10 research outputs found

    Global Solar Radiation Annual Profile, Causes and Seasonal Effects, at Ilorin, Nigeria

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    The data of short-wave global (total) solar radiation of 4 years (1995-1998) at Ilorin (8˚ 34′ N, 4˚ 34′ E), Nigeria was used to study the characteristic behavior of SW- global solar radiation in the tropics. To do this, its weekly average was plotted and analyzed with respect to the atmospheric constituents responsible for the behavior. On the profile obtained, two “Wells” of unequal size and depth were identified; a “hill” and a “plateau” representing the potentials of the radiation were also identified in a 52 - week year. These features were associated with seasons of the year and the radiation potentials obtainable in the region. The size of the Wells indicates the time prevalence of the atmospheric constituents causing the Wells and the length of the respective season, while the depth indicates the amount and severity of the constituents. The “Wells” and the “Plateau” constitute 3 seasons in a 52- week year

    Entanglement fidelity for electron-electron interaction in strongly coupled semiclassical plasma and under external fields

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    This paper presents the effects of AB-flux field and electric field on electron-electron interaction, encircled by a strongly coupled semiclassical plasma. We found that weak external fields are required to perpetuate a low-energy elastic electron-electron interaction in a strongly coupled semiclassical plasma. The entanglement fidelity in the interaction process has been examined. We have used partial wave analysis to derive the entanglement fidelity. We found that for a weak electric field, the fidelity ratio for electron-electron interaction increase as projectile energy increase but remains constant or almost zero for a strong electric field. Our results provide an invaluable information on how the efficiency of entanglement fidelity for a low-energy elastic electron-electron interaction in a strongly coupled semiclassical plasma can be influenced by the presence of external fields

    Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Health Consequences in Africa

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    Africa is heterogeneous in latitude, geography, climate, food availability, religious and cultural practices, and skin pigmentation. It is expected, therefore, that prevalence of vitamin D deficiency varies widely, in line with influences on skin exposure to UVB sunshine. Furthermore, low calcium intakes and heavy burden of infectious disease common in many countries may increase vitamin D utilization and turnover. Studies of plasma 25OHD concentration indicate a spectrum from clinical deficiency to values at the high end of the physiological range; however, data are limited. Representative studies of status in different countries, using comparable analytical techniques, and of relationships between vitamin D status and risk of infectious and chronic diseases relevant to the African context are needed. Public health measures to secure vitamin D adequacy cannot encompass the whole continent and need to be developed locally