190 research outputs found

    Current driven electrostatic and electromagnetic ion cyclotron instabilities

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    Growth rates and parameter dependences are calculated for the current driven instabilities of electrostatic (with finite-beta corrections) and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves. For 0.25 (T sub e)/(T sub i) 2.5, ion cyclotron waves have large growth rates, while ion acoustic waves are still stable. In fusion devices, where electrostatic waves may be stable, electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves are unstable for beta sub i 0.001

    Resonant transparency of materials with negative permittivity

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    It is shown that the transparency of opaque material with negative permittivity exhibits resonant behavior. The resonance occurs as a result of the excitation of the surface waves at slab boundaries. Dramatic field amplification of the incident evanescent fields at the resonance improves the resolution of the the sub-wavelength imaging system (superlens). A finite thickness slab can be totally transparent to a \textit{p}-polarized obliquely incident electromagnetic wave for certain values of the incidence angle and wave frequency corresponding to the excitation of the surface modes. At the resonance, two evanescent waves have a finite phase shift providing non-zero energy flux through the non-transparent region

    Immune-Endocrine Links to Gregariousness in Wild House Mice

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    Social interactions are critically important for survival and impact overall-health, but also impose costs on animals, such as exposure to contagious agents. The immune system can play a critical role in modulating social behavior when animals are sick, as has been demonstrated within the context of “sickness behaviors.” Can immune molecules affect or be affected by social interactions even when animals are not sick, therefore serving a role in mediating pathogen exposure? We tested whether markers of immune function in both the blood and the brain are associated with gregariousness, quantified as number of animals interacted with per day. To do this, we used remote tracking of social interactions of a wild population of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) to categorize animals in terms of gregariousness. Blood, hair, brain and other tissue samples from animals with extreme gregariousness phenotypes were collected. We then tested whether the levels of three important cytokines (TNF-a, IFN-g and IL- 1b) in the serum, cortex and hypothalamus of these animals could be explained by the gregariousness phenotype and/or sex of the mice. Using the hair as a long-term quantification of steroid hormones, we also tested whether corticosterone, progesterone and testosterone differed by social phenotype. We found main effects of gregariousness and sex on the serum levels of TNF-a, but not on IFN-g or IL-1b. Brain gene expression levels were not different between phenotypes. All hair steroids tended to be elevated in animals of high gregariousness phenotype, independent of sex. In sum, elements of the immune system may be associated with gregariousness, even outside of major disease events. These results extend our knowledge of the role that immune signals have in contributing to the regulation of social behaviors outside periods of illness

    Quantitative Comparison of the Variability in Observed and Simulated Shortwave Reflectance

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    The Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) is a climate observation system that has been designed to monitor the Earth's climate with unprecedented absolute radiometric accuracy and SI traceability. Climate Observation System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) have been generated to simulate CLARREO hyperspectral shortwave imager measurements to help define the measurement characteristics needed for CLARREO to achieve its objectives. To evaluate how well the OSSE-simulated reflectance spectra reproduce the Earth s climate variability at the beginning of the 21st century, we compared the variability of the OSSE reflectance spectra to that of the reflectance spectra measured by the Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography (SCIAMACHY). Principal component analysis (PCA) is a multivariate decomposition technique used to represent and study the variability of hyperspectral radiation measurements. Using PCA, between 99.7%and 99.9%of the total variance the OSSE and SCIAMACHY data sets can be explained by subspaces defined by six principal components (PCs). To quantify how much information is shared between the simulated and observed data sets, we spectrally decomposed the intersection of the two data set subspaces. The results from four cases in 2004 showed that the two data sets share eight (January and October) and seven (April and July) dimensions, which correspond to about 99.9% of the total SCIAMACHY variance for each month. The spectral nature of these shared spaces, understood by examining the transformed eigenvectors calculated from the subspace intersections, exhibit similar physical characteristics to the original PCs calculated from each data set, such as water vapor absorption, vegetation reflectance, and cloud reflectance

    Quantificação dos horizontes húmicos e dinâmica da decomposição de material foliar em solos florestais.

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    Estudos sobre o balanço entre o carbono estocado na biomassa e o perdido por meio da composição, visando a quantificação do acúmulo líquido de carbono de um sistema florestal.bitstream/CNPS-2009-09/11577/1/comtec21_2003_quantificacao.pd

    Estimativa de biomassa e estoque de carbono de uma floresta secundária em Minas Gerais.

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    Em virtude das preocupações mundiais com as quantidades acumuladas de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera, 175 países assinaram, durante a ECO 92, no Rio de Janeiro, relatório sobre o Painel de Mudanças Climáticas, indicando a necessidade de reduzir as emissões desses gases. Um dos mecanismos, com essa finalidade que tem despertado grande interesse é o financiamento de grandes plantios de árvores visando o sequestro de quantidades significativas de carbono através da fotossíntese. Tendo em vista que a legislação brasileira de meio ambiente determina a manutenção de uma reserva legal de pelo menos 20% de vegetação natural nas propriedades rurais do sudeste e, considerando-se a forte atividade agropecuária dessa região onde, na paisagem rural, predominam pastos, cultivos e reflorestamentos com Eucaliptus a recuperação das áreas de reserva legal pode atingir escala de interesse, além de contemplar demandas por uma maior proteção da biodiversidade. O presente estudo apresenta estimativas de biomassa e estoque de carbono de uma floresta secundária de cerca de 37 anos por meio de medições diretas, utilizando o método da árvore média. O estudo fitossociológico apontou sete espécies cujas árvores representam cerca de 80,5% de dominância e 77,9% de densidade do sítio, sendo Canudo de Pito, (Mabea fistulifera ? Euphorbiaceae