12,172 research outputs found

    Prévisibilité et prédictibilité des collocations: aspects théoriques et implications pragmatiques

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    The starting point of our article is to consider collocation, as Firth insists, as a phenomenon of co-occurrence that is essentially the linguistic competence of native speakers. Any speaker should have a high level of proficiency in his / her own language. Its purpose is, in an act of verbal communication, to succeed in understanding and producing at the same time. Knowledge and use of words, collocations, phrases and other language elements serve to guarantee the success of any communication. With a view to learning 197 CILPR 2013 - SECTION 5  Language, the situation is different. The skills of a non-native speaker in the foreign language will be lower than those of a native speaker. On the front of the collocation phenomenon, the non-native speaker would need to distinguish between collocations easily recognizable for the decoding process and those easily reusable in the encoding process. This distinction should take place both in terms of expression and content, since the two elements in a collocational phenomenon may not coincide (especially with a view to a contrastive analysis of languages). The metacognitive process, developed by a learner of a foreign language, must be based on two other important processes that precede it: an observation process and a cognition process. All three stages allow us to formulate a declaration of collocational competence, understood as "a sufficiently significant and meaningful number of mental lexicon" (Lewis, 2000, 177), allowing the language to be appropriately used Share of any speaker. Starting from a notion of restricted lexical collocation proposed by Hausmann (1989) and taking into account the studies of Heid (1994); Mel'čuk (2003); Tutin and Grossmann (2003); Corpas Pastor (2001); Siller-Runggaldier (2006); And Konecny ​​(2010), we propose a collocation division model based on the criterion of predictability and predictability and their different degrees on the basis of the semantic transparency or opacity of the elements. Our analysis will focus only on an example of collocation of the type name + adjective in French and Italian.Le point de départ de notre article est celui de considérer la collocation, à l’ins- tar de Firth, comme un phénomène de cooccurrence relevant essentiellement de la compétence linguistique des locuteurs natifs. Or, tout locuteur devrait posséder une compétence élevée de sa propre langue. Son but est, dans un acte de communica- tion verbale, de réussir à comprendre et à produire en même temps. La connaissance et l’utilisation de mots, de collocations, de locutions et d’autres éléments langagiers servent à garantir le succès de toute communication. En vue de l’apprentissage d’une 197 CILPR 2013 - SECTION 5 langue, la situation se présente différemment. Les compétences d’un locuteur non natif, dans la langue étrangère, seront d’un niveau inférieur à celles d’un locuteur natif. Sur le front du phénomène collocationnel, le locuteur non natif aurait besoin d’opérer une distinction entre les collocations facilement reconnaissables pour le processus de décodage et celles aisément réutilisables dans le processus d’encodage. Cette distinc- tion devrait s’opérer tant sur le plan de l’expression que sur le plan du contenu, car les deux éléments, dans un phénomène collocationnel, peuvent ne pas coïncider (surtout en vue d’une analyse contrastive des langues). Le processus métacognitif, développé par un apprenant d’une langue étrangère, doit se baser sur deux autres processus importants qui le précèdent : un processus d’observation et un processus de cognition. L’ensemble des trois étapes nous permet de formuler une dé nition de compétence collocationnelle entendue comme « un nombre suf samment important et signi catif de lexique phrastique mental » Lewis (2000, 177) en permettant d’utiliser la langue de façon appropriée de la part de tout locuteur. En partant d’une notion de collocation lexicale restreinte proposée par Hausmann (1989) et en tenant compte des études de Heid (1994) ; Mel’čuk (2003) ; Tutin et Gross- mann (2003) ; Corpas Pastor (2001) ; Siller-Runggaldier (2006) ; et Konecny (2010), nous proposons un modèle de division des collocations basé sur le critère de prévisi- bilité et de prédictibilité et de leurs différents degrés sur la base de la transparence ou de l’opacité sémantique des éléments. Notre analyse se concentrera seulement sur un exemple de collocation du type nom + adjectif en langue française et italienne

    Robust strategies for lossy quantum interferometry

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    We give a simple multiround strategy that permits to beat the shot noise limit when performing interferometric measurements even in the presence of loss. In terms of the average photon number employed, our procedure can achieve twice the sensitivity of conventional interferometric ones in the noiseless case. In addition, it is more precise than the (recently proposed) optimal two-mode strategy even in the presence of loss.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Synergistic effects of zinc borate and aluminiumtrihydroxide on flammability behaviour of aerospaceepoxy system

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    The flame retardancy of mono-component epoxy resin (RTM6), widely used for aerospace composites, treated with zinc borate (ZB), aluminium trihydroxide (ATH) and their mixtures at different concentrations have been investigated by morphological and thermal characterization. Cone calorimeter data reveal that combustion behaviour, heat release rate peak (PHRR) and heat release rate average (HRR Average) of RTM6 resin decrease substantially when synergistic effects of zinc borate and aluminium trihydroxide intervene. Thermogravimetric (TGA) results and analysis of the residue show that addition higher than 20% w/w of ZB, ATH, and their mixture greatly promotes RTM6 char formation acting as a barrier layer for the fire development. Depending upon the different used flame additives, SEM micrographs indicate that the morphology of residual char could vary from a compact amalgam-like structure, for the RTM6+ZB system, to a granular structure, characterized by very small particles of degraded resin and additive for the AT

    Modern circular economy: Corporate strategy, supply chain, and industrial symbiosis

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    This paper analyses the firms\u2019 chances to consider circular economy as a part of the corporate strategy. The analysis of four Italian firms engaged in circular economy programs allows us to detect its connections with the corporate strategy, the real activities involved, the supply chain network ensuring circularity, the industrial symbiosis, as well as the links with performance. Our findings highlight that circular economy is a true business lever when the corporate strategy complements and supports its development. This allows firms to achieve high level targets that go beyond the traditional targets of social, environmental, and economic performance, and include circular supply chain, eco-innovations, and industrial symbiosis

    Relationship between blood remifentanil concentration and stress hormone levels during pneumoperitoneum in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    The effect of remifentanil on stress response to surgery is unclear. However, there are not clinical studies investigating the relationship between blood remifentanil concentrations and stress hormones. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the association between blood remifentanil concentrations measured after pneumoperitoneum and cortisol (CORT) or prolactin (PRL) ratio (intraoperative/preoperative value), in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectom

    Idiopathic benign paroxysmal vertigo in children, a migraine precursor.

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    OBJECTIVES: We describe the case of a young girl in whom transient deafness occurred when her core body temperature rose. METHODS: The patient was referred for a series of audiological and neurologic evaluations performed over time in both afebrile and febrile states, as well as after a stress test (with a treadmill) in which the body temperature rise simulated the febrile state. RESULTS: The patient was found to have a temporary bilateral hearing loss, but had normal distortion product otoacoustic emissions. Moreover, auditory brain stem responses revealed the absence of neural synchrony when her core body temperature increased. CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with a temperature-dependent auditory neuropathy, a rare condition in which patients show normal outer hair cell function and abnormal neural function of the eighth cranial nerve. The symptom is reminiscent of Uhthoff's phenomenon, which is described as transient visual loss and is usually observed in multiple sclerosis. This case of temperature-dependent auditory neuropathy is noteworthy because it sheds light on a disorder of which there have been few reports in the literature. We discuss its similarity to Uhthoff's phenomenon

    Groups with many abelian subgroups

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    AbstractIt is known that a (generalized) soluble group whose proper subgroups are abelian is either abelian or finite, and finite minimal non-abelian groups are classified. Here we describe the structure of groups in which every subgroup of infinite index is abelian

    On the Low-Energy Effective Action of N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

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    We investigate the perturbative part of Seiberg's low-energy effective action of N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in Wess-Zumino gauge in the conventional effective field theory technique. Using the method of constant field approximation and restricting the effective action with at most two derivatives and not more than four-fermion couplings, we show some features of the low-energy effective action given by Seiberg based on U(1)RU(1)_R anomaly and non-perturbative β\beta-function arguments.Comment: 27 pages, RevTex, no figure
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