8,409 research outputs found

    Control of the finite size corrections in exact diagonalization studies

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    We study the possibility of controlling the finite size corrections in exact diagonalization studies quantitatively. We consider the one- and two dimensional Hubbard model. We show that the finite-size corrections can be be reduced systematically by a grand-canonical integration over boundary conditions. We find, in general, an improvement of one order of magnitude with respect to studies with periodic boundary conditions only. We present results for ground-state properties of the 2D Hubbard model and an evaluation of the specific heat for the 1D and 2D Hubbard model.Comment: Phys. Rev. B (Brief Report), in pres

    A Monte Carlo Method for Fermion Systems Coupled with Classical Degrees of Freedom

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    A new Monte Carlo method is proposed for fermion systems interacting with classical degrees of freedom. To obtain a weight for each Monte Carlo sample with a fixed configuration of classical variables, the moment expansion of the density of states by Chebyshev polynomials is applied instead of the direct diagonalization of the fermion Hamiltonian. This reduces a cpu time to scale as O(Ndim2logNdim)O(N_{\rm dim}^{2} \log N_{\rm dim}) compared to O(Ndim3)O(N_{\rm dim}^{3}) for the diagonalization in the conventional technique; NdimN_{\rm dim} is the dimension of the Hamiltonian. Another advantage of this method is that parallel computation with high efficiency is possible. These significantly save total cpu times of Monte Carlo calculations because the calculation of a Monte Carlo weight is the bottleneck part. The method is applied to the double-exchange model as an example. The benchmark results show that it is possible to make a systematic investigation using a system-size scaling even in three dimensions within a realistic cpu timescale.Comment: 6 pages including 4 figure

    Final state effects on superfluid 4^{\bf 4}He in the deep inelastic regime

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    A study of Final State Effects (FSE) on the dynamic structure function of superfluid 4^4He in the Gersch--Rodriguez formalism is presented. The main ingredients needed in the calculation are the momentum distribution and the semidiagonal two--body density matrix. The influence of these ground state quantities on the FSE is analyzed. A variational form of ρ2\rho_2 is used, even though simpler forms turn out to give accurate results if properly chosen. Comparison to the experimental response at high momentum transfer is performed. The predicted response is quite sensitive to slight variations on the value of the condensate fraction, the best agreement with experiment being obtained with n0=0.082n_0=0.082. Sum rules of the FSE broadening function are also derived and commented. Finally, it is shown that Gersch--Rodriguez theory produces results as accurate as those coming from other more recent FSE theories.Comment: 20 pages, RevTex 3.0, 11 figures available upon request, to be appear in Phys. Rev.

    An inquiry-based learning approach to teaching information retrieval

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    The study of information retrieval (IR) has increased in interest and importance with the explosive growth of online information in recent years. Learning about IR within formal courses of study enables users of search engines to use them more knowledgeably and effectively, while providing the starting point for the explorations of new researchers into novel search technologies. Although IR can be taught in a traditional manner of formal classroom instruction with students being led through the details of the subject and expected to reproduce this in assessment, the nature of IR as a topic makes it an ideal subject for inquiry-based learning approaches to teaching. In an inquiry-based learning approach students are introduced to the principles of a subject and then encouraged to develop their understanding by solving structured or open problems. Working through solutions in subsequent class discussions enables students to appreciate the availability of alternative solutions as proposed by their classmates. Following this approach students not only learn the details of IR techniques, but significantly, naturally learn to apply them in solution of problems. In doing this they not only gain an appreciation of alternative solutions to a problem, but also how to assess their relative strengths and weaknesses. Developing confidence and skills in problem solving enables student assessment to be structured around solution of problems. Thus students can be assessed on the basis of their understanding and ability to apply techniques, rather simply their skill at reciting facts. This has the additional benefit of encouraging general problem solving skills which can be of benefit in other subjects. This approach to teaching IR was successfully implemented in an undergraduate module where students were assessed in a written examination exploring their knowledge and understanding of the principles of IR and their ability to apply them to solving problems, and a written assignment based on developing an individual research proposal

    Considerations on the quantum double-exchange Hamiltonian

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    Schwinger bosons allow for an advantageous representation of quantum double-exchange. We review this subject, comment on previous results, and address the transition to the semiclassical limit. We derive an effective fermionic Hamiltonian for the spin-dependent hopping of holes interacting with a background of local spins, which is used in a related publication within a two-phase description of colossal magnetoresistant manganites.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Algorithm for Linear Response Functions at Finite Temperatures: Application to ESR spectrum of s=1/2 Antiferromagnet Cu benzoate

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    We introduce an efficient and numerically stable method for calculating linear response functions χ(q,ω)\chi(\vec{q},\omega) of quantum systems at finite temperatures. The method is a combination of numerical solution of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation, random vector representation of trace, and Chebyshev polynomial expansion of Boltzmann operator. This method should be very useful for a wide range of strongly correlated quantum systems at finite temperatures. We present an application to the ESR spectrum of s=1/2 antiferromagnet Cu benzoate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Modeling with a Conceptual representation: is it necessary? does it Work?

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    In response to recent educational imperatives in the United States, modeling and systems thinking have been identified as being critical for science learning. In this paper, we investigate models in the classroom from two important perspectives: (1) from the teacher perspective to understand how teachers perceive models and use models in the classroom and (2) from the students perspective to understand how student use model-based reasoning to represent their understanding in a classroom setting. Qualitative data collected from 19 teachers who attended a professional development workshop in the northeastern United States indicate that while teachers see the value in teaching to think with models (i.e., during inquiry practices), they tend to use models mostly as communication tools in the classroom. Quantitative data collected about the modeling practices of 42 middle school students who worked collaboratively in small groups (4–5 students) using a computer modeling program indicated that students tended to engage in more mechanistic and function-related thinking with time as they reasoned about a complex system. Furthermore, students had a typified trajectory of first adding and then next paring down ideas in their models. Implications for science education are discussed

    High-momentum dynamic structure function of liquid 3He-4He mixtures: a microscopic approach

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    The high-momentum dynamic structure function of liquid 3He-4He mixtures has been studied introducing final state effects. Corrections to the impulse approximation have been included using a generalized Gersch-Rodriguez theory that properly takes into account the Fermi statistics of 3He atoms. The microscopic inputs, as the momentum distributions and the two-body density matrices, correspond to a variational (fermi)-hypernetted chain calculation. The agreement with experimental data obtained at q=23.1q=23.1 \AA1^{-1} is not completely satisfactory, the comparison being difficult due to inconsistencies present in the scattering measurements. The significant differences between the experimental determinations of the 4He condensate fraction and the 3He kinetic energy, and the theoretical results, still remain unsolved.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.