373 research outputs found

    Emergence of Complex Spatio-Temporal Behavior in Nonlinear Field Theories

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    We investigate the emergence of time-dependent nonperturbative configurations during the evolution of nonlinear scalar field models with symmetric and asymmetric double-well potentials. Complex spatio-temporal behavior emerges as the system seeks to establish equipartition after a fast quench. We show that fast quenches may dramatically modify the decay rate of metastable states in first order phase transitions. We briefly suggest possible applications incondensed matter systems and early universe cosmology.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Resonant emergence of global and local spatiotemporal order in a nonlinear field model

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    We investigate the nonequilibrium evolution of a scalar field in (2+1) dimensions. The field is set in a double-well potential in contact (open) or not (closed) with a heat bath. For closed systems, we observe the synchronized emergence of coherent spatiotemporal configurations, identified with oscillons. This initial global ordering degenerates into localized order until all oscillons disappear. We show that the synchronization is driven by resonant parametric oscillations of the field's zero mode and that local ordering is only possible outside equipartition. None of these orderings occur for open systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX, minor corrections to eqs. 1,3,

    Nonequilibrium Precursor Model for the Onset of Percolation in a Two-Phase System

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    Using a Boltzmann equation, we investigate the nonequilibrium dynamics of nonperturbative fluctuations within the context of Ginzburg-Landau models. As an illustration, we examine how a two-phase system initially prepared in a homogeneous, low-temperature phase becomes populated by precursors of the opposite phase as the temperature is increased. We compute the critical value of the order parameter for the onset of percolation, which signals the breakdown of the conventional dilute gas approximation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures (uses epsf), Revtex. Replaced with version in press Physical Review

    Second order perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole: inclusion of odd parity perturbations

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    We consider perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole that can be of both even and odd parity, keeping terms up to second order in perturbation theory, for the =2\ell=2 axisymmetric case. We develop explicit formulae for the evolution equations and radiated energies and waveforms using the Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli approach. This formulation is useful, for instance, for the treatment in the ``close limit approximation'' of the collision of counterrotating black holes.Comment: 12 pages RevTe

    The collision of boosted black holes: second order close limit calculations

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    We study the head-on collision of black holes starting from unsymmetrized, Brill--Lindquist type data for black holes with non-vanishing initial linear momentum. Evolution of the initial data is carried out with the ``close limit approximation,'' in which small initial separation and momentum are assumed, and second-order perturbation theory is used. We find agreement that is remarkably good, and that in some ways improves with increasing momentum. This work extends a previous study in which second order perturbation calculations were used for momentarily stationary initial data, and another study in which linearized perturbation theory was used for initially moving holes. In addition to supplying answers about the collisions, the present work has revealed several subtle points about the use of higher order perturbation theory, points that did not arise in the previous studies. These points include issues of normalization, and of comparison with numerical simulations, and will be important to subsequent applications of approximation methods for collisions.Comment: 20 pages, RevTeX, 6 figures included with psfi

    Information-Entropic Measure of Energy-Degenerate Kinks in Two-Field Models

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    We investigate the existence and properties of kink-like solitons in a class of models with two interacting scalar fields. In particular, we focus on models that display both double and single-kink solutions, treatable analytically using the Bogomol'nyi--Prasad--Sommerfield bound (BPS). Such models are of interest in applications that include Skyrmions and various superstring-motivated theories. Exploring a region of parameter space where the energy for very different spatially-bound configurations is degenerate, we show that a newly-proposed momentum-space entropic measure called Configurational Entropy (CE) can distinguish between such energy-degenerate spatial profiles. This information-theoretic measure of spatial complexity provides a complementary perspective to situations where strictly energy-based arguments are inconclusive

    Resonant nucleation of spatio-temporal order via parametric modal amplification

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    We investigate, analytically and numerically, the emergence of spatio-temporal order in nonequilibrium scalar field theories. The onset of order is triggered by destabilizing interactions (DIs), which instantaneously change the interacting potential from a single to a double-well, tunable to be either degenerate (SDW) or nondegenerate (ADW). For the SDW case, we observe the emergence of spatio-temporal coherent structures known as oscillons. We show that this emergence is initially synchronized, the result of parametric amplification of the relevant oscillon modes. We also discuss how these ordered structures act as bottlenecks for equipartition. For ADW potentials, we show how the same parametric amplification mechanism may trigger the rapid decay of a metastable state. For a range of temperatures, the decay rates associated with this resonant nucleation can be orders of magnitude larger than those computed by homogeneous nucleation, with time-scales given by a simple power law, τRN[Eb/kBT]B\tau_{\rm RN}\sim[E_b/k_BT]^B, where BB depends weakly on the temperature and Eb/kBTE_b/k_BT is the free-energy barrier of a critical fluctuation.Comment: 38 pages, 20 figures now included within the tex

    The collision of two slowly rotating, initially non boosted, black holes in the close limit

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    We study the collision of two slowly rotating, initially non boosted, black holes in the close limit. A ``punctures'' modification of the Bowen - York method is used to construct conformally flat initial data appropriate to the problem. We keep only the lowest nontrivial orders capable of giving rise to radiation of both gravitational energy and angular momentum. We show that even with these simplifications an extension to higher orders of the linear Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli black hole perturbation theory, is required to deal with the evolution equations of the leading contributing multipoles. This extension is derived, together with appropriate extensions of the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli equations. The data is numerically evolved using these equations, to obtain the asymptotic gravitational wave forms and amplitudes. Expressions for the radiated gravitational energy and angular momentum are derived and used together with the results of the numerical evolution to provide quantitative expressions for the relative contribution of different terms, and their significance is analyzed.Comment: revtex, 18 pages, 2 figures. Misprints corrected. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamics of Weak First Order Phase Transitions

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    The dynamics of weak vs. strong first order phase transitions is investigated numerically for 2+1 dimensional scalar field models. It is argued that the change from a weak to a strong transition is itself a (second order) phase transition, with the order parameter being the equilibrium fractional population difference between the two phases at the critical temperature, and the control parameter being the coefficient of the cubic coupling in the free-energy density. The critical point is identified, and a power law controlling the relaxation dynamics at this point is obtained. Possible applications are briefly discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures in uuencoded compressed file (see instructions in main text), RevTeX, DART-HEP-94/0

    A gravitational memory effect in "boosted" black hole perturbation theory

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    Black hole perturbation theory, or more generally, perturbation theory on a Schwarzschild bockground, has been applied in several contexts, but usually under the simplifying assumption that the ADM momentum vanishes, namely, that the evolution is carried out and observed in the ``center of momentum frame''. In this paper we consider some consequences of the inclusion of a non vanishing ADM momentum in the initial data. We first provide a justification for the validity of the transformation of the initial data to the ``center of momentum frame'', and then analyze the effect of this transformation on the gravitational wave amplitude. The most significant result is the possibility of a type of gravitational memory effect that appears to have no simple relation with the well known Christodoulou effect.Comment: REVTexIV, 15 pages, 2 EPS figure