1,174 research outputs found

    O2Activation over Ag-Decorated CeO2(111) and TiO2(110) Surfaces: A Theoretical Comparative Investigation

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    Periodic spin-polarized hybrid density functional theory calculations have been performed to investigate the reactivity of pristine, O-defective, and Ag-decorated CeO2(111) and TiO2(110) surfaces with a small Ag10 cluster toward O2. The adsorption of O2 and its subsequent dissociation have been studied in order to provide a better understanding of the role of the oxide, the metallic nanoparticle, and their interaction in the reactivity of composite metal/metal oxide materials toward O2, as potential catalysts to this reaction. Structural, energetic, electronic, and vibrational properties of all species involved in the different reaction paths considered have been fully characterized. On the stoichiometric surfaces, Ag10 is oxidized and reduces surface Ce4+/Ti4+ ions, while on the O-defective surfaces, the adhesion of silver is promoted only on CeO2 but unfavored on TiO2. On the other hand, on the silver-free supports, O2 strongly adsorbs at vacancies and preferentially reduces to peroxide. When no O vacancies are considered on the Ag10-decorated supports, the net positive charge on Ag10 actually prevents the adsorption and reduction of O2. Instead, when O vacancies are included, two reaction pathways are observed; oxygen molecules can weakly absorb on the silver cluster as a superoxide moiety or strongly adsorb at the vacancy as peroxide. The dissociation of the O-O bond of the peroxide is favored both from the thermodynamic and kinetic points of view in silver-decorated surfaces, in contrast with the silver-free cases. In addition, Ag10/CeO2 shows higher activity toward the O2 adsorption and dissociation than Ag10/TiO2, which can be related both to the higher ionicity and superior electron storage/release ability of ceria with respect to titania, thus leading to the weakening of the O-O bond and providing lower activation barriers for oxygen reduction. These results deepen the current understanding of the reactivity of metal/metal oxide composites toward O2, especially elucidating how the surface stoichiometry affects the charge state of the metal clusters, and hence the reactivity of these interfaces toward O2, with potential important consequences when such composites are considered for catalytic applications

    Pulmonary hypertension in infants with congenital heart defects: are leukotrienes involved?

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    The circulating levels of leukotriene E4 in infants with congenital heart defects, increased pulmonary blood flow and pulmonary arterial hypertension, were determined and compared with infants with decreased pulmonary blood flow (Tetralogy of Fallot). There was no correlation (r=0.38) between the pulmonary arterial pressure (56 ± 4 mmHg) and the leukotriene E4 levels (1.37 ± 0.67 ng/ml blood) measured in peripheral blood samples from the hypertensive group prior to surgery. There was considerable variation in the detectable leukotriene E4 levels in blood samples from different patients. The levels detected in the blood samples between the two groups of patients was similar. These data suggest that neither the surgical repair during cardiopulmonary bypass nor the pulmonary hypertension appeared to modify the leukotriene E4 blood levels in the small number of patients studied

    Anti-IgE Response in Human Airways: Relative Contribution of Inflammatory Mediators

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    Heman airway preparations at resting tone were relaxed with either the leukotriene synthesis inhibitor BAY x1005 (3 μM), chlorpheniramine (1 μM) or the thromboxane receptor antagonist BAY u3405 (0.1 μM). The response to anti-IgE (1:1000) was 58 ± 8% of acetylcholine pre-contraction (2.19 ± 0.28 g). Indomethacin (3 μM) enhanced the anti-IgE-induced contraction by 28%. The anti-IgE maximal response was not modified by either chlorpheniramine, BAY x1005 or BAY u3405. When the tissues were treated with either BAY xl005/indomethacin or BAY x1005/chlorpheniramine, the anti-IgE-induced contraction was reduced. In addition, in presence of BAY xl005/indomethacin/chlorpheniramine the response was completely blocked. These results suggest that mediatots released during anti-IgE challenge cause airway contraction which may mask the evaluation of the leukotriene component

    Left ventricular ejection time, not heart rate, is an independent correlate of aortic pulse wave velocity.

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    Salvi P, Palombo C, Salvi GM, Labat C, Parati G, Benetos A. Left ventricular ejection time, not heart rate, is an independent correlate of aortic pulse wave velocity. J Appl Physiol 115: 1610–1617, 2013. First published September 19, 2013; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00475.2013.— Several studies showed a positive association between heart rate and pulse wave velocity, a sensitive marker of arterial stiffness. However, no study involving a large population has specifically addressed the dependence of pulse wave velocity on different components of the cardiac cycle. The aim of this study was to explore in subjects of different age the link between pulse wave velocity with heart period (the reciprocal of heart rate) and the temporal components of the cardiac cycle such as left ventricular ejection time and diastolic time. Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity was assessed in 3,020 untreated subjects (1,107 men). Heart period, left ventricular ejection time, diastolic time, and early-systolic dP/dt were determined by carotid pulse wave analysis with high-fidelity applanation tonometry. An inverse association was found between pulse wave velocity and left ventricular ejection time at all ages (25 years, r2 0.043; 25–44 years, r2 0.103; 45–64 years, r2 0.079; 65–84 years, r2 0.044; 85 years, r2 0.022; P 0.0001 for all). A significant (P 0.0001) negative but always weaker correlation between pulse wave velocity and heart period was also found, with the exception of the youngest subjects (P0.20). A significant positive correlation was also found between pulse wave velocity and dP/dt (P 0.0001). With multiple stepwise regression analysis, left ventricular ejection time and dP/dt remained the only determinant of pulse wave velocity at all ages, whereas the contribution of heart period no longer became significant. Our data demonstrate that pulse wave velocity is more closely related to left ventricular systolic function than to heart period. This may have methodological and pathophysiological implications

    Glycoconjugate secretion in human airways in vitro: effects of epithelium removal.

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    The aim of this study was to examine glycoconjugate secretion in human airways with and without an epithelium. Glycoconjugate release in supernatants derived from human airways in vitro was determined using an ELISA assay with an anti-human mucin monoclonal antibody (MAb 3D3). This monoclonal antibody reacted strongly with Le(b) antigen but also recognized in vitro Le(a) and Le(y) determinants. In 11 of the 34 different lung samples (32%) studied the glycoconjugate levels were below the threshhold of detection for this assay. The mean basal secretion of glycoconjugates in human airways in vitro was 100+/-28 microg/g tissue (Period I; n = 23 different lung samples). The amount of glycoconjugate measured in the medium derived from human isolated bronchial ring preparations did not change under control conditions during the course of the experimental procedure (Period I; 128+/-46 microg/g tissue and Period II; 159 +/-48 microg/g tissue; n = 13 paired lung samples). In the supernatants of airway preparations with an intact epithelium the amount of glycoconjugates detected was 90+/-38 microg/g tissue (Period I; n = 12 different lung samples) and removal of the epithelium did not alter this basal glycoconjugate release (94+/-60 microg/g tissue: Period I, n = 8 different lung samples). The absence of the epithelial layer was confirmed by histological evaluation. Methacholine (100 microM) induced a 10- and four-fold increase in glycoconjugate release from airways with and without an epithelium, respectively. In contrast, in preparations with an epithelium, LTD4 (10 microM) and anti-IgE (dilution: 1/1000) did not cause an increase of glycoconjugate release. The methacholine difference between airways with and without an epithelium was not significantly different (P > 0.10). However, a treatment with atropine (100 microM) prevented the increase of glycoconjugate release in preparations with an epithelium. These data derived from a limited number of experiments suggest that the epithelium may not regulate the basal or stimulated release of glycoconjugates from isolated human airways

    Structure and Magnetic Properties of the Radical Cation Salt of a TTF-based NiII Complex

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    Chemical oxidation of a TTF-based NiII complex with I2 produces the corresponding radical cation salt 1, [Ni2Cl2(L)2](I3)2(I5)2(I2)(H2O)2(C4H8O)3, (L=4,5-bis(2-pyridylmethylsulfanyl)-4',5'-ethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalene). The results of magnetic susceptibility measurements show the occurrence of intramolecular magnetic exchange interactions in 1. The lack of close S···S contacts, confirmed by crystal structure analysis, results in an insulating behavio

    Іван Франко - публіцист

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    Проаналізовано соціально-економічну і культурно-освітню публіцистику І. Франка, зокрема, його ставлення до податкової політики Австро-Угорщини, діяльності банківської системи, еміграції з Галичини, кооперативного руху, майбутнього української держави.The article analyses social and economic and cultural and educational publications by Ivan Franko, as well as his attitude to tax policies in Austro-Hungarian Empire, banking system activities, emigration from Halychyna, co-operative societies movement, and the future of Ukraine