457 research outputs found

    HDAC4 in cancer: A multitasking platform to drive not only epigenetic modifications

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    Controlling access to genomic information and maintaining its stability are key aspects of cell life. Histone acetylation is a reversible epigenetic modification that allows access to DNA and the assembly of protein complexes that regulate mainly transcription but also other activities. Enzymes known as histone deacetylases (HDACs) are involved in the removal of the acetyl-group or in some cases of small hydrophobic moieties from histones but also from the non-histone substrate. The main achievement of HDACs on histones is to repress transcription and promote the formation of more compact chromatin. There are 18 different HDACs encoded in the human genome. Here we will discuss HDAC4, a member of the class IIa family, and its possible contribution to cancer development

    MPIFA: A Modified Protocol Independent Fairness Algorithm for Community Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Community Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) is a paradigm in wireless communication of 21st centuary as means of providing high speed braodband access. Un-cooperative nodes, both selfish and malicious proves to be a significant threat in Community WMN that require a solution independent of routing protocols being used. We propose to implement Modified PIFA (MPIFA), an Improved version of Protocol Independent Fairness Algorithm (PIFA) proposed by Younghwan Yoo, Sanghyun and P. Agrawal [6] with ability to cater specific requirements in Community WMN. MPIFA has malicious nodes detection rate improvement of 50% when nodes demonstrate low probabilistic malicious behavior of 10% to circumvent the security measures in place. Improvements were also made to reduce false malicious node detections to 4% when node-to-node link failures occur in Community WMN.Comment: Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems and Industrial Applications(CITISIA) 200

    Attacks on improved key distribution protocols with perfect reparability

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    In this paper, we present attacks on two improved key distribution protocol with perfect reparability that were presented at ICON 2000. First, we show that the two ldquoattacksrdquo described in their paper are trivial and do not count as attacks at all since they are well-known attacks that apply to any security system. Further, we describe several attacks on both improved protocols, and show that an illegitimate attacker could easily impersonate legitimate parties and have other parties think they are sharing keys with the impersonated party when in fact that party is not present at all

    The effect of using mixed initiator systems on the efficiency of photopolymerization of dental resins

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    A study was performed in order to determine the efficiency of the simultaneous use of the photoinitiators phenylpropanedione (PPD) and camphorquinone (CQ) in the polymerization of acrylic polymers and evaluate possible mechanisms leading to synergism or antagonism. It was found that efficiencies of both initiators taken individually are higher than that of their mixture, indicating that when both dyes are used simultaneously there will be an energy transfer from the more efficient initiator (CQ) to the less efficient one (PPD). Also, there was no proof of any reaction between the amine present in the CQ formulation and the PPD excited state.Foi realizado um estudo para determinar a eficiência da utilização simultânea dos fotoiniciadores fenilpropanodiona (PPD) e canforquinona (CQ) para a polimerização de polímeros acrílicos e avaliar possíveis mecanismos que levem à sinergia ou antagonismo. Foi encontrado que as eficiências de ambos iniciadores usados individualmente são maiores que a da mistura, indicando que quando os iniciadores são usados simultaneamente há uma transferência de energia do iniciador mais eficiente (CQ) para o menos eficiente (PPD). Também, não foi encontrada nenhuma evidência de reação entre a amina presente na formulação da CQ e o PPD no estado excitado.FAPESPCNP

    (In)security of efficient tree-based group key agreement using bilinear map

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    A group key agreement protocol enables three or more parties to agree on a secret group key to allow for communication of secret messages between them. In this paper, we consider the security of an efficiency-improved version of the tree-based group key agreement protocol using bilinear maps proposed by Lee et al., and claimed to reduce computational costs while preserving security. To be precise, we show several attacks on this protocol and discuss how they could have been avoided

    Analysis of two pairing-based three-party password authenticated key exchange protocols

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    Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocols allow parties to share secret keys in an authentic manner based on an easily memorizable password. Recently, Nam et al. showed that a provably secure three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol using Weil pairing by Wen et al. is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack. In doing so, Nam et al. showed the flaws in the proof of Wen et al. and described how to fix the problem so that their attack no longer works. In this paper, we show that both Wen et al. and Nam et al. variants fall to key compromise impersonation by any adversary. Our results underline the fact that although the provable security approach is necessary to designing PAKEs, gaps still exist between what can be proven and what are really secure in practice

    (In)Security of an Efficient Fingerprinting Scheme with Symmetric and Commutative Encryption of IWDW 2005

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    We analyze the security of a fingerprinting scheme proposed at IWDW 2005. We show two results, namely that this scheme (1) does riot provide seller security: a dishonest buyer can repudiate the fact that, he redistributed a content, and (2) does riot, provide buyer security: a buyer can be framed by a malicious seller

    Analysis of a buyer-seller watermarking protocol for trustworthy purchasing of digital contents

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    In ubiquitous environments where human users get to access diverse kinds of (often multimedia enabled) services irrespective of where they are, the issue of security is a major concern. Security in this setting encompasses both in the interest of the human users as well as their information and objects that they own. A typical kind of transaction interaction among users and/or machines in these environments is that of exchanging digital objects via purchases and/or ownership transfers, e.g. someone buying a song from iTunes via his iPhone, or downloading either bought or rented movies onto a portable DVD player. Here, there is a need to provide trustworthy protection of the rights of both parties; i.e. the seller’s copyright needs to be protected against piracy, while on the other hand it has been highlighted in literature the need to protect innocent buyers from being framed. Indeed, if either party cannot be assured that his rights are protected when he is involved in transactions within such environments, he would shy away and instead prefer for instance the more conventional non-digital means of buying and selling. And therefore without active participation from human users and object owners it is difficult to fully kick off the actual realization of intelligent environments. Zhang et al. recently proposed a buyer–seller watermarking protocol without a trusted third party based on secret sharing. While it is a nice idea to eliminate the need of a trusted third party by distributing secret shares between the buyer and the seller such that neither party has knowledge of the fingerprint embedded in a content, we show that it is possible for a buyer to remove his part of the fingerprint from the content he bought. This directly disproves the piracy tracing property claimed by the protocol. In fact, since piracy tracing is one of the earliest security applications of watermarking schemes, it raises doubts as to the soundness of the design of this protocol

    (In)Security of Efficient Tree-Based Group Key Agreement Using Bilinear Map

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    A group key agreement protocol enables three or more parties to agree on a secret group key to allow for communication of secret messages between them. In this paper, we consider the security of an efficiency-improved version of the tree-based group key agreement protocol using bilinear maps proposed by Lee et al., and claimed to reduce computational costs while preserving security. To be precise, we show several attacks on this protocol and discuss how they could have been avoided

    Invasive tests in pregnancy

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