68 research outputs found

    Trajectory and spacecraft design for a pole-sitter mission

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    This paper provides a detailed mission analysis and systems design of a pole-sitter mission. It considers a spacecraft that is continuously above either the North or South Pole and, as such, can provide real-time, continuous and hemispherical coverage of the polar regions. Two different propulsion strategies are proposed, which result in a near-term pole-sitter mission using solar electric propulsion and a far-term pole-sitter mission where the electric thruster is hybridized with a solar sail. For both propulsion strategies, minimum propellant pole-sitter orbits are designed. Optimal transfers from Earth to the pole-sitter are designed assuming Soyuz and Ariane 5 launch options, and a controller is shown to be able to maintain the trajectory under unexpected conditions such as injection errors. A detailed mass budget analysis allows for a trade-off between mission lifetime and payload mass capacity, and candidate payloads for a range of applications are investigated. It results that a payload of about 100 kg can operate for approximately 4 years with the solar-electric spacecraft, while the hybrid propulsion technology enables extending the missions up to 7 years. Transfers between north and south pole-sitter orbits are also considered to observe either pole when illuminated by the Sun

    Micro-to-macro: astrodynamics at extremes of lengths-scale

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    This paper investigates astrodynamics at extremes of length-scale, ranging from swarms of future `smart dust' devices to the capture and utilisation of small near Earth asteroids. At the smallest length-scales families of orbits are found which balance the energy gain from solar radiation pressure with energy dissipation due to air drag. This results in long orbit lifetimes for high area-to-mass ratio `smart dust' devices. High area-to-mass hybrid spacecraft, using both solar sail and electric propulsion, are then considered to enable `pole-sitter' orbits providing a polar-stationary vantage point for Earth observation. These spacecraft are also considered to enable displaced geostationary orbits. Finally, the potential material resource available from captured near Earth asteroids is considered which can underpin future large-scale space engineering ventures. The use of such material for geo-engineering is investigated using a cloud of unprocessed dust in the vicinity of the Earth-Sun L1L_1 point to fractionally reduce solar insolation

    Microvascular reconstructive surgery of the head and neck

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    Interactions between platelet activating factor and eicosanoids during endotoxic shock in anaesthetized pigs

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    The effects of platelet activating factor (PAF) on eicosanoid release during endotoxic shock was investigated in anaesthetized pigs receiving 5 μg kg−1 Escherichia coli endotoxin (LPS) into the superior mesenteric artery over a 60 min period, by measuring plasma levels of a variety of mediators. Fifteen of the 31 animals infused with LPS and not treated with BN 52021, a PAF receptor antagonist, died within 30 min after the commencement of LPS infusion (non-survivors), while the other 16 survived the experimental period of 3 h, though in a state of shock (survivors). No alterations were observed in plasma concentrations of eicosanoids in the non-survivors. A significant, though transient, increase in eicosanoid concentrations occurred only in the survivors. Treatment with BN 52021 (4 mg kg-1, i.v.) injected 5 min prior to LPS infusion, failed to exert any effect on the survival rate. However, pretreatment with BN 52021 prevented circulatory collapse in the survivors and reduced the concentration of cyclooxygenase enzyme products, without affecting LTB4 release. Exogenous administration of PAF (0.01 μg kg−1) caused hypotension and increased TXB2 levels although 6-keto PGF1α and LTB4 concentrations were unchanged. The data suggest that prostanoid formation may be secondary to PAF release in circulatory collapse evoked by LPS infusion in survivors, and give further support to the suggestion that PAF prostanoid interaction is important during endotoxic shock. However, their role in early death seems to be negligible, indicating the importance of other mediators

    Quality of life and functional status in patients with cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx: pretreatment values of a prospective study

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    We assessed the pretreatment health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and functional status of patients with advanced oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Eighty patients were investigated. HRQOL was assessed by EORTC QLQ-C30/QLQ-H&N35 questionnaires. Functional status assessment comprised speech and oral function tests. The results revealed a wide range of HRQOL and functional deficits before treatment. HRQOL appeared to be related to some extent to tumor site (patients with oral tumors reported more pain compared to patients with oropharyngeal tumors) and tumor classification (patients with T3–T4 tumors reported more trouble opening the mouth and felt more ill compared to patients with T2 tumors). Comorbidity appeared to have a major impact. Patients with comorbidity had significantly worse scores on several scales/items on both the EORTC questionnaires. Functional deficits were related to tumor site, classification and comorbidity. Patients with oral cavity tumors (versus oropharyngeal tumors), patients with T3–T4 tumors (versus T2 tumors), and patients with comorbidity (versus without comorbidity) scored significantly worse on several speech and oral function tests. Impaired speech and oral function appeared to be clearly related to global quality of life (QLQ-C30) and self-reported speech (QLQ-H&N35). Many patients with advanced oral and oropharyngeal cancer have compromised HRQOL and functional status before the start of treatment. In addition to tumor site and tumor classification, comorbidity appears to have a major impact on HRQOL and functional status. Knowledge of pretreatment HRQOL and functional status levels is useful for better understanding the impact of treatment on these outcomes over time

    Placer, transformación y tratamiento: uso de las medicinas alternativas para problemas emocionales en la Ciudad de México

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    Se presenta un análisis del uso de las medicinas alternativas para la atención de problemas emocionales. La información se obtuvo de 36 entrevistas de investigación social realizadas en la Ciudad de México, se analizó mediante la categorización de significados, y bajo un modelo propuesto por Bishop et al. (2008). Las prácticas y recursos fueron utilizadas como tratamiento complementario, alternativo o convencional, también como experiencias placenteras y procedimientos de transformación personal. Con los tres primeros tipos de uso se atendieron padecimientos específicos; como "experiencias placenteras", se buscó obtener bienestar psicológico; y con la última modalidad, se obtuvo orientación para intervenir adecuadamente en alguna situación problemática. La categorización de Bishop et al. (2008) resultó útil para integrar prácticas que aún cuando son ampliamente usadas y cuentan con legitimidad social, se ignoran en el campo de la salud. Con estas prácticas se pretende ampliar el repertorio de recursos de cuidado y satisfacer necesidades que los servicios formales no cubren

    Communication, advice exchange and job satisfaction of nursing staff: a social network analyses of 35 long-term care units

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    Background: The behaviour of individuals is affected by the social networks in which they are embedded. Networks are also important for the diffusion of information and the influence of employees in organisations. Yet, at the moment little is known about the social networks of nursing staff in healthcare settings. This is the first study that investigates informal communication and advice networks of nursing staff in long-term care. We examine the structure of the networks, how they are related to the size of units and characteristics of nursing staff, and their relationship with job satisfaction. Methods: We collected social network data of 380 nursing staff of 35 units in group projects and psychogeriatric units in nursing homes and residential homes in the Netherlands. Communication and advice networks were analyzed in a social network application (UCINET), focusing on the number of contacts (density) between nursing staff on the units. We then studied the correlation between the density of networks, size of the units and characteristics of nursing staff. We used multilevel analyses to investigate the relationship between social networks and job satisfaction of nursing staff, taking characteristics of units and nursing staff into account. Results: Both communication and advice networks were negatively related to the number of residents and the number of nursing staff of the units. Communication and advice networks were more dense when more staff worked part-time. Furthermore, density of communication networks was positively related to the age of nursing staff of the units. Multilevel analyses showed that job satisfaction differed significantly between individual staff members and units and was influenced by the number of nursing staff of the units. However, this relationship disappeared when density of communication networks was added to the model. Conclusions: Overall, communication and advice networks of nursing staff in long-term care are relatively dense. This fits with the high level of cooperation that is needed to provide good care to residents. Social networks are more dense in small units and are also shaped by characteristics of staff members. The results furthermore show that communication networks are important for staff's job satisfaction. (aut. ref.

    The impact of gender and parenthood on physicians' careers - professional and personal situation seven years after graduation

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    BACKGROUND: The profile of the medical profession is changing in regard to feminization, attitudes towards the profession, and the lifestyle aspirations of young physicians. The issues addressed in this study are the careers of female and male physicians seven years after graduation and the impact of parenthood on career development. METHODS: Data reported originates from the fifth assessment (T5) of the prospective SwissMedCareer Study, beginning in 2001 (T1). At T5 in 2009, 579 residents (81.4% of the initial sample at T1) participated in the questionnaire survey. They were asked about occupational factors, career-related factors including specialty choice and workplace, work-life balance and life satisfaction. The impact of gender and parenthood on the continuous variables was investigated by means of multivariate and univariate analyses of variance; categorical variables were analyzed using Chi-square tests. RESULTS: Female physicians, especially those with children, have lower rates of employment and show lower values in terms of career success and career support experiences than male physicians. In addition, parenthood has a negative impact on these career factors. In terms of work-life balance aspired to, female doctors are less career-oriented and are more inclined to consider part-time work or to continue their professional career following a break to bring up a family. Parenthood means less career-orientation and more part-time orientation. As regards life satisfaction, females show higher levels of satisfaction overall, especially where friends, leisure activities, and income are concerned. Compared to their male colleagues, female physicians are less advanced in their specialty qualification, are less prone to choosing prestigious surgical fields, have a mentor less often, more often work at small hospitals or in private practice, aspire less often to senior hospital or academic positions and consider part-time work more often. Any negative impact on career path and advancement is exacerbated by parenthood, especially as far as women are concerned. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study reflect socially-rooted gender role stereotypes. Taking into account the feminization of medicine, special attention needs to be paid to female physicians, especially those with children. At an early stage of their career, they should be advised to be more proactive in seeking mentoring and career-planning opportunities. If gender equity in terms of career chances is to be achieved, special career-support measures will have to be provided, such as mentoring programs, role models, flexitime and flexible career structures

    Diagnoses and visit length in complementary and mainstream medicine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The demand for complementary medicine (CM) is growing worldwide and so is the supply. So far, there is not much insight in the activities in Dutch CM practices nor in how these activities differ from mainstream general practice. Comparisons on diagnoses and visit length can offer an impression of how Dutch CM practices operate.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three groups of regularly trained physicians specialized in CM participated in this study: 16 homeopathic physicians, 13 physician acupuncturists and 11 naturopathy physicians. Every CM physician was asked to include a maximum of 75 new patients within a period of six months. For each patient an inclusion registration form had to be completed and the activities during a maximum of five repeat visits were subsequently registered. Registrations included patient characteristics, diagnoses and visit length. These data could be compared with similar data from general practitioners (GPs) participating in the second Dutch national study in general practice (DNSGP-2). Differences between CM practices and between CM and mainstream GP data were tested using multilevel regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The CM physicians registered activities in a total of 5919 visits in 1839 patients. In all types of CM practices general problems (as coded in the ICPC) were diagnosed more often than in mainstream general practice, especially fatigue, allergic reactions and infections. Psychological problems and problems with the nervous system were also diagnosed more frequently. In addition, each type of CM physician encountered specific health problems: in acupuncture problems with the musculoskeletal system prevailed, in homeopathy skin problems and in naturopathy gastrointestinal problems. Comparisons in visit length revealed that CM physicians spent at least twice as much time with patients compared to mainstream GPs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CM physicians differed from mainstream GPs in diagnoses, partly related to general and partly to specific diagnoses. Between CM practices differences were found on specific domains of complaints. Visit length was much longer in CM practices compared to mainstream GP visits, and such ample time may be one of the attractive features of CM for patients.</p