42 research outputs found

    Knowledge Attitude and Practice about Breast Cancer among Civil Servants in Benin City, Nigeria

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    Background: Breast cancer is often associated with severe morbidity and mortality especially when the patients present late. A major reason why patients present late is the lack of awareness about breast cancer, its complications and the management. Methods: The study was carried out using a structured questionnaire. A total of 400 female civil servants were enlisted in the study, but only 385 respondents completed and returned the forms. Results: Two hundred and seventy seven (72.0%) respondents had tertiary level of education. Sixty six (17.1%) respondents were in the 30-34-year age group. Three hundred and twelve (81.0%) respondents knew correctly that breast lump is usually the first symptom of presentation of breast cancer. One hundred and forty four (37.5%) respondents knew that a positive family history of breast cancer is a risk factor, while two hundred and seventy four (71.2%) respondents answered that cancer of one breast in a woman increases her chances of having cancer of the other breast. Three hundred and twenty one (83.4%) respondents knew that breast cancer could spread from one breast to the other and two hundred and thirty (59.7%) knew that breast cancer could spread to other parts of the body. One hundred and eighty three (47.5%) respondents would visit the hospital as the first reaction if they were to detect a breast lump, while twenty three (6.0%) respondents would ignore the lump. While three hundred and twenty seven (85.0%) respondents have heard of breast self- examination, only one hundred (26.0%) could correctly describe the procedure of breast self -examination. While one hundred and thirty five (35.0%) respondents have heard of mammography, only twenty seven (7%) respondents go for yearly mammography screening. Three hundred and seventy two (96.6%) respondents know that mastectomy is done as part of the management of breast cancer, but only forty nine (12.7%) respondents have heard about conservative surgery. Conclusion: The level of awareness about breast cancer among civil servants in Benin City is low. There is the need to organize series of health education programs to enlighten the women about breast cancer. This can be done by government agencies or the non-governmental organizations. If properly executed, it may influence the attitude of women in Benin City about breast diseases and encourage early presentation to the hospital.Contexte: Le cancer du sein est souvent associ\ue9 \ue0 une morbidit\ue9 et une mortalit\ue9 s\ue9v\ue8re particuli\ue8rement lorsque les patientes consultent tard. La raison principale de cette consultation tardive est le manque de sensibilisation sur le cancer du sein, ses complications et son traitement. M\ue9thode: L'\ue9tude a \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e \ue0 l'aide d'un questionnaire structur\ue9. Au total de 400 femmes fonctionnaires ont \ue9t\ue9 enr\uf4l\ue9es dans l'\ue9tude, mais seulement 385 compl\ue9t\ue8rent et retourn\ue8rent le questionnaire. R\ue9sultats: Deux cent soixante dix sept (72,0%) des participantes avaient un niveau d'\ue9ducation tertiaire. Soixante six (17,1%) \ue9taient de la tranche d'\ue2ge de 30 \ue0 34 ans. Trois cent douze (81,0%) savaient parfaitement que le nodule du sein est habituellement la premi\ue8re manifestation du cancer du sein. Cent quarante quatre (37,5%) savaient qu'un ant\ue9c\ue9dent familial de cancer du sein \ue9tait un facteur de risque, tandis que deux cent soixante quatorze (71,2%) r\ue9pondirent qu'un cancer dans un sein chez une femme augmentait le risque d'avoir un cancer dans l'autre sein. Deux cent soixante et onze (83,4%) savaient que le cancer du sein pouvait s'\ue9tendre d'un sein \ue0 l'autre et deux cent trente (59,7%) savaient que le cancer pouvait s'\ue9tendre \ue0 d'autres parties du corps. Cent quatre vingt trois (47,5%) seraient pr\ueates \ue0 consulter \ue0 titre de premi\ue8re r\ue9action si elles \ue9taient amen\ue9es \ue0 constater un nodule du sein, tandis que vingt-trois (6,0%) l'ignoreraient. Alors que trois cent vingt-sept (85,0%) avaient entendu parler de l'auto palpation du sein, seulement cent (26,0%) pouvaient correctement d\ue9crire cette proc\ue9dure. Pendant que cent quarante cinq (35,0%) avaient entendu parler de la mammographie, seulement 27 (7%) proc\ue8dent \ue0 une mammographie annuelle. Trois cent soixante douze (96,6%) savent que la mammographie est pratiqu\ue9e comme un \ue9l\ue9ment de la prise en charge du cancer du sein, mais seulement quarante neuf (12,7%) ont entendu parler de chirurgie conservatrice. Conclusion: Le niveau de connaissance sur le cancer du sein parmi les fonctionnaires de Benin City est bas. Il y a n\ue9cessit\ue9 d'organiser des s\ue9ries de programmes d'\ue9ducation pour \ue9clairer les femmes au sujet du cancer du sein. Cela peut se faire par des agences gouvernementales ou des organisations non gouvernementales. Proprement ex\ue9cut\ue9, cela devrait influencer l'attitude des femmes de Benin City a propos des maladies du sein et encourager les consultations pr\ue9coces

    Quantum well state of self-forming 3C-SiC inclusions in 4H SiC determined by ballistic electron emission microscopy

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    High-temperature-processing-induced double-stacking-fault 3C-SiC inclusions in 4H SiC were studied with ballistic electron emission microscopy in ultrahigh vacuum. Distinctive quantum well structures corresponding to individual inclusions were found and the quantum well two-dimensional conduction band minimum was determined to be approximately 0.53 ?? 0.06 eV below the conduction band minimum of bulk 4H SiC. Macroscopic diode I-V measurements indicate no significant evidence of metal/semiconductor interface state variation across the inclusions.open292

    Socio-economic differences and health seeking behaviour for the diagnosis and treatment of malaria: a case study of four local government areas operating the Bamako initiative programme in south-east Nigeria

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in Nigeria. It is not known how user fees introduced under the Bamako Initiative (BI) system affect healthcare seeking among different socio-economic groups in Nigeria for diagnosis and treatment of malaria. Reliable information is needed to initiate new policy thrusts to protect the poor from the adverse effect of user fees. METHODS: Structured questionnaires were used to collect information from 1594 female household primary care givers or household head on their socio-economic and demographic status and use of malaria diagnosis and treatment services. Principal components analysis was used to create a socio-economic status index which was decomposed into quartiles and chi-square for trends was used to calculate for any statistical difference. RESULTS: The study showed that self diagnosis was the commonest form of diagnosis by the respondents. This was followed by diagnosis through laboratory tests, community health workers, family members and traditional healers. The initial choice of care for malaria was a visit to the patent medicine dealers for most respondents. This was followed by visit to the government hospitals, the BI health centres, traditional medicine healers, private clinics, community health workers and does nothing at home. Furthermore, the private health facilities were the initial choice of treatment for the majority with a decline among those choosing them as a second source of care and an increase in the utilization of public health facilities as a second choice of care. Self diagnosis was practiced more by the poorer households while the least poor used the patent medicine dealers and community health workers less often for diagnosis of malaria. The least poor groups had a higher probability of seeking treatment at the BI health centres (creating equity problem in BI), hospitals, and private clinics and in using laboratory procedures. The least poor also used the patent medicine dealers and community health workers less often for the treatment of malaria. The richer households complained more about poor staff attitude and lack of drugs as their reasons for not attending the BI health centres. The factors that encourage people to use services in BI health centres were availability of good services, proximity of the centres to the homes and polite health workers. CONCLUSIONS: Factors deterring people from using BI centres should be eliminated. The use of laboratory services for the diagnosis of malaria by the poor should be encouraged through appropriate information, education and communication which at the long run will be more cost effective and cost saving for them while devising means of reducing the equity gap created. This could be done by granting a properly worked out and implemented fee exemptions to the poor or completely abolishing user fees for the diagnosis and treatment of malaria in BI health centres

    Awareness of high blood pressure status, treatment and control in a rural community in Edo state.

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    A cross-sectional study was carried out in Udo, a rural community in Ovia South-west LGA of Edo State to assess the level of awareness of high blood pressure status, treatment and control. Cluster sampling method was used to select participants and data collection was by researcher administered questionnaire. Blood pressure measurement was by standardized method. A total of 590 respondents with mean age 30.7 + 14.6 years participated in the study. The prevalence of hypertension was 20.2% using the WHO/ISH criteria of SBP >140 mmHg and/or DBP > 90 mmHg. Twenty two (18.5%) of the hypertensives were aware of their high blood pressure status. Awareness was higher in females, increased with age and decreased with higher educational status. Of those aware of their condition, 77.3% were on treatment and of these, 29.4% had adequate blood pressure control. This study has revealed a low level of awareness of high blood pressure status and control in this rural community. Therefore, there is urgent need for regular community-based hypertension screening programmes. Keywords: Awareness, Treatment, Control, High blood pressure. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 10 (3) 2007 pp. 208-21

    Knowledge Attitude and Practice about Breast Cancer among Civil Servants in Benin City, Nigeria

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    Background: Breast cancer is often associated with severe morbidity and mortality especially when the patients present late. A major reason why patients present late is the lack of awareness about breast cancer, its complications and the management. Methods: The study was carried out using a structured questionnaire. A total of 400 female civil servants were enlisted in the study, but only 385 respondents completed and returned the forms. Results: Two hundred and seventy seven (72.0%) respondents had tertiary level of education. Sixty six (17.1%) respondents were in the 30-34-year age group. Three hundred and twelve (81.0%) respondents knew correctly that breast lump is usually the first symptom of presentation of breast cancer. One hundred and forty four (37.5%) respondents knew that a positive family history of breast cancer is a risk factor, while two hundred and seventy four (71.2%) respondents answered that cancer of one breast in a woman increases her chances of having cancer of the other breast. Three hundred and twenty one (83.4%) respondents knew that breast cancer could spread from one breast to the other and two hundred and thirty (59.7%) knew that breast cancer could spread to other parts of the body. One hundred and eighty three (47.5%) respondents would visit the hospital as the first reaction if they were to detect a breast lump, while twenty three (6.0%) respondents would ignore the lump. While three hundred and twenty seven (85.0%) respondents have heard of breast self- examination, only one hundred (26.0%) could correctly describe the procedure of breast self -examination. While one hundred and thirty five (35.0%) respondents have heard of mammography, only twenty seven (7%) respondents go for yearly mammography screening. Three hundred and seventy two (96.6%) respondents know that mastectomy is done as part of the management of breast cancer, but only forty nine (12.7%) respondents have heard about conservative surgery. Conclusion: The level of awareness about breast cancer among civil servants in Benin City is low. There is the need to organize series of health education programs to enlighten the women about breast cancer. This can be done by government agencies or the non-governmental organizations. If properly executed, it may influence the attitude of women in Benin City about breast diseases and encourage early presentation to the hospital.Contexte: Le cancer du sein est souvent associé à une morbidité et une mortalité sévère particulièrement lorsque les patientes consultent tard. La raison principale de cette consultation tardive est le manque de sensibilisation sur le cancer du sein, ses complications et son traitement. Méthode: L'étude a été menée à l'aide d'un questionnaire structuré. Au total de 400 femmes fonctionnaires ont été enrôlées dans l'étude, mais seulement 385 complétèrent et retournèrent le questionnaire. Résultats: Deux cent soixante dix sept (72,0%) des participantes avaient un niveau d'éducation tertiaire. Soixante six (17,1%) étaient de la tranche d'âge de 30 à 34 ans. Trois cent douze (81,0%) savaient parfaitement que le nodule du sein est habituellement la première manifestation du cancer du sein. Cent quarante quatre (37,5%) savaient qu'un antécédent familial de cancer du sein était un facteur de risque, tandis que deux cent soixante quatorze (71,2%) répondirent qu'un cancer dans un sein chez une femme augmentait le risque d'avoir un cancer dans l'autre sein. Deux cent soixante et onze (83,4%) savaient que le cancer du sein pouvait s'étendre d'un sein à l'autre et deux cent trente (59,7%) savaient que le cancer pouvait s'étendre à d'autres parties du corps. Cent quatre vingt trois (47,5%) seraient prêtes à consulter à titre de première réaction si elles étaient amenées à constater un nodule du sein, tandis que vingt-trois (6,0%) l'ignoreraient. Alors que trois cent vingt-sept (85,0%) avaient entendu parler de l'auto palpation du sein, seulement cent (26,0%) pouvaient correctement décrire cette procédure. Pendant que cent quarante cinq (35,0%) avaient entendu parler de la mammographie, seulement 27 (7%) procèdent à une mammographie annuelle. Trois cent soixante douze (96,6%) savent que la mammographie est pratiquée comme un élément de la prise en charge du cancer du sein, mais seulement quarante neuf (12,7%) ont entendu parler de chirurgie conservatrice. Conclusion: Le niveau de connaissance sur le cancer du sein parmi les fonctionnaires de Benin City est bas. Il y a nécessité d'organiser des séries de programmes d'éducation pour éclairer les femmes au sujet du cancer du sein. Cela peut se faire par des agences gouvernementales ou des organisations non gouvernementales. Proprement exécuté, cela devrait influencer l'attitude des femmes de Benin City a propos des maladies du sein et encourager les consultations précoces

    Morbidity pattern in outpatient clinics in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria

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    No Abstract. Annals of Biomedical Science Vol. 1 (1) 2002: pp. 70-7

    Serum Lipids, Proteins and Electrolyte Profiles in Rats Following Total Body Irradiation

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    Objective: Serum lipid and electrolyte imbalances are common in critically ill patients undergoing radiation therapy. Although multiple disease states and medication may be responsible for the development of these disorders, the aim of this research is to sequentially document the effect of total body radiation on body function utilizing the sequential changes in the serum lipids, electrolytes and protein in rats. Methods: Serum protein and lipids contents were assessed using kits while electrolytes were assessed with flame photometry in rats exposed to total body irradiations of 1.27 Gy/min in cumulative doses to the fourth irradiation at five-day intervals. Results: Total cholesterol and triacylglycerols serum levels were significantly reduced by irradiation (p < 0.05). No significant differences between experimental and control groups for HDL-C serum levels were detected. Serum electrolyte concentration remained within the normal range after each total body irradiation. Sodium, bicarbonate and chloride were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than control while potassium and creatinine were significantly reduced after the first irradiation only. Sodium/potassium ratio was significantly (p < 0.05) elevated. Serum protein was significantly (p < 0.05) elevated with increasing radiation. Conclusion: There are subtle but significant changes in serum lipids, electrolytes and protein after total body irradiation of normal rats. These variations could be due to non-specific stress reactions; as such, they are important markers in radiation induced injury diagnosis. Keywords: Lipid profile, protein, radiation injury, serum electrolytes "Perfiles de Lípidos, Proteínas y Electrolitos Plasmáticos en Ratas tras Irradiación Corporal Total" RESUMEN Objetivo: Los desequilibrios de lípido y electrolito plasmáticos son comunes en los pacientes críticos sometidos a terapia radioactiva. Aunque los múltiples estados de la enfermedad y la medicación pueden ser responsables del surgimiento de estos trastornos, el objetivo de esta investigación es documentar de manera secuencial el efecto de la radiación corporal total sobre la función corporal, utilizando los cambios secuenciales en los lípidos, electrolitos y proteínas plasmáticos en las ratas. Métodos: Los contenidos de lípidos y proteínas plasmáticos fueron evaluados utilizando kits, en tanto que los electrolitos fueron evaluados mediante fotometría de llama en ratas expuestas a irradiaciones corporales totales de rayos X de 1.27 Gy/min, en dosis cumulativas hasta la cuarta irradiación en intervalos de cinco días. Resultados: El colesterol total y los niveles plasmáticos de triacilgliceroles fueron reducidos signi-ficativamente por la irradiación (p < 0.05). No se detectaron diferencias significativas entre; os grupos experimentales y de control en relación con los niveles plasmáticos de colesterol HDL. La concen-tración de electrolito plasmático se mantuvo dentro de los límites normales luego de cada irradiación corporal total de rayos X. La relación sodio/potasio fue significativamente elevada (p < 0.05). La proteína plasmática se elevaba significativamente (p < 0.05) al aumentar la radiación. Conclusión: Tras la irradiación corporal total de las ratas normales, se producen cambios sutiles pero significativos en los lípidos, electrolitos y proteínas del plasma. Estas variaciones podrían ser debidas a reacciones de estrés no específicas, y como tal, son marcadores importantes en el diagnóstico de las lesiones inducidas por la radiación. Palabras claves: Perfil lípido, proteína, lesión por radiación, electrolitos plasmático