13 research outputs found

    Early childhood online education in the COVID-19 context. Behavioral Patterns for User Interface Design

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    The outcomes from the lived experience descriptions show that tested indicators for the evaluation of both MOOCs and preschool education are insufficient or inexact for the assessment of our current condition. Most of the main online platforms, based on universities or as products of local entrepreneurships have ignored the preschool group. The already proposed generic solutions do not meet preschool education's needs. Considering Behavioral Patterns we propose a model useful for both the evaluation of ongoing experiences and the organization of new content

    Design during COVID-19: Agents and allies in the role of designer, digital fabrication and distributed production

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    During COVID-19 global emergency, designers proposed solutions at different scales, as quick responses to demands from different agents. In the same way, we critically analyzed the emergence of allies, protocols and tools, which allowed the optimization of fabrication, from traditional manufacturing into distributed co-production. The analyzed local networks produced global co-design experiences, with involvement of FabLabs and users from different disciplines. Through case studies and the evaluation of surveys and testimonials from users and makers, we analyze the global panorama, to finally explore the specific situation in Latin America. This establishes a relationship between medical demand and digital fabrication, which allows evidence of positive and negative situations to be consider as new, significant aspects for the design in the future. The leading role acquired by the ecosystem surrounding digital fabrication during the pandemic, could enhance its processes in the search for greater positioning, changing society from within the different communities

    Design during COVID-19: agents and allies in the role of designer, digital fabrication and distributed production

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    During COVID-19 global emergency, designers proposed solutions at different scales, as quick responses to demands from different agents. In the same way, we critically analyzed the emergence of allies, protocols and tools, which allowed the optimization of fabrication, from traditional manufacturing into distributed co-production. The analyzed local networks produced global co-design experiences, with involvement of FabLabs and users from different disciplines. Through case studies and the evaluation of surveys and testimonials from users and makers, we analyze the global panorama, to finally explore the specific situation in Latin America. This establishes a relationship between medical demand and digital fabrication, which allows evidence of positive and negative situations to be consider as new, significant aspects for the design in the future. The leading role acquired by the ecosystem surrounding digital fabrication during the pandemic, could enhance its processes in the search for greater positioning, changing society from within the different communities

    Pedagogical participatory experiences to promote Public Interest Technology from volunteer work

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    Public Interest Technologies allow practices and learning opportunities for the sustainable improvement of living conditions. Our analysis of participatory pedagogical experiences, from the perspective of student volunteer tourism, adds elements to this emerging field of study by analyzing the steps, main opportunities, and challenges as a basis for the implementation of PIT in higher education. In six case studies, students from the Northern hemisphere reached out to vulnerable communities in Lima (Peru) through universities and local NGOs, in events ranging from welfarism to co-design and participation. Experiences of Practice Based Education promoted direct interaction with different local realities, enhancing communication, socialization and empathy, key skills in the training of a new generation of professionals that will work in the implementation of new inclusive and participatory policies in our communities. Technology becomes an ally of processes once trust has been consolidated, seeking sustainability in the public interest

    Squatter settlements and slums and sustainable development

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    Squatter settlement is defined as a low residential area, which has developed without legal right to the land or permission from the concerned authorities to build, and as a result, of their illegal status, infrastructure and services are usually inadequate (UN-Habitat 2003). On the other hand, slums are contiguous settlements where inhabitants are characterized by insecure residential status, inadequate access to safe water, inadequate access to sanitation and other basic infrastructure and services, poor housing quality, and overcrowding (UN-Habitat 2003). Both are form of informal settlements that are not formally planned

    Micro-regeneration of Public Space in Marginal Areas: Comparing Processes in Guatemala and Peru

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    The article reviews and compares two cases of participative design processes in Central and South America neighbourhoods: Mixco (Guatemala) and Alto Peru, Chorrillos (Peru). Both processes aim for a micro-regeneration in public open spaces, involving students, faculties, local communities and other stakeholders, through data analysis, interviews, surveys and visits. The existing public spaces created without planning and intervention of professional architects, and not following official regulations have become realms for social life. They need particular attention for achieving social equity and inclusion. Pedagogically, participatory design increases the relevance of teaching experiences in architecture schools worldwide, but it shows some limits

    SDGs for the assessment of voluntourism learning experiences

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    Problem Based Learning (PBL) strategies aim to close the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world situations, especially in higher education. Studying six experiences of voluntourism (volunteer tourism) carried out in Lima, Peru, and the previously established tasks and stages of such projects, we propose a way of approaching Sustainable Development Goals to real-life pedagogical experiences. SDGs are used not only as objectives, but also as assessment tools for both projects and teaching opportunities, while becoming real part of the curricula

    ETC Distance Learning Studies during COVID-19, a meta-analysis

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    The recent increase in the amount of research on Distance Learning in Engineering, Technology, and Computing, produced by the adaptations in response to the sanitary emergency, makes it necessary to systematize, classify and analyze the current trends. This paper presents a meta-analysis of peer-reviewed papers written and published in the Iberoamerican region, regarding remote learning and distant teaching in ETC. Using PRISMA, we selected articles located in several academic repositories, which were classified in order to identify countries of origin, types of research (research, application, review), main keywords, and universities. The results were then analyzed to identify regional trends and possible lines of action to better ensure that the research efforts continue after the emergency

    ETC Distance Learning Studies during COVID-19, a meta-analysis

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    The recent increase in the amount of research on Distance Learning in Engineering, Technology, and Computing, produced by the adaptations in response to the sanitary emergency, makes it necessary to systematize, classify and analyze the current trends. This paper presents a meta-analysis of peer-reviewed papers written and published in the Iberoamerican region, regarding remote learning and distant teaching in ETC. Using PRISMA, we selected articles located in several academic repositories, which were classified in order to identify countries of origin, types of research (research, application, review), main keywords, and universities. The results were then analyzed to identify regional trends and possible lines of action to better ensure that the research efforts continue after the emergency