796 research outputs found

    Broadcasting Convolutional Network for Visual Relational Reasoning

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    In this paper, we propose the Broadcasting Convolutional Network (BCN) that extracts key object features from the global field of an entire input image and recognizes their relationship with local features. BCN is a simple network module that collects effective spatial features, embeds location information and broadcasts them to the entire feature maps. We further introduce the Multi-Relational Network (multiRN) that improves the existing Relation Network (RN) by utilizing the BCN module. In pixel-based relation reasoning problems, with the help of BCN, multiRN extends the concept of `pairwise relations' in conventional RNs to `multiwise relations' by relating each object with multiple objects at once. This yields in O(n) complexity for n objects, which is a vast computational gain from RNs that take O(n^2). Through experiments, multiRN has achieved a state-of-the-art performance on CLEVR dataset, which proves the usability of BCN on relation reasoning problems.Comment: Accepted paper at ECCV 2018. 24 page

    Decoding Sequence Classification Models for Acquiring New Biological Insights

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    Classifying biological sequences is one of the most important tasks in computational biology. In the last decade, support vector machines (SVMs) in combination with sequence kernels have emerged as a de-facto standard. These methods are theoretically well-founded, reliable, and provide high-accuracy solutions at low computational cost. However, obtaining a highly accurate classifier is rarely the end of the story in many practical situations. Instead, one often aims to acquire biological knowledge about the principles underlying a given classification task. SVMs with traditional sequence kernels do not offer a straightforward way of accessing this knowledge.

In this contribution, we propose a new approach to analyzing biological sequences on the basis of support vector machines with sequence kernels. We first extract explicit pattern weights from a given SVM. When classifying a sequence, we then compute a prediction profile by distributing the weight of each pattern to the sequence positions that match the pattern. The final profile not only allows assessing the importance of a position, but also determining for which class it is indicative. Since it is unfeasible to analyze profiles of all sequences in a given data set, we advocate using affinity propagation (AP) clustering to narrow down the analysis to a small set of typical sequences.

The proposed approach is applicable to a wide range of biological sequences and a wide selection of sequence kernels. To illustrate our framework, we present the prediction of oligomerization tendencies of coiled coil proteins as a case study.

    The Long-Short Story of Movie Description

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    Generating descriptions for videos has many applications including assisting blind people and human-robot interaction. The recent advances in image captioning as well as the release of large-scale movie description datasets such as MPII Movie Description allow to study this task in more depth. Many of the proposed methods for image captioning rely on pre-trained object classifier CNNs and Long-Short Term Memory recurrent networks (LSTMs) for generating descriptions. While image description focuses on objects, we argue that it is important to distinguish verbs, objects, and places in the challenging setting of movie description. In this work we show how to learn robust visual classifiers from the weak annotations of the sentence descriptions. Based on these visual classifiers we learn how to generate a description using an LSTM. We explore different design choices to build and train the LSTM and achieve the best performance to date on the challenging MPII-MD dataset. We compare and analyze our approach and prior work along various dimensions to better understand the key challenges of the movie description task

    ContextVP: Fully Context-Aware Video Prediction

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    Video prediction models based on convolutional networks, recurrent networks, and their combinations often result in blurry predictions. We identify an important contributing factor for imprecise predictions that has not been studied adequately in the literature: blind spots, i.e., lack of access to all relevant past information for accurately predicting the future. To address this issue, we introduce a fully context-aware architecture that captures the entire available past context for each pixel using Parallel Multi-Dimensional LSTM units and aggregates it using blending units. Our model outperforms a strong baseline network of 20 recurrent convolutional layers and yields state-of-the-art performance for next step prediction on three challenging real-world video datasets: Human 3.6M, Caltech Pedestrian, and UCF-101. Moreover, it does so with fewer parameters than several recently proposed models, and does not rely on deep convolutional networks, multi-scale architectures, separation of background and foreground modeling, motion flow learning, or adversarial training. These results highlight that full awareness of past context is of crucial importance for video prediction.Comment: 19 pages. ECCV 2018 oral presentation. Project webpage is at https://wonmin-byeon.github.io/publication/2018-ecc

    Recurrent Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-slice MRI Cardiac Segmentation

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    In cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, fully-automatic segmentation of the heart enables precise structural and functional measurements to be taken, e.g. from short-axis MR images of the left-ventricle. In this work we propose a recurrent fully-convolutional network (RFCN) that learns image representations from the full stack of 2D slices and has the ability to leverage inter-slice spatial dependences through internal memory units. RFCN combines anatomical detection and segmentation into a single architecture that is trained end-to-end thus significantly reducing computational time, simplifying the segmentation pipeline, and potentially enabling real-time applications. We report on an investigation of RFCN using two datasets, including the publicly available MICCAI 2009 Challenge dataset. Comparisons have been carried out between fully convolutional networks and deep restricted Boltzmann machines, including a recurrent version that leverages inter-slice spatial correlation. Our studies suggest that RFCN produces state-of-the-art results and can substantially improve the delineation of contours near the apex of the heart.Comment: MICCAI Workshop RAMBO 201

    Evolutionary multi-stage financial scenario tree generation

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    Multi-stage financial decision optimization under uncertainty depends on a careful numerical approximation of the underlying stochastic process, which describes the future returns of the selected assets or asset categories. Various approaches towards an optimal generation of discrete-time, discrete-state approximations (represented as scenario trees) have been suggested in the literature. In this paper, a new evolutionary algorithm to create scenario trees for multi-stage financial optimization models will be presented. Numerical results and implementation details conclude the paper

    Deep Tree Transductions - A Short Survey

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    The paper surveys recent extensions of the Long-Short Term Memory networks to handle tree structures from the perspective of learning non-trivial forms of isomorph structured transductions. It provides a discussion of modern TreeLSTM models, showing the effect of the bias induced by the direction of tree processing. An empirical analysis is performed on real-world benchmarks, highlighting how there is no single model adequate to effectively approach all transduction problems.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 2019 INNS Big Data and Deep Learning (INNSBDDL 2019). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1809.0909

    Deep Autoencoder for Combined Human Pose Estimation and body Model Upscaling

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    We present a method for simultaneously estimating 3D human pose and body shape from a sparse set of wide-baseline camera views. We train a symmetric convolutional autoencoder with a dual loss that enforces learning of a latent representation that encodes skeletal joint positions, and at the same time learns a deep representation of volumetric body shape. We harness the latter to up-scale input volumetric data by a factor of 4Ă—4 \times, whilst recovering a 3D estimate of joint positions with equal or greater accuracy than the state of the art. Inference runs in real-time (25 fps) and has the potential for passive human behaviour monitoring where there is a requirement for high fidelity estimation of human body shape and pose

    RePAD: Real-time Proactive Anomaly Detection for Time Series

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    During the past decade, many anomaly detection approaches have been introduced in different fields such as network monitoring, fraud detection, and intrusion detection. However, they require understanding of data pattern and often need a long off-line period to build a model or network for the target data. Providing real-time and proactive anomaly detection for streaming time series without human intervention and domain knowledge is highly valuable since it greatly reduces human effort and enables appropriate countermeasures to be undertaken before a disastrous damage, failure, or other harmful event occurs. However, this issue has not been well studied yet. To address it, this paper proposes RePAD, which is a Real-time Proactive Anomaly Detection algorithm for streaming time series based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). RePAD utilizes short-term historic data points to predict and determine whether or not the upcoming data point is a sign that an anomaly is likely to happen in the near future. By dynamically adjusting the detection threshold over time, RePAD is able to tolerate minor pattern change in time series and detect anomalies either proactively or on time. Experiments based on two time series datasets collected from the Numenta Anomaly Benchmark demonstrate that RePAD is able to proactively detect anomalies and provide early warnings in real time without human intervention and domain knowledge.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2020

    Modeling the Temporal Nature of Human Behavior for Demographics Prediction

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    Mobile phone metadata is increasingly used for humanitarian purposes in developing countries as traditional data is scarce. Basic demographic information is however often absent from mobile phone datasets, limiting the operational impact of the datasets. For these reasons, there has been a growing interest in predicting demographic information from mobile phone metadata. Previous work focused on creating increasingly advanced features to be modeled with standard machine learning algorithms. We here instead model the raw mobile phone metadata directly using deep learning, exploiting the temporal nature of the patterns in the data. From high-level assumptions we design a data representation and convolutional network architecture for modeling patterns within a week. We then examine three strategies for aggregating patterns across weeks and show that our method reaches state-of-the-art accuracy on both age and gender prediction using only the temporal modality in mobile metadata. We finally validate our method on low activity users and evaluate the modeling assumptions.Comment: Accepted at ECML 2017. A previous version of this paper was titled 'Using Deep Learning to Predict Demographics from Mobile Phone Metadata' and was accepted at the ICLR 2016 worksho
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