120 research outputs found

    Crossing of two Coulomb-Blockade Resonances

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    We investigate theoretically the transport of non--interacting electrons through an Aharanov--Bohm (AB) interferometer with two quantum dots (QD) embedded into its arms. In the Coulomb-blockade regime, transport through each QD proceeds via a single resonance. The resonances are coupled through the arms of the AB device but may also be coupled directly. In the framework of the Landauer--Buttiker approach, we present expressions for the scattering matrix which depend explicitly on the energies of the two resonances and on the AB phase. We pay particular attention to the crossing of the two resonances.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Photocount statistics of chaotic lasers

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    We derive the photocount statistics of the radiation emitted from a chaotic laser resonator in the regime of single-mode lasing. Random spatial variations of the resonator eigenfunctions lead to strong mode-to-mode fluctuations of the laser emission. The distribution of the mean photocount over an ensemble of modes changes qualitatively at the lasing transition, and displays up to three peaks above the lasing threshold

    Interference Effects on Kondo-Assisted Transport through Double Quantum Dots

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    We systematically investigate electron transport through double quantum dots with particular emphasis on interference induced via multiple paths of electron propagation. By means of the slave-boson mean-field approximation, we calculate the conductance, the local density of states, the transmission probability in the Kondo regime at zero temperature. It is clarified how the Kondo-assisted transport changes its properties when the system is continuously changed among the serial, parallel and T-shaped double dots. The obtained results for the conductance are explained in terms of the Kondo resonances influenced by interference effects. We also discuss the impacts due to the spin-polarization of ferromagnetic leads.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures ; minor corrections and references adde

    Friedel phases and phases of transmission amplitudes in quantum scattering systems

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    We illustrate the relation between the scattering phase appearing in the Friedel sum rule and the phase of the transmission amplitude for quantum scatterers connected to two one-dimensional leads. Transmission zero points cause abrupt phase changes ±π\pm\pi of the phase of the transmission amplitude. In contrast the Friedel phase is a continuous function of energy. We investigate these scattering phases for simple scattering problems and illustrate the behavior of these models by following the path of the transmission amplitude in the complex plane as a function of energy. We verify the Friedel sum rule for these models by direct calculation of the scattering phases and by direct calculation of the density of states.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Scattering phases in quantum dots: an analysis based on lattice models

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    The properties of scattering phases in quantum dots are analyzed with the help of lattice models. We first derive the expressions relating the different scattering phases and the dot Green functions. We analyze in detail the Friedel sum rule and discuss the deviation of the phase of the transmission amplitude from the Friedel phase at the zeroes of the transmission. The occurrence of such zeroes is related to the parity of the isolated dot levels. A statistical analysis of the isolated dot wave-functions reveals the absence of significant correlations in the parity for large disorder and the appearance, for weak disorder, of certain dot states which are strongly coupled to the leads. It is shown that large differences in the coupling to the leads give rise to an anomalous charging of the dot levels. A mechanism for the phase lapse observed experimentally based on this property is discussed and illustrated with model calculations.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. to appear in Physical Review

    A Mesoscopic Quantum Eraser

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    Motivated by a recent experiment by Buks et al. [Nature 391, 871 (1998)] we consider electron transport through an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer with a quantum dot in one of its arms. The quantum dot is coupled to a quantum system with a finite number of states acting as a which-path detector. The Aharonov-Bohm interference is calculated using a two-particle scattering approach for the joint transitions in detector and quantum dot. Tracing over the detector yields dephasing and a reduction of the interference amplitude. We show that the interference can be restored by a suitable measurement on the detector and propose a mesoscopic quantum eraser based on this principle.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Europhys. Lett., uses EuroPhys.sty and EuroMacro.tex (included

    Classical orbit bifurcation and quantum interference in mesoscopic magnetoconductance

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    We study the magnetoconductance of electrons through a mesoscopic channel with antidots. Through quantum interference effects, the conductance maxima as functions of the magnetic field strength and the antidot radius (regulated by the applied gate voltage) exhibit characteristic dislocations that have been observed experimentally. Using the semiclassical periodic orbit theory, we relate these dislocations directly to bifurcations of the leading classes of periodic orbits.Comment: 4 pages, including 5 figures. Revised version with clarified discussion and minor editorial change

    Field quantization for chaotic resonators with overlapping modes

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    Feshbach's projector technique is employed to quantize the electromagnetic field in optical resonators with an arbitray number of escape channels. We find spectrally overlapping resonator modes coupled due to the damping and noise inflicted by the external radiation field. For wave chaotic resonators the mode dynamics is determined by a non--Hermitean random matrix. Upon including an amplifying medium, our dynamics of open-resonator modes may serve as a starting point for a quantum theory of random lasing.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum statistics of overlapping modes in open resonators

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    We study the quantum dynamics of optical fields in weakly confining resonators with overlapping modes. Employing a recently developed quantization scheme involving a discrete set of resonator modes and continua of external modes we derive Langevin equations and a master equation for the resonator modes. Langevin dynamics and the master equation are proved to be equivalent in the Markovian limit. Our open-resonator dynamics may be used as a starting point for a quantum theory of random lasers.Comment: 6 pages, corrected typo

    Dephasing and Measurement Efficiency via a Quantum Dot Detector

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    We study charge detection and controlled dephasing of a mesoscopic system via a quantum dot detector (QDD), where the mesoscopic system and the QDD are capacitively coupled. The QDD is considered to have coherent resonant tunnelling via a single level. It is found that the dephasing rate is proportional to the square of the conductance of the QDD for the Breit-Wigner model, showing that the dephasing is completely different from the shot noise of the detector. The measurement rate, on the other hand, shows a dip near the resonance. Our findings are peculiar especially for a symmetric detector in the following aspect: The dephasing rate is maximum at resonance of the QDD where the detector conductance is insensitive to the charge state of the mesoscopic system. As a result, the efficiency of the detector shows a dip and vanishes at resonance, in contrast to the single-channel symmetric non-resonant detector that has always a maximum efficiency. We find that this difference originates from a very general property of the scattering matrix: The abrupt phase change exists in the scattering amplitudes in the presence of the symmetry, which is insensitive to the detector current but {\em stores} the information of the quantum state of the mesoscopic system.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure