1,173 research outputs found

    "... bey einer guten Handlung böse Grundsätze zu argwohnen!" : empfindsame Diskurse bei Gellert, Sophie von La Roche und in Goethes "Werther"

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    Drei paradigmatische empfindsame Romane – Gellerts "Das Leben der Schwedischen Gräfinn von G***", Sophie von La Roches "Geschichte des Fräuleins von Sternheim" und Goethes "Werther" – werden darauf hin befragt, was sich ihnen hinsichtlich der diskursiven Struktur der Empfindsamkeit ablesen läßt. Dabei werden, aufbauend auf Foucaults Bestimmungen, ein starker und ein schwacher Diskursbegriff unterschieden: Kriterium der Unterscheidung ist, ob eine "Formation" sich selbst als Diskurs organisiert oder ob sie nur (nachträglich) als Diskurs beschrieben werden kann. Mit Hilfe dieser Differenz läßt sich eine signifikante, notwendige Entwicklung der Empfindsamkeit nachweisen, die die drei Romane auf unterschiedliche Weise reflektieren

    Offenbarung, Vernunft und "fähigere Individuen" : die positiven Religionen in Lessings "Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts"

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    Lessings Schrift "Die Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts" wirkt bis heute widersprüchlich. Sie scheint zugleich zu behaupten, daß die Offenbarung die Entwicklung der menschlichen Vernunft uneinholbar transzendiert, wie daß sie diese nur beschleunigt. Der scheinbare Widerspruch hat jedoch seine Funktion in der Rhetorik des Textes, wie eine intertextuelle Lektüre zeigt: Vor dem Hintergrund der Reimarus-Fragmente und mit Blick auf die ethischen Implikationen der Ringparabel offenbart sich die logische Konsistenz eines säkularen eschatologischen Modells

    Rheology of human blood plasma: Viscoelastic versus Newtonian behavior

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    We investigate the rheological characteristics of human blood plasma in shear and elongational flows. While we can confirm a Newtonian behavior in shear flow within experimental resolution, we find a viscoelastic behavior of blood plasma in the pure extensional flow of a capillary break-up rheometer. The influence of the viscoelasticity of blood plasma on capillary blood flow is tested in a microfluidic device with a contraction-expansion geometry. Differential pressure measurements revealed that the plasma has a pronounced flow resistance compared to that of pure water. Supplementary measurements indicate that the viscoelasticity of the plasma might even lead to viscoelastic instabilities under certain conditions. Our findings show that the viscoelastic properties of plasma should not be ignored in future studies on blood flow.Comment: 4 figures, 1 supplementary material Highlighted in http://physics.aps.org/articles/v6/1

    Experimental and numerical investigation of the shear behaviour of infiltrated woven fabrics

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    Wet compression moulding (WCM) as a promising alternative to resin transfer moulding (RTM) provides high-volume production potential for continuously fibre reinforced composite components. Lower cycle times are possible due to the parallelisation of the process steps draping, infiltration and curing during moulding. Although experimental and theoretical investigations indicate a strong mutual dependency arising from this parallelisation, no material characterisation set-ups for textiles infiltrated with low viscous fluids are yet available, which limits a physical-based process understanding and prevents the development of proper simulation tools. Therefore, a modified bias-extension test set-up is presented, which enables infiltrated shear characterisation of engineering textiles. Experimental studies on an infiltrated woven fabric reveal both, rate- and viscosity-dependent shear behaviour. The process relevance is evaluated on part level within a numerical study by means of FE-forming simulation. Results reveal a significant impact on the global and local shear angle distribution, especially during forming

    The 14C(n,g) cross section between 10 keV and 1 MeV

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    The neutron capture cross section of 14C is of relevance for several nucleosynthesis scenarios such as inhomogeneous Big Bang models, neutron induced CNO cycles, and neutrino driven wind models for the r process. The 14C(n,g) reaction is also important for the validation of the Coulomb dissociation method, where the (n,g) cross section can be indirectly obtained via the time-reversed process. So far, the example of 14C is the only case with neutrons where both, direct measurement and indirect Coulomb dissociation, have been applied. Unfortunately, the interpretation is obscured by discrepancies between several experiments and theory. Therefore, we report on new direct measurements of the 14C(n,g) reaction with neutron energies ranging from 20 to 800 keV

    Capabilities of macroscopic forming simulation for large-scale forming processes of dry and impregnated textiles

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    Forming of continuously fibre-reinforced polymers (CoFRP) has a significant impact on the structural performance of composite components, underlining the importance of forming simulation for CoFRP product development processes. For an integrated development of industrial composite components, efficient forming simulation methods are in high demand. Application-oriented method development is particularly crucial for industrial needs, where large and complex multi-layer components are manufactured, commercial FE software is used, and yet high prediction accuracy is required. To meet industrial demands, this contribution gives an insight in macroscopic forming simulation approaches that utilize the FE software Abaqus in combination with user-defined material models and finite elements. Three CoFRP forming technologies are considered, which are in industrial focus due to their suitability for mass production: textile forming of dry unidirectional non-crimp fabrics (UD-NCF), thermoforming of pre-impregnated UD tapes and wet compression moulding (WCM). In addition to the highly anisotropic, large-strain material behaviour that composite forming processes have in common, the three process technologies face various process-specific modelling challenges. UD-NCFs require material models that capture the deformation behaviour and the slippage of the stitching. Thermoforming of UD tapes is highly rate- and temperature-dependent, calling for rheological membrane and bending modelling. Moreover, a thermomechanical approach including crystallisation kinetics enables the prediction of potential phase-transition during forming and resulting defects in the semi-crystalline thermoplastic matrix. For simultaneous forming and infiltration in wet compression moulding, a finite Darcy-Progression-Element is superimposed with the membrane and shell elements for forming simulation, capturing infiltration-dependent material properties. The three outlined technologies illustrate the complexity and importance of further simulation method development to support future process development

    Influence of strain on magnetization and magnetoelectric effect in La0.7A0.3MnO3 / PMN-PT(001) (A = Sr; Ca)

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    We investigate the influence of a well-defined reversible biaxial strain <=0.12 % on the magnetization (M) of epitaxial ferromagnetic manganite films. M has been recorded depending on temperature, strain and magnetic field in 20 - 50 nm thick films. This is accomplished by reversibly compressing the isotropic in-plane lattice parameter of the rhombohedral piezoelectric 0.72PMN-0.28PT (001) substrates by application of an electric field E <= 12 kV cm-1. The magnitude of the total variable in-plane strain has been derived. Strain-induced shifts of the ferromagnetic Curie temperature (Tc) of up to 19 K were found in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) and La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 films and are quantitatively analysed for LSMO within a cubic model. The observed large magnetoelectric coupling coefficient alpha=mu0 dM/dE <= 6 10-8 s m-1 at ambient temperature results from the strain-induced M change in the magnetic-film-ferroelectric-substrate system. It corresponds to an enhancement of mu0 DeltaM <= 19 mT upon biaxial compression of 0.1 %. The extraordinary large alpha originates from the combination of three crucial properties: (i) the strong strain dependence of M in the ferromagnetic manganites, (ii) large piezo-strain of the PMN-PT substrates and (iii) effective elastic coupling at the film-substrate interface.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl
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