethnicity remained significant in all models (P<0.001).ConclusionCompared to other adipose tissue compartments, VAT may have a distinct role in determining plasma 25(OH)D concentrations, which may account for the lower levels in South Asians

    Initiation of the western Pacific warm pool at the middle Miocene climate transition?

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    Across the middle Miocene, Earth's climate underwent a major cooling and expansion of the Antarctic ice sheet. However, the associated response and development of the tropical climate system is not fully understood, in part because this is influenced by both global climate and also low‐latitude tectonic gateways and paleoceanography. Here we use combined δ18O and Mg/Ca of planktic foraminifera to reconstruct the thermal history and changes in hydrology from the Indo‐Pacific region from 16.5 to 11.5 Ma. During the warmth of the early middle Miocene, our records indicate a dynamic ocean‐atmosphere system in the Indo‐Pacific region, with episodes of saltier and warmer tropical surface waters associated with high pCO2 and retreat of the Antarctic ice sheet. We show that across the Middle Miocene Climate Transition (MMCT) surface ocean temperatures in the Indo‐Pacific cooled by ~2°C, synchronous with the advance of the Antarctic ice sheet. The associated cooling in the Southern Ocean appears to have started earlier and was stronger. Further, we show that western Pacific Ocean warmed and eastern tropical Indian Ocean freshened following the MMCT, likely caused by the constriction of the Indonesian Seaway and reduced connectivity between the Pacific and Indian Oceans following Antarctic glaciation. The MMCT therefore represented a key phase in the evolution of the West Pacific Warm Pool and associated tropical climate dynamics

    Processing liquid metal for conformable electronics

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    Future generations of robots, electronics, and assistive medical devices will include systems that are soft, elastically deformable, and may adapt their functionality in unstructured environments. This will require soft active materials for power circuits and sensing of deformation and contact pressure. Liquid-embedded elastomer electronics offer one solution as key elements of highly deformable and soft robotic systems. Several designs for stretchable conductors and soft sensory skins (including strain, pressure, and curvature sensors) based on a liquid-embedded-elastomer approach have been developed. Many of these fluid–elastomer composites utilize liquid metal alloys due to their high conductivities and inherent compliance. Understanding how these alloys can be processed for high-yield manufacturability is critical to the development of parallel processing technology, which is needed to create more complex and low-cost systems. This discussion will highlight surface interactions between droplets of gallium–indium alloys and elastomeric substrates, and the implementation of this study to selective patterning, direct-writing, and inkjet printing of hyperelastic electronic components

    Factors affecting internal standard selection for quantitative elemental bio-imaging of soft tissues by LA-ICP-MS

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    Element response variations under different laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) operating conditions were investigated to identify important factors for selecting an internal standard (IS) for quantitative elemental bio-imaging. Analytes covering a range of atomic masses and first ionisation potentials (FIP) were selected to investigate the signal response variation with changes in laser spot diameter, mass bias and cell sampling position. In all cases, an IS improved experimental precision regardless of a close match in element mass or FIP but optimal analyte/IS combinations depended on the difference in masses of the analyte and IS. Particular attention was paid to 13C as this isotope is typically used as an IS in elemental bio-imaging applications. Despite its non-ideal IS characteristics (often different mass and FIP to many analytes), possibility of abundance sensitivity effects and poor signal-to-background ratio, 13C was a suitable IS candidate exhibiting a linear response with respect to the mass ablated, apparent independence from the high abundance of the adjacent 14N mass peak and effective analyte normalisation after background subtraction as long as the 13C signal from the sample was at least 6% of the gross signal. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    High-efficiency and high-power vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser designed for cryogenic applications

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    Includes bibliographical references.We report the first vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) that has been optimized for cryogenic applications near 77 K, with superior characteristics that include a high output power (Pout = 22 mW at I = 25 mA), high power conversion efficiency (ηd = 32%), low threshold voltage (Vth = 1.75 V) and current (Ith = 1.7 mA), and low power dissipation (9 mW at Pout = 2.0 mW) for a 20-μm-diameter device.This work was supported in part by AFOSR and the DOE under Contract No. DE-AC04-94AL85000

    Radiocephalic and brachiocephalic arteriovenous fistula outcomes in the elderly

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    BackgroundA recent meta-analysis has suggested that patients aged >65 have worse outcomes with radiocephalic arteriovenous fistulas (RCAVFs) compared with brachiocephalic arteriovenous fistulas (BCAVFs). We hypothesized that outcomes in patients aged ≥80—a rapidly expanding cohort within this elderly group—might be skewing the results, and that age >65 may not be a contraindication to RCAVF formation. This study examined the effect of age group (<65, 65 to 79, ≥80) on functional outcomes (use; primary and secondary functional patency) in RCVAFs and BCAVFs.MethodsWe identified the outcomes of all patients undergoing a first surgical access procedure for a RCAVF or BCVAF between January 1, 2000, and December 31, 2005. We examined the effect of age and other factors including sex, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, late referral (<3 months before dialysis), dialysis before surgical access, preoperative duplex ultrasound imaging, and ethnicity on non-AVF use and primary and secondary functional AVF patency. Logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards regression models were used.ResultsFrom a total of 658 patients, 361 had a RCAVF, and 297 had a BCAVF. Their median age was 68.5 years (interquartile range [IQR], 54.4 to 76.5 years), and 288 (43.8%) were aged <65 years, 274 (41.6%) were 65 to 79, and 96 (14.6%) were ≥80. Age did not influence the site of the first surgical access (P = .874). Only 85.7% of patients actually progressed to hemodialysis, and the RCAVF or BCAVF in 45.7% of those was never used for dialysis. Female sex (hazard ratio [HR], 2.24; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.387 to 3.643; P = .001) was the only factor associated with an increase risk of RCAVF nonuse, whereas diabetes (HR, 2.095; 95% CI, 1.261 to 3.482; P = .004) was the only factor associated with an increase risk of BCAVF nonuse. The respective primary patency rates at 1 and 2 years for RCAVFs were 46.0% and 27.1% for patients <65, 47.0% and 36.0% for those 65 to 79, and 45.7% and 38.1% for those ≥80. Only female sex (HR, 1.679; 95% CI, 1.261 to 2.236; P = .001) and prior hemodialysis (HR, 1.363; 95% CI, 1.0.29 to 1.804; P = .031) were associated with loss of patency of RCAVFs. The primary functional patency rates for BCAVFs at 1 and 2 years were 39.3% and 31.0% for those <65 years; 53.30% and 37.5% for those 65 to 79, and 46.3% and 42.6% for those ≥80. No factors analyzed were associated with loss of primary functional patency of BCAVFs.ConclusionsAge did not affect usability, primary or secondary patency of either RCAVFs or BCAVFs. Although patient selection is important, even patients ≥80 years who are considered suitable for surgical placement of access should not be denied a RCAVF solely because of age