12 research outputs found

    Prolonged starvation drives reversible sequestration of lipid biosynthetic enzymes and organelle reorganization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Cells adapt to changing nutrient availability by modulating a variety of processes, including the spatial sequestration of enzymes, the physiological significance of which remains controversial. These enzyme deposits are claimed to represent aggregates of misfolded proteins, protein storage, or complexes with superior enzymatic activity. We monitored spatial distribution of lipid biosynthetic enzymes upon glucose depletion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Several different cytosolic-, endoplasmic reticulum–, and mitochondria-localized lipid biosynthetic enzymes sequester into distinct foci. Using the key enzyme fatty acid synthetase (FAS) as a model, we show that FAS foci represent active enzyme assemblies. Upon starvation, phospholipid synthesis remains active, although with some alterations, implying that other foci-forming lipid biosynthetic enzymes might retain activity as well. Thus sequestration may restrict enzymes' access to one another and their substrates, modulating metabolic flux. Enzyme sequestrations coincide with reversible drastic mitochondrial reorganization and concomitant loss of endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria encounter structures and vacuole and mitochondria patch organelle contact sites that are reflected in qualitative and quantitative changes in phospholipid profiles. This highlights a novel mechanism that regulates lipid homeostasis without profoundly affecting the activity status of involved enzymes such that, upon entry into favorable growth conditions, cells can quickly alter lipid flux by relocalizing their enzymes

    The Endosomal Network: Mediators and Regulators of Endosome Maturation

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    Endocytosis is a means for the cell to sample its environment for nutrients and regulate plasma membrane (PM) composition and area. Whereas the majority of internalized cargo is recycled back to the cell surface, select material is sent to the lysosome for degradation. Endosomes further play major roles in central cell activities as diverse as establishment of cell polarity and signaling, lysosomal storage and immunity. The complexity of endosomal functions is reflected by the extensive changes to endosome properties as they mature. The identity of individual endosomes is influenced by the presence of specific Rab GTPases and phosphoinositides (PIPs), which coordinate membrane traffic and facilitate endosomal functions. Motors and tethers direct the endosomes to the required locations and moderate fusion with other organelles. The maintenance of the elaborate endosomal network is supported by the ER and the trans-Golgi network (TGN), which promote the exchange of membrane components, provide enzymes, and assist with signaling. Additionally, V-ATPase is emerging as an underappreciated coordinator of endosome maturation and cell signaling. The inputs of the various mediators of endosome maturation are tightly regulated and coordinated to ensure appropriate maintenance and functioning of endosomes at each stage of the maturation process. Perturbations in endosome maturation are implicated in devastating diseases, such as neurodegeneration and cancer, and the endosome maturation processes are manipulated and exploited by intracellular pathogens to meet their own needs. A greater understanding of coordination and fine-tuning of endosome maturation will help us address various pathologies more effectively