77 research outputs found

    Soliton creation during a Bose-Einstein condensation

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    We use stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation to study dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensation. We show that cooling into a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) can create solitons with density given by the cooling rate and by the critical exponents of the transition. Thus, counting solitons left in its wake should allow one to determine the critical exponents z and nu for a BEC phase transition. The same information can be extracted from two-point correlation functions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, improved version to appear in PRL: scalings discussed more extensively, fitting scheme for determination of z and nu critical exponents is explaine

    Shock waves in ultracold Fermi (Tonks) gases

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    It is shown that a broad density perturbation in a Fermi (Tonks) cloud takes a shock wave form in the course of time evolution. A very accurate analytical description of shock formation is provided. A simple experimental setup for the observation of shocks is discussed.Comment: approx. 4 pages&figures, minor corrections^2, to be published as a Letter in Journal of Physics

    Dynamics of a quantum quench in an ultra-cold atomic BCS superfluid

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    We study dynamics of an ultra-cold atomic BCS superfluid driven towards the BCS superfluid-Fermi liquid quantum critical point by a gradual decrease of the pairing interaction. We analyze how the BCS superfluid falls out of equilibrium and show that the non-equilibrium gap and Cooper pair size reflect critical properties of the transition. We observe three stages of evolution: adiabatic where the Cooper pair size is inversely proportional to the equilibrium gap, weakly non-equilibrium where it is inversely proportional to the non-equilibrium gap, and strongly non-equilibrium where it decouples from both equilibrium and non-equilibrium gap. These phenomena should stimulate future experimental characterization of non-equilibrium ultra-cold atomic BCS superfluids.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PR

    Microscopic physics of quantum self-organisation of optical lattices in cavities

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    We study quantum particles at zero temperature in an optical lattice coupled to a resonant cavity mode. The cavity field substantially modifies the particle dynamics in the lattice, and for strong particle-field coupling leads to a quantum phase with only every second site occupied. We study the growth of this new order out of a homogeneous initial distribution for few particles as the microscopic physics underlying a quantum phase transition. Simulations reveal that the growth dynamics crucially depends on the initial quantum many-body state of the particles and can be monitored via the cavity fluorescence. Studying the relaxation time of the ordering reveals inhibited tunnelling, which indicates that the effective mass of the particles is increased by the interaction with the cavity field. However, the relaxation becomes very quick for large coupling.Comment: 14 pages 6 figure

    Atomic Bose and Anderson glasses in optical lattices

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    An ultra cold atomic Bose gas in an optical lattice is shown to provide an ideal system for the controlled analysis of disordered Bose lattice gases. This goal may be easily achieved under the current experimental conditions, by introducing a pseudo-random potential created by a second additional lattice or, alternatively, by placing a speckle pattern on the main lattice. We show that for a non commensurable filling factor, in the strong interaction limit, a controlled growing of the disorder drives a dynamical transition from superfluid to Bose-glass phase. Similarly, in the weak interaction limit, a dynamical transition from superfluid to Anderson-glass phase may be observed. In both regimes, we show that even very low-intensity disorder-inducing lasers cause large modifications of the superfluid fraction of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Minor changes. To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2003

    Transport and Entanglement Generation in the Bose-Hubbard Model

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    We study entanglement generation via particle transport across a one-dimensional system described by the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. We analyze how the competition between interactions and tunneling affects transport properties and the creation of entanglement in the occupation number basis. Alternatively, we propose to use spatially delocalized quantum bits, where a quantum bit is defined by the presence of a particle either in a site or in the adjacent one. Our results can serve as a guidance for future experiments to characterize entanglement of ultracold gases in one-dimensional optical lattices.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Winding up superfluid in a torus via Bose Einstein condensation

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    Phase transitions are usually treated as equilibrium phenomena, which yields telltale universality classes with scaling behavior of relaxation time and healing length. However, in second-order phase transitions relaxation time diverges near the critical point (“critical slowing down”). Therefore, every such transition traversed at a finite rate is a non-equilibrium process. Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) captures this basic physics, predicting sizes of domains – fragments of broken symmetry – and the density of topological defects, long-lived relics of symmetry breaking that can survive long after the transition. To test KZM we simulate Bose-Einstein condensation in a ring using stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation and show that BEC formation can spontaneously generate quantized circulation of the newborn condensate. The magnitude of the resulting winding numbers and the time-lag of BEC density growth – both experimentally measurable – follow scalings predicted by KZM. Our results may also facilitate measuring the dynamical critical exponent for the BEC transition

    Quantum stability of self-organized atomic insulator-like states in optical resonators

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    We investigate a paradigm example of cavity quantum electrodynamics with many body systems: an ultracold atomic gas inside a pumped optical resonator. In particular, we study the stability of atomic insulator-like states, confined by the mechanical potential emerging from the cavity field spatial mode structure. As in open space, when the optical potential is sufficiently deep, the atomic gas is in the Mott-like state. Inside the cavity, however, the potential depends on the atomic distribution, which determines the refractive index of the medium, thus altering the intracavity field amplitude. We derive the effective Bose-Hubbard model describing the physics of the system in one dimension and study the crossover between the superfluid -- Mott insulator quantum states. We determine the regions of parameters where the atomic insulator states are stable, and predict the existence of overlapping stability regions corresponding to competing insulator-like states. Bistable behavior, controlled by the pump intensity, is encountered in the vicinity of the shifted cavity resonance.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Replaced with revised version. Accepted for publication in New J. Phys., special issue "Quantum correlations in tailord matter

    Ab initio calculation of the KRb dipole moments

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    The relativistic configuration interaction valence bond method has been used to calculate permanent and transition electric dipole moments of the KRb heteronuclear molecule as a function of internuclear separation. The permanent dipole moment of the ground state X1Σ+X^1\Sigma^+ potential is found to be 0.30(2) ea0ea_0 at the equilibrium internuclear separation with excess negative charge on the potassium atom. For the a3Σ+a^3\Sigma^+ potential the dipole moment is an order of magnitude smaller (1 ea0=8.478351030ea_0=8.47835 10^{-30} Cm) In addition, we calculate transition dipole moments between the two ground-state and excited-state potentials that dissociate to the K(4s)+Rb(5p) limits. Using this data we propose a way to produce singlet X1Σ+X^1\Sigma^+ KRb molecules by a two-photon Raman process starting from an ultracold mixture of doubly spin-polarized ground state K and Rb atoms. This Raman process is only allowed due to relativistic spin-orbit couplings and the absence of gerade/ungerade selection rules in heteronuclear dimers.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Changes of the topological charge of vortices

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    We consider changes of the topological charge of vortices in quantum mechanics by investigating analytical examples where the creation or annihilation of vortices occurs. In classical hydrodynamics of non-viscous fluids the Helmholtz-Kelvin theorem ensures that the velocity field circulation is conserved. We discuss applicability of the theorem in the hydrodynamical formulation of quantum mechanics showing that the assumptions of the theorem may be broken in quantum evolution of the wavefunction leading to a change of the topological charge.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication in J. Phys.