102 research outputs found

    A self-sufficient approach for GERB cloudy radiance detection.

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    Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) is the broadband radiometer onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) platform, launched at the end of August 2002 and still in commissioning phase. GERB data is planned to be used in many applications concerning Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) calculation. In order to evaluate the impact of clouds on ERB, a cloud detection is required and, at present, a cloud mask based on higher spatial and spectral resolution data acquired by Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), the imager onboard the same MSG platform, is planned to be used in order to identify cloudy GERB soundings. As an alternative, a self-sufficient (only based on GERB data) method (OCA, the One-channel Cloudy-radiance-detection Approach) is proposed, as a time-saving and, probably, more suitable solution than the planned co-location approach. In this paper, preliminary results obtained by using several years of Meteosat data as well as GERB synthetic radiances (produced from Meteosat-7 observations) are presented. It is shown how results obtained by using GERB data alone can be comparable (and better in terms of number and spatial distribution of clear-sky GERB soundings identified) to the ones achieved if the co-location of a higher resolution cloud mask is use

    Robust satellite techniques (RST) for the thermal monitoring of earthquake prone areas: the case of Umbria-Marche October, 1997 seismic events

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    Several authors claim a space-time correlation between increases in Earth’s emitted Thermal Infra-Red (TIR) radiation and earthquake occurrence. The main problems of such studies regard data analysis and interpretation, which are often done without a validation/confutation control. In this context, a robust data analysis technique (RST, i.e. Robust Satellite Techniques) is proposed which permits a statistically based definition of TIR «anomaly » and uses a validation/confutation approach. This technique was already applied to satellite TIR surveys in seismic regions for about twenty earthquakes that occurred in the world. In this work RST is applied for the first time to a time sequence of seismic events. Nine years of Meteosat TIR observations have been analyzed to characterize the unperturbed TIR signal behaviour at specific observation times and locations. The main seismic events of the October 1997 Umbria-Marche sequence have been considered for validation, and relatively unperturbed periods (no earthquakes with Mb ≥ 4) were taken for confutation purposes. Positive time-space persistent TIR anomalies were observed during seismic periods, generally overlapping the principal tectonic lineaments of the region and sometimes focusing on the vicinity of the epicentre. No similar (in terms of relative intensity and space-time persistence) TIR anomalies were detected during seismically unperturbed periods

    Advanced Satellite Technique for Volcanic Activity Monitoring and Early Warning.

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    Nowadays, satellite remote sensing is an important tool for volcanic activity monitoring, thanks to several operational satellite platforms providing data everywhere with high observational frequencies and generally at low cost. Among different techniques available, an advanced satellite method, named RST (Robust Satellite Technique). based on the multitemporal analysis of satellite data, has shown a high capability in volcanic activity monitoring. This approach has proved capable of identifyimg and tracking volcanic ash Cloud and of correctly detecting and monitoring volcanic thermal anomalies. This paper analyzes some recent results, obtained applying this approach to the last eruptive events of Mt. Etna using both polar and geostationary satellites. In particular, for the first time, this approach is implemented on the present geostationary platform MSG-SEVIRI, with 15 min of temporal resolution. Preliminary results, together with a future potential of this implementation, are shown and discussed. Moreover, a differential RST index in time domain is also proposed for near real-time application, as a possible contribution to the development of an efficient early warning satellite system for volcanic hazard mitigation

    Advanced satellite technique for volcanic activity monitoring and early warning

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    Nowadays, satellite remote sensing is an important tool for volcanic activity monitoring, thanks to several operational satellite platforms providing data everywhere with high observational frequencies and generally at low cost. Among different techniques available, an advanced satellite method, named RST (Robust Satellite Technique), based on the multitemporal analysis of satellite data, has shown a high capability in volcanic activity monitoring. This approach has proved capable of identifying and tracking volcanic ash cloud and of correctly detecting and monitoring volcanic thermal anomalies. This paper analyzes some recent results, obtained applying this approach to the last eruptive events of Mt. Etna using both polar and geostationary satellites. In particular, for the first time, this approach is implemented on the present geostationary platform MSG-SEVIRI, with 15 min of temporal resolution. Preliminary results, together with a future potential of this implementation, are shown and discussed. Moreover, a differential RST index in time domain is also proposed for near real-time application, as a possible contribution to the development of an efficient early warning satellite system for volcanic hazard mitigation

    Seismically active area monitoring by robust TIR satellite techniques: a sensitivity analysis on low magnitude earthquakes in Greece and Turkey

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    International audienceSpace-time TIR anomalies, observed from months to weeks before earthquake occurrence, have been suggested by several authors as pre-seismic signals. Up to now, such a claimed connection of TIR emission with seismic activity has been considered with some caution by scientific community mainly for the insufficiency of the validation data-sets and the scarce importance attached by those authors to other causes (e.g. meteorological) that, rather than seismic activity, could be responsible for the observed TIR signal fluctuations. A robust satellite data analysis technique (RAT) has been recently proposed which, thanks to a well-founded definition of TIR anomaly, seems to be able to identify anomalous space-time TIR signal transients even in very variable observational (satellite view angle, land topography and coverage, etc.) and natural (e.g. meteorological) conditions. Its possible application to satellite TIR surveys in seismically active regions has been already tested in the case of several earthquakes (Irpinia: 23 November 1980, Athens: 7 September 1999, Izmit: 17 August 1999) of magnitude higher than 5.5 by using a validation/confutation approach, devoted to verify the presence/absence of anomalous space-time TIR transients in the presence/absence of seismic activity. In these cases, a magnitude threshold (generally M In this work, 9 medium-low magnitude (

    Robust TIR satellite techniques for monitoring earthquake active regions: limits, main achievements and perspectives

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    In the last few years, Robust Satellite data analysis Techniques (RST) have been proposed which significantly improved present capabilities to investigate possible relations between TIR signal fluctuations and earthquake occurrence. This paper, starting from a critical survey of results achieved by applying different RST-based algorithms to different satellite sensors to approximately ten earthquakes (two of them are discussed here for the first time) which occurred in three different continents, tries to offer a first assessment of main achievements, residual limits and perspectives of such studies. Even if it is still not possible to relate (or to exclude) observed anomalous TIR transients definitely to impending earthquakes, such studies demonstrate at least: a) the strong improvement of S/N ratio achievable moving from polar to geostationary satellites; b) the further S/N improvement achievable by using TIR sensors which also offer split-window possibilities; c) the crucial role played by a space-time persistence test to select TIR anomalies candidate to be associated to impending earthquakes; d) the possibility of identifying and correctly discarding TIR anomalies related to clouds and to image navigation errors; e) the scarce importance of spatial resolution of observations which encourages the use of passive MW sensors which are less affected by atmospheric conditions

    Seismically active area monitoring by robust TIR satellite techniques: a sensitivity analysis on low magnitude earthquakes in Greece and Turkey

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    Space-time TIR anomalies, observed from months to weeks before earthquake occurrence, have been suggested by several authors as pre-seismic signals. Up to now, such a claimed connection of TIR emission with seismic activity has been considered with some caution by scientific community mainly for the insufficiency of the validation data-sets and the scarce importance attached by those authors to other causes (e.g. meteorological) that, rather than seismic activity, could be responsible for the observed TIR signal fluctuations. A robust satellite data analysis technique (RAT) has been recently proposed which, thanks to a well-founded definition of TIR anomaly, seems to be able to identify anomalous space-time TIR signal transients even in very variable observational (satellite view angle, land topography and coverage, etc.) and natural (e.g. meteorological) conditions. Its possible application to satellite TIR surveys in seismically active regions has been already tested in the case of several earthquakes (Irpinia: 23 November 1980, Athens: 7 September 1999, Izmit: 17 August 1999) of magnitude higher than 5.5 by using a validation/confutation approach, devoted to verify the presence/absence of anomalous space-time TIR transients in the presence/absence of seismic activity. In these cases, a magnitude threshold (generally M In this work, 9 medium-low magnitude (4b The analysis, which was performed using 8 years of Meteosat TIR observations, demonstrated that anomalous TIR transients can be observed even in the presence of medium-low magnitude earthquakes (4b<5.5). As far as the research (just started) of possible correlation among TIR anomalies and earthquake occurrence is concerned, such a result suggests that: a) in order to identify seismically unperturbed periods for confutation purposes, a magnitude threshold (at least) lower than 4 should be used; b) the proposed validation/confutation approach should be applied in low-seismicity areas in order to find suitably long seismically quiescent periods

    RST analysis of MSG-SEVIRI TIR radiances at the time of the Abruzzo 6 April 2009 earthquake

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    Space-time fluctuations of Earth's emitted Thermal Infrared (TIR) radiation have been observed from satellite months to weeks before earthquakes occurrence. The general RST approach has been proposed in order to discriminate normal (i.e. related to the change of natural factor and/or observation conditions) TIR signal fluctuations from anomalous signal transient possibly associated to earthquake occurrence. In this work RST approach is applied to the Abruzzo 6 April 2009 event (M(L)=5.8) by using for the first time MSG-SEVIRI (Meteosat Second Generation -Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager) thermal infrared observations. A validation/confutation analysis has been performed in order to verify the presence/absence of anomalous space-time TIR transients in the presence/absence of significant seismic activity. March-April 2009 has been analyzed for validation purposes. Relatively unperturbed periods (no earthquakes with M(L)>= 5) have been taken for confutation. A specific TIR anomalies space-time persistence analysis as well as a cloud coverage distribution test have been introduced in order to eliminate artifacts and outliers both in the validation and confutation phases. Preliminary results show clear differences in TIR anomalies occurrence during the periods used for validation and confutation purposes. Quite clear TIR anomalies appear also to mark main tectonic lines related to the preparatory phases of others, low magnitude (M(L)similar to 4) earthquakes, occurred in the area

    Identification of dust outbreaks on infrared msg-seviri data by using a Robust Satellite Technique (RST)

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    Dust storms are meteorological phenomena of great interest for scientific community because of their potential impact on climate changes, for the risk that may pose to human health and due to other issues as desertification processes and reduction of the agricultural production. Satellite remote sensing, thanks to global coverage, high frequency of observation and low cost data, may highly contribute in monitoring these phenomena, provided that proper detection methods are used. In this work, the known Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) multitemporal approach, used for studying and monitoring several natural/environmental hazards, is tested on some important dust events affecting Mediterranean region in May 2004 and Arabian Peninsula in February 2008. To perform this study, data provided by the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) have been processed, comparing the generated dust maps to some independent satellite-based aerosol products. Outcomes of this work show that the RST technique can be profitably used for detecting dust outbreaks from space, providing information also about areas characterized by a different probability of dust presence. They encourage further improvements of this technique in view of its possible implementation in the framework of operational warning systems

    Using RST approach and EOS-MODIS radiances for monitoring seismically active regions: a study on the 6 April 2009 Abruzzo earthquake

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    In the last few years, Robust Satellite data analysis Techniques (RST) have been proposed and successfully applied for monitoring major natural and environmental risks. Among the various fields of application, RST analysis has been used as a suitable tool for satellite TIR surveys in seismically active regions, devoted to detect and monitor thermal anomalies possibly related to earthquake occurrence. In this work, RST has been applied, for the first time, to thermal infrared observations collected by MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) - the sensor onboard EOS (Earth Observing System) satellites - in the case of Abruzzo (Italy) earthquake occurred on 6 April 2009 (M(L)similar to 5.8). First achievements, shown in this work, seem to confirm the sensitivity of the proposed approach in detecting perturbations of the Earths emission thermal field few days before the event. The reliability of such results, based on the analysis of 10 years of MODIS observations, seems to be supported by the results achieved analyzing the same area in similar observation conditions but in seismically unperturbed periods (no earthquakes with M(L)>= 5) that will be also presente