29 research outputs found

    Patients' satisfaction with community treatment: a pilot cross-sectional survey adopting multiple perspectives.

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    ACCESSIBLE SUMMARY: Patients' satisfaction is scarcely studied within the context of community treatment for adolescents. Thus, this study adopts a multiple perspective on patients' satisfaction (including service users as well as staff members). The results highlighted that all informants (patients, foster carers in foster homes and professional caregivers from community treatment teams) perceived the patients to be satisfied, with foster carers reporting the highest patient satisfaction rate. Considering the patient satisfaction rate from multiple perspectives provides complementary understandings. Clinical outcomes and, specifically, a reduction in emotional difficulties were related to patient's satisfaction, but only from the patients' perspective. ABSTRACT: Community treatment (CT) teams in Switzerland provide care to patients who are unable to use regular child and adolescent mental health services (i.e. inpatient and outpatients facilities). No study has considered patients' self-rated satisfaction alongside with staff members' perspectives on patient satisfaction. Thus, adopting a cross-sectional survey design, we collected patients' satisfaction using the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ-8), rated by multiple informants (patients, foster carers in foster homes and professional caregivers from CT teams). Professional caregivers assessed clinical outcomes using the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents. The results indicated that all informants were satisfied with the community treatment teams. The satisfaction scores were not correlated across informants; however, the alleviation of emotional symptoms was correlated with patients' satisfaction. This study indicated that the use of a combined approach including the views of service users and professionals gives important complementary information. Finally, in our sample, lower emotional symptoms were linked to enhanced patient satisfaction. This study demonstrated the importance of considering multiple perspectives to obtain the most accurate picture of patients' satisfaction. Second, focusing on the reduction of emotional symptoms might lead to a higher degree of patients' satisfaction

    EEG Biofeedback as a Treatment for Substance Use Disorders: Review, Rating of Efficacy, and Recommendations for Further Research

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    Electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback has been employed in substance use disorder (SUD) over the last three decades. The SUD is a complex series of disorders with frequent comorbidities and EEG abnormalities of several types. EEG biofeedback has been employed in conjunction with other therapies and may be useful in enhancing certain outcomes of therapy. Based on published clinical studies and employing efficacy criteria adapted by the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research, alpha theta training—either alone for alcoholism or in combination with beta training for stimulant and mixed substance abuse and combined with residential treatment programs, is probably efficacious. Considerations of further research design taking these factors into account are discussed and descriptions of contemporary research are given

    Using EUREC<sup>4</sup>A/ATOMIC field campaign data to improve trade wind regimes in the Community Atmosphere Model

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    Improving the prediction of clouds in shallow-cumulus regimes via turbulence parameterization in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) will likely increase the global skill of global climate models (GCMs) because this cloud regime is common over tropical oceans where low-cloud fraction has a large impact on Earth's radiative budget. This study attempts to improve the prediction of PBL structure in tropical trade wind regimes in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) by updating its formulation of momentum flux in CLUBB (Cloud Layers Unified by Binormals), which currently does not by default allow for upgradient momentum fluxes. Hindcast CAM output from custom CLUBB configurations which permit countergradient momentum fluxes are compared to in situ observations from weather balloons collected during the ElUcidating the RolE of Cloud–Circulation Coupling in ClimAte and Atlantic Tradewind Ocean–Atmosphere Mesoscale Interaction Campaign (EUREC4A/ATOMIC) field campaign in the tropical Atlantic in early 2020. Comparing a version with CAM–CLUBB with a prognostic treatment of momentum fluxes results in vertical profiles that better match large-eddy simulation results. Countergradient fluxes are frequently simulated between 950 and 850 hPa over the EUREC4A/ATOMIC period in CAM–CLUBB. Further modification to the planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterization by implementing a more generalized calculation of the turbulent length scale reduces model bias and root mean squared error (RMSE) relative to sounding data when coupled with the prognostic momentum configuration. Benefits are also seen in the diurnal cycle, although more systematic model errors persist. A cursory budget analysis suggests the buoyant production of momentum fluxes, both above and below the jet maximum, significantly contributes to the frequency and depth of countergradient vertical momentum fluxes in the study region. This paper provides evidence that higher-order turbulence parameterizations may offer pathways for improving the simulation of trade wind regimes in global models, particularly when evaluated in a process study framework.</p

    Six-month outcomes among socially marginalized alcohol and drug users attending a drop-in center allowing alcohol consumption.

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    Despite their experience of substance-related harm, few socially marginalized alcohol and other drug (AOD) users access substance use treatment. Thus, identifying alternative approaches for this population is important. This program evaluation documented substance use and health-related quality of life (QoL) following exposure to such an alternative approach: a harm-reduction drop-in center allowing alcohol consumption onsite. Participants (N=85) were socially marginalized AOD users (e.g., alcohol, heroin) attending a harm-reduction drop-in center in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Time and drop-in center attendance were predictors of substance-use outcomes and mental and physical health-related QoL, which were measured at baseline, 1- and 6-month follow-ups. Findings indicated that, for each month of the evaluation, participants' alcohol use and related problems decreased by 5% and 7%, respectively. Drop-in center attendance predicted additional decreases in drug-related problem severity and improvements in mental health-related QoL. Participants' alcohol use and related problems decreased over time. Additionally, participants evinced improved mental health-related QoL and decreased drug-related problem severity with greater drop-in center attendance. Harm-reduction drop-in centers allowing alcohol consumption onsite are promising interventions for socially marginalized AOD users