212 research outputs found

    A technical framework for human-like motion generation with autonomous anthropomorphic redundant manipulators

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    The need for users' safety and technology accept-ability has incredibly increased with the deployment of co-bots physically interacting with humans in industrial settings, and for people assistance. A well-studied approach to meet these requirements is to ensure human-like robot motions. Classic solutions for anthropomorphic movement generation usually rely on optimization procedures, which build upon hypotheses devised from neuroscientific literature, or capitalize on learning methods. However, these approaches come with limitations, e.g. limited motion variability or the need for high dimensional datasets. In this work, we present a technique to directly embed human upper limb principal motion modes computed through functional analysis in the robot trajectory optimization. We report on the implementation with manipulators with redundant anthropomorphic kinematic architectures - although dissimilar with respect to the human model used for functional mode extraction - via Cartesian impedance control. In our experiments, we show how human trajectories mapped onto a robotic manipulator still exhibit the main characteristics of human-likeness, e.g. low jerk values. We discuss the results with respect to the state of the art, and their implications for advanced human-robot interaction in industrial co-botics and for human assistance

    Physics‐Informed Neural Networks to Model and Control Robots: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation

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    This work concerns the application of physics‐informed neural networks to the modeling and control of complex robotic systems. Achieving this goal requires extending physics‐informed neural networks to handle nonconservative effects. These learned models are proposed to combine with model‐based controllers originally developed with first‐principle models in mind. By combining standard and new techniques, precise control performance can be achieved while proving theoretical stability bounds. These validations include real‐world experiments of motion prediction with a soft robot and trajectory tracking with a Franka Emika Panda manipulator.</jats:p

    A Synergistic Behavior Underpins Human Hand Grasping Force Control During Environmental Constraint Exploitation

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    Despite the complex nature of human hands, neuroscientific studies suggested a simplified kinematic control underpinning motion generation, resulting in principal joint angle co-variation patterns, usually called postural hand synergies. Such a low dimensional description was observed in common grasping tasks, and was proven to be preserved also for grasps performed by exploiting the external environment (e.g., picking up a key by sliding it on a table). In this paper, we extend this analysis to the force domain. To do so, we performed experiments with six subjects, who were asked to grasp objects from a flat surface while force/torque measures were acquired at fingertip level through wearable sensors. The set of objects was chosen so that participants were forced to interact with the table to achieve a successful grasp. Principal component analysis was applied to force measurements to investigate the existence of co-variation schemes, i.e. a synergistic behavior. Results show that one principal component explains most of the hand force distribution. Applications to clinical assessment and robotic sensing are finally discussed

    Iterative Learning Control as a Framework for Human-Inspired Control with Bio-mimetic Actuators

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    The synergy between musculoskeletal and central nervous systems empowers humans to achieve a high level of motor performance, which is still unmatched in bio-inspired robotic systems. Literature already presents a wide range of robots that mimic the human body. However, under a control point of view, substantial advancements are still needed to fully exploit the new possibilities provided by these systems. In this paper, we test experimentally that an Iterative Learning Control algorithm can be used to reproduce functionalities of the human central nervous system - i.e. learning by repetition, after-effect on known trajectories and anticipatory behavior - while controlling a bio-mimetically actuated robotic arm

    Longitudinal Results With Intratympanic Dexamethasone in the Treatment of MĂ©niĂšre’s Disease

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    To assess patient satisfaction with vertigo control using intratympanic (IT) dexamethasone (12 mg/mL) for medically refractory unilateral Meniere's disease. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: Tertiary referral neurotology clinic. PATIENTS: One hundred twenty-nine subjects diagnosed with unilateral Meniere's disease still having vertigo despite medical therapy. INTERVENTION: IT dexamethasone injections as needed to control vertigo attacks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: A Kaplan-Meier time-to-event method was used to determine the rate of "survival," meaning sufficient satisfaction with vertigo control that the subject did not wish to have subsequent ablative treatment. "Failure" was defined as poor control and the choice to proceed to ablative treatment. RESULTS: Acceptable vertigo control ("survival") was achieved in 117 (91%) of 129 subjects. Vertigo control required only one dexamethasone injection in 48 (37%), 2 injections in 26 (20%), 3 injections in 18 (14%), and 4 injections in 10 (8%). More than 4 injections were needed in 15 subjects (21%). Of 12 failures (9%), 9 occurred within 6 months of the first IT dexamethasone injection. Follow-up data for 2 years were available for 96 subjects. Of these, 87 (91%) had vertigo control with IT dexamethasone, of whom 61 (70)% required no further injections after 2 years, 23 (26%) continued to receive IT dexamethasone injections, and 3 (3%) chose IT gentamicin treatment. CONCLUSION: IT dexamethasone injection therapy on an as-needed outpatient basis can provide vertigo control that is satisfactory in patients with Meniere's disease. The Kaplan-Meier method addresses the need for an outcome measure suited to repeated treatments and variable lengths of follow-up. However, due to the retrospective nature of this study, the presence of bias caused by loss of subjects from follow-up cannot be ruled out

    Retinoic acid degradation shapes zonal development of vestibular organs and sensitivity to transient linear accelerations

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    Each vestibular sensory epithelium in the inner ear is divided morphologically and physio- logically into two zones, called the striola and extrastriola in otolith organ maculae, and the central and peripheral zones in semicircular canal cristae. We found that formation of striolar/central zones during embryogenesis requires Cytochrome P450 26b1 (Cyp26b1)- mediated degradation of retinoic acid (RA). In Cyp26b1 conditional knockout mice, formation of striolar/central zones is compromised, such that they resemble extrastriolar/peripheral zones in multiple features. Mutants have deficient vestibular evoked potential (VsEP) responses to jerk stimuli, head tremor and deficits in balance beam tests that are consistent with abnormal vestibular input, but normal vestibulo-ocular reflexes and apparently normal motor performance during swimming. Thus, degradation of RA during embryogenesis is required for formation of highly specialized regions of the vestibular sensory epithelia with specific functions in detecting head motions

    Processing of Retinal Signals in Normal and HCN Deficient Mice

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    This study investigates the role of two different HCN channel isoforms in the light response of the outer retina. Taking advantage of HCN-deficient mice models and of in vitro (patch-clamp) and in vivo (ERG) recordings of retinal activity we show that HCN1 and HCN2 channels are expressed at distinct retinal sites and serve different functions. Specifically, HCN1 operate mainly at the level of the photoreceptor inner segment from where, together with other voltage sensitive channels, they control the time course of the response to bright light. Conversely, HCN2 channels are mainly expressed on the dendrites of bipolar cells and affect the response to dim lights. Single cell recordings in HCN1−/− mice or during a pharmacological blockade of Ih show that, contrary to previous reports, Ikx alone is able to generate the fast initial transient in the rod bright flash response. Here we demonstrate that the relative contribution of Ih and Ikx to the rods' temporal tuning depends on the membrane potential. This is the first instance in which the light response of normal and HCN1- or HCN2-deficient mice is analyzed in single cells in retinal slice preparations and in integrated full field ERG responses from intact animals. This comparison reveals a high degree of correlation between single cell current clamp data and ERG measurements. A novel picture emerges showing that the temporal profile of the visual response to dim and bright luminance changes is separately determined by the coordinated gating of distinct voltage dependent conductances in photoreceptors and bipolar cells

    The human semicircular canal model of galvanic vestibular stimulation

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    A vector summation model of the action of galvanic stimuli on the semicircular canals has been shown to explain empirical balance and perceptual responses to binaural-bipolar stimuli. However, published data suggest binaural-monopolar stimuli evoke responses that are in the reverse direction of the model prediction. Here, we confirm this by measuring balance responses to binaural-monopolar stimulation as movements of the upper trunk. One explanation for the discrepancy is that the galvanic stimulus might evoke an oppositely directed balance response from the otolith organs that sums with and overrides the semicircular canal response. We tested this hypothesis by measuring sway responses across the full range of head pitch. The results showed some modulation of sway with pitch such that the maximal response occurred with the head in the primary position. However, the effect fell a long way short of that required to reverse the canal sway response. This indicates that the model is incomplete. Here, we examine alterations to the model that could explain both the bipolar and monopolar-evoked behavioural responses. An explanation was sought by remodelling the canal response with more recent data on the orientation of the individual canals. This improved matters but did not reverse the model prediction. However, the model response could be reversed by either rotating the entire labyrinth in the skull or by altering the gains of the individual canals. The most parsimonious solution was to use the more recent canal orientation data coupled with a small increase in posterior canal gain
