901 research outputs found

    Depression Screening Tool for Hysterectomy Patients

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    Abstract Background: The prevalence of hysterectomies in the United States ranges from 5.1 to 5.8 per 1000 women (Harnod et al., 2018). A standardized screening tool for assessing depression preoperatively could mitigate the worsening of postoperative depressive symptoms in patients scheduled for a hysterectomy. Local Problem: Currently, there is no standard of practice to routinely screen for depression in preoperative patients scheduled for hysterectomy surgeries. However, as with any surgical intervention, there are risks of long-term complications. Studies have identified that a hysterectomy may increase the risk of cardiovascular events, menopause, depression, and other outcomes (Madueke-Laveaux et al., 2022). Methods: A fifteen-minute zoom course will be created for providers to utilize a depression screening tool preoperatively for patients scheduled for hysterectomies. Proposed Interventions: Pre -and post-knowledge acquisition project for the preoperative medicine clinic providers. Proposed Measures: Pre- and post-quiz for preoperative medicine providers. Conclusions: Literature suggests the importance of performing a preoperative assessment and evaluating mental health diagnosis. Literature supports the need for pre-surgical mental health screening as it affects surgery outcomes. Although hysterectomy is a standard treatment for uterine ailments, its long-term risks are highlighted in the literature of cardiac disease, pelvic prolapse, premature menopause, depression, and other estrogenic declines. Keywords: Screening tool, Hysterectomy, Preoperative depression assessment, depressio


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    Indonesia located at the confluence of Eurasian tectonic plate, Australian tectonic plate and the Pacific tectonic plate. Therefore, Indonesia has big geothermal potential. One of the areas that has geothermal potential is Ungaran Mount. Remote sensing technology can have a role in geothermal exploration activity to map the distribution of land surface temperatures associated with geothermal manifestations. The advantages of remote sensing are able to get information without having to go directly to the field with a large area, and it takes quick, so that the information can be used as an initial reference exploration activities. This study aimed to obtain the distribution of land surface temperature as a regional analysis of geothermal potential. The method of this research was a correlation of brightness temperature (BT) Landsat 8 with land surface temperature (LST) MODIS. The results of correlation analysis showed the R2 value was equal to 0.87, it shows that between BT Landsat 8 and LST MODIS has a very high correlation. Based on Landsat 8 LST imagery correction, the average of fumarole temperature and hot spring is 240C. Fumarole and hot spring are located in dense vegetation land which has average temperature around 26.90C. Land surface temperature Landsat 8 can not be directly used to identify geothermal potential, especially in the dense vegetation area, due to the existence of dense vegetation which can absorb heat energy released by geothermal surface feature

    PC tools for project management: Programs and the state-of-the-practice

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    The use of microcomputer tools for NASA project management; which features are the most useful; the impact of these tools on job performance and individual style; and the prospects for new features in project management tools and related tools are addressed. High, mid, and low end PM tools are examined. The pro's and con's of the tools are assessed relative to various tasks. The strengths and weaknesses of the tools are presented through cases and demonstrations

    Design of a Three-Dimensional Cognitive Mapping Approach to Support Inquiry Learning

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    Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Model Tutorial Materi Impuls Dan Momentum Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis

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    This study aims to describe the influence of interactive learning media tutorial model on the ability of critical thinking. The sample of this research is the students of class X MIA 1 and 2 MAN 2 Tangerang. This research uses Pre-Experimental Design with Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design type. Data were tested with N-gain analysis, normality test, homogeneity test and Independent Sample T-test. Results from the Independent Sample T-test Sig value. (2-Tailed) less than 0.05 is 0.002, then it can be stated there is a significant influence of the use of interactive learning media tutorial model on the ability of critical thinking. Based on the average N-gain critical thinking ability in the experimental class of 0.78 (high category), while the control class is 0.66 (medium category). Interactive learning media tutorial model can improve critical thinking skills.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh media pembelajaran interaktif model tutorial terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MIA 1 dan 2 MAN 2 Tangerang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Pre-Experimental Design dengan tipe Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Data diuji dengan analisi N-gain, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan Independent Sample T-test. Hasil dari uji Independent Sample T-test nilai Sig. (2-Tailed) kurang dari 0,05 yaitu 0,002, maka dapat dinyatakan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan media pembelajaran interaktif model tutorial terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis. Berdasarkan rata-rata N-gain kemampuan berpikir kritis pada kelas eskperimen sebesar 0,78 (kategori tinggi), sedangkan kelas kontrol sebesar 0,66 (kategori sedang). Media pembelajaran interaktif model tutorial mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis

    A fast cardiac electromechanics model coupling the Eikonal and the nonlinear mechanics equations

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    We present a new model of human cardiac electromechanics for the left ventricle where electrophysiology is described by a Reaction-Eikonal model and which enables an off-line resolution of the reaction model, thus entailing a big saving of computational time. Subcellular dynamics is coupled with a model of tissue mechanics, which is in turn coupled with a Windkessel model for blood circulation. Our numerical results show that the proposed model is able to provide a physiological response to changes in certain variables (end-diastolic volume, total peripheral resistance, contractility). We also show that our model is able to reproduce with high accuracy and with a considerably lower computational time the results that we would obtain if the monodomain model should be used in place of the Eikonal model

    Molecular identification of different trypanosome species and subspecies in tsetse flies of northern Nigeria

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    Background: Animal African Trypanosomiasis (AAT) is caused by several species of trypanosomes including Trypanosoma congolense, T. vivax, T. godfreyi, T. simiae and T. brucei. Two of the subspecies of T. brucei also cause Human African Trypanosomiasis. Although some of them can be mechanically transmitted by biting flies; these trypanosomes are all transmitted by tsetse flies which are the cyclical vectors of Trypanosoma congolense, T. godfreyi, T. simiae and T. brucei. We present here the first report assessing the prevalence of trypanosomes in tsetse flies in Nigeria using molecular tools. Methods: 488 tsetse flies of three species, Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. tachinoides and G. morsitans submorsitans were collected from Wuya, Niger State and Yankari National Park, Bauchi State in 2012. Trypanosomes were detected and identified using an ITS1 PCR assay on DNA purified from the ‘head plus proboscis’ (H + P) and abdomen (ABD) parts of each fly. Results: T. vivax and T. congolense Savannah were the major parasites detected. Trypanosomes prevalence was 7.1 % in G. p. palpalis, 11.9 % in G. tachinoides and 13.5 % in G. m. submorsitans. Prevalences of T. congolense Savannah ranged from 2.5 to 6.7 % and of T. vivax were approximately 4.5 %. Trypanosoma congolense Forest, T. godfreyi and T. simiae were also detected in the site of Yankari. The main biological and ecological determinants of trypanosome prevalence were the fly sex, with more trypanosomes found in females than males, and the site, with T. congolense subspp. being more abundant in Yankari than in Wuya. As expected, the trypanosome species diversity was higher in Yankari National Park than in the more agricultural site of Wuya where vertebrate host species diversity is lower. Conclusions: Our results show that T. congolense Savannah and T. vivax are the main species of parasite potentially causing AAT in the two study sites and that Yankari National Park is a potential reservoir of trypanosomes both in terms of parasite abundance and species diversity

    Efek Konsentrasi Hormon Giberelin (Ga3) Dan Lama Perendaman Pada Berbagai Pembelahan Terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana L)

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    Purpose of this study is to determine the best number of seeds cuttings, gibberellin concentration and immersion time for the germination of mangosteen seeds. This research conducted at Laboratory of Seed Technology Faculty Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan from December to March 2016. Experimental design used a factorial randomized block design with three factors, seed cutting, gibberellin concentrations and immersion time. Parameters measured were membrane leakage (μmhos), normal seedling (%), abnormal seedling (%), died seeds (%), germination rate (days), vigor Index (%). The results show that intact mangosteen seeds or without cutting, application of gibberellin at a concentration of 75 ppm and 24 hours time immersion are the best treatments to mangosteen seed germination
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