27 research outputs found

    Linear scaling computation of the Fock matrix. IX. Parallel computation of the Coulomb matrix

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    We present parallelization of a quantum-chemical tree-code [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 106}, 5526 (1997)] for linear scaling computation of the Coulomb matrix. Equal time partition [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 118}, 9128 (2003)] is used to load balance computation of the Coulomb matrix. Equal time partition is a measurement based algorithm for domain decomposition that exploits small variation of the density between self-consistent-field cycles to achieve load balance. Efficiency of the equal time partition is illustrated by several tests involving both finite and periodic systems. It is found that equal time partition is able to deliver 91 -- 98 % efficiency with 128 processors in the most time consuming part of the Coulomb matrix calculation. The current parallel quantum chemical tree code is able to deliver 63 -- 81% overall efficiency on 128 processors with fine grained parallelism (less than two heavy atoms per processor).Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Self-Similar Graphs

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    For any graph GG on nn vertices and for any {\em symmetric} subgraph JJ of Kn,nK_{n,n}, we construct an infinite sequence of graphs based on the pair (G,J)(G,J). The First graph in the sequence is GG, then at each stage replacing every vertex of the previous graph by a copy of GG and every edge of the previous graph by a copy of JJ the new graph is constructed. We call these graphs {\em self-similar} graphs. We are interested in delineating those pairs (G,J)(G,J) for which the chromatic numbers of the graphs in the sequence are bounded. Here we have some partial results. When GG is a complete graph and JJ is a special matching we show that every graph in the resulting sequence is an {\em expander} graph.Comment: 13 pages, 1 tabl

    Time-reversible Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics

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    We present a time-reversible Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics scheme, based on self-consistent Hartree-Fock or density functional theory, where both the nuclear and the electronic degrees of freedom are propagated in time. We show how a time-reversible adiabatic propagation of the electronic degrees of freedom is possible despite the non-linearity and incompleteness of the self-consistent field procedure. Time-reversal symmetry excludes a systematic long-term energy drift for a microcanonical ensemble and the number of self-consistency cycles can be kept low (often only 2-4 cycles per nuclear time step) thanks to a good initial guess given by the adiabatic propagation of the electronic degrees of freedom. The time-reversible Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics scheme therefore combines a low computational cost with a physically correct time-reversible representation of the dynamics, which preserves a detailed balance between propagation forwards and backwards in time.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Linear scaling computation of the Fock matrix VII. Periodic Density Functional Theory at the Γ\Gamma-point

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    Linear scaling quantum chemical methods for Density Functional Theory are extended to the condensed phase at the Γ\Gamma-point. For the two-electron Coulomb matrix, this is achieved with a tree-code algorithm for fast Coulomb summation [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 106}, 5526 (1997)], together with multipole representation of the crystal field [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 107}, 10131 (1997)]. A periodic version of the hierarchical cubature algorithm [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 113}, 10037 (2000)], which builds a telescoping adaptive grid for numerical integration of the exchange-correlation matrix, is shown to be efficient when the problem is posed as integration over the unit cell. Commonalities between the Coulomb and exchange-correlation algorithms are discussed, with an emphasis on achieving linear scaling through the use of modern data structures. With these developments, convergence of the Γ\Gamma-point supercell approximation to the k{\bf k}-space integration limit is demonstrated for MgO and NaCl. Linear scaling construction of the Fockian and control of error is demonstrated for RBLYP/6-21G* diamond up to 512 atoms

    Measuring kinetic coefficients by molecular dynamics simulation of zone melting

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are performed to measure the kinetic coefficient at the solid-liquid interface in pure gold. Results are obtained for the (111), (100) and (110) orientations. Both Au(100) and Au(110) are in reasonable agreement with the law proposed for collision-limited growth. For Au(111), stacking fault domains form, as first reported by Burke, Broughton and Gilmer [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 89}, 1030 (1988)]. The consequence on the kinetics of this interface is dramatic: the measured kinetic coefficient is three times smaller than that predicted by collision-limited growth. Finally, crystallization and melting are found to be always asymmetrical but here again the effect is much more pronounced for the (111) orientation.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures (for fig. 8 : [email protected]). Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.