217 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menemukan Realitas Kehidupan dalam Cerita Anak Menggunakan Media Audiovisual pada Kelas VII B

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    This study aims ability to find the reality of life in the children's story is by creating a creative an innovative media like audiovisual media. The research uses a qualitative approach using PTK ( research class actions) which will be held in Junior High School 2 Sebawi. Research conducted collaboratively with the involvement of subject teachers in Indonesia. Data colletion techniques used were direct observation techniques, APKG 1, APKG 2 appliance is technic observation and result of student writings. Techinc as for data analysis used in this study is the technique of descriptive qualitative supported by quantitative data. This action research has been able to express that the ability to discover the reality of a child's life which was reflected in the children's story VII B grade students of Junior High School 2 Sebawi. significantly increased through the use of the audiovisual mediumcanbeimproved

    Analisis Tema, Amanat, Dan Fungsi Cerita Dalam Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Kalantika

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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tema dan amanat, serta fungsi cerita dalam kumpulan cerita Kalantika. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan bentuk penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan objektif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah kumpulan cerita Kalantika. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kata, kalimat, dan isi keseluruhan teks cerita yang mencakup tentang tema, amanat, serta fungsi cerita di dalam kumpulan cerita Kalantika. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik studi dokumenter. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: 1) tema cerita adalah tentang pengajaran hidup yang bermanfaat kepada manusia mengenai tradisi menanam padi, melanggar janji, tegar menghadapi permasalahan hidup yang berat, serta tema tentang penyesalan yang sangat menyakitkan. 2) amanat pada cerita dalam kumpulan cerita Kalantika secara garis besar menjelaskan mengenai nilai-nilai pendidikan yang sangat penting, seperti nilai moral, nilai budaya, dan nilai budi pekerti yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pembelajaran dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. 3) fungsi yang terdapat pada cerita dalam kumpulan cerita Kalantika, yaitu fungsi hiburan, fungsi pendidikan anak, dan fungsi religius. Kata kunci: Struktur, tema, amanat, fungsi This research was aimed to describe theme and message, as well as, the story function in the collection of folklore, Kalantika. The method used in this research was descriptive method and qualitative form of research. The researcher used objective approach. The source of data in this research was the collection of folklore, Kalantika. The data of this research were words, phrases, sentences, and the whole content of the texts that contained themes, messages in the collection of folklore, Kalantika, as well as, function in the stories in the collection of folklore, Kalantika. The data collection technique in this research was documentary study technique. The results of this research were: 1) the theme of the story in the collection of folklore, Kalantika, was about valuable life lessons of planting rice tradition, broken promises, endurance in facing hard life problems, and hurtful regret; 2) messages of the story in the collection of folklore, Kalantika, mostly explained about very important education values, for instance, moral, cultural value, value of characters for life lessons in daily life; 3) the function of story in the collection of folklore, Kalantika, was as function of entertainment, function of child education, and function of religion

    Struktur Novel Burung-burung Cahaya Karya Jusuf A.n.

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    : This study aims to describe the formal structure, narrative structure, and meaning in the novel BBC. The method used is descriptive, qualitative shape, with a structural approach and hermeneutics. The data source is the BBC's novel, while the data in the form of quotations in the novel BBC. Data collection techniques using indirect techniques to study documentary. This research data collection tool was a researcher himself as a key instrument. The formal structure of the title of this novel have figurative language. The volume of text on this formal structure has as many as 466 pages thick book. In this novel there is the use of Arabic, English, and the Java language. Narrative structure of the novel contains 40 sequences and position Rijal figures. BBC novel meaning is the meaning of religion (religious), social (social), and personality (people)

    Dwilogi Saman:sebuah Kajian Struktur Naratif

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    This research aims to describe the structure of formal and narrative structures contained in Dwilogi Saman. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a form of research is qualitative terms. The source of the data in this research is Novel Saman and Larung by Ayu Utami with the data is quote of a paragraph, clause or word which related to research problems. Result of research on the narrative structure of the novel, 1) relating to the formal structure indicated by the title, volume of the text, language and style of the novel. 2) relates to narrative structure, shown by the plot of the novel which is divided into an early stage, middle stage and final stage. 3) relating to the implementation of research result in the learning process in higher education can be implemented in the course study of prose fiction. Thus, it can be concluded that the work of Ayu Utami, Dwilogi Saman, there is a formal structure and narrative structure of interrelated , and build elements of the novel and can be used as teaching materials in colleges

    Pemetaan Densitas Larva Aedes Aegypti Berdasarkan Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN) di Kelurahan Paccerakkang dan Tamalanrea

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    Makassar City is one of the areas most at risk of Dengue Fever (DHF). One form of dengue prevention is to break the chain of transmission of mosquitoes, which is to prevent the breeding of mosquito vectors through efforts to eradicate mosquito nests (PSN). Mapping the density of aedes aegypti mosquitoes based on the behavior of eradicating mosquito nests (PSN) in Paccerakkang Village, Tamalanrea Village, Makassar City. This type of research is an observational survey with cross sectional method with descriptive analytic approach and using a questionnaire as an interview guide. The sample in this study was the house of DHF sufferers and houses within a radius of 100 meters from patients who were in Paccerakkang Village as many as 98 houses and Tamalanrea Village 61 houses were determined using purposive sampling method. The results of this study found that 39.8% of respondents' houses in Paccerakkang were found to be larvae and in Tamalanrea at 62.3%. 3M's behavior in both village is also incomplete and low, namely 14.3% and 13.1% respectively, while the use of bubate abate is 48% and 34.4%. Based on the Density Figure (DF) determined by WHO, the two villages are included in areas with Angka Bebas Jentik (ABJ) which have a high risk of DHF transmission
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