155 research outputs found

    Heralded qubit amplifiers for practical device-independent quantum key distribution

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    Device-independent quantum key distribution does not need a precise quantum mechanical model of employed devices to guarantee security. Despite of its beauty, it is still a very challenging experimental task. We compare a recent proposal by Gisin et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 070501 (2010)] to close the detection loophole problem with that of a simpler quantum relay based on entanglement swapping with linear optics. Our full-mode analysis for both schemes confirms that, in contrast to recent beliefs, the second scheme can indeed provide a positive key rate which is even considerably higher than that of the first alternative. The resulting key rates and required detection efficiencies of approx. 95% for both schemes, however, strongly depend on the underlying security proof.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Security of distributed-phase-reference quantum key distribution

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    Distributed-phase-reference quantum key distribution stands out for its easy implementation with present day technology. Since many years, a full security proof of these schemes in a realistic setting has been elusive. For the first time, we solve this long standing problem and present a generic method to prove the security of such protocols against general attacks. To illustrate our result we provide lower bounds on the key generation rate of a variant of the coherent-one-way quantum key distribution protocol. In contrast to standard predictions, it appears to scale quadratically with the system transmittance.Comment: 4 pages + appendix, 4 figure

    Unconditional Security of Single-Photon Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key Distribution

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    In this Letter, we prove the unconditional security of single-photon differential phase shift quantum key distribution (DPS-QKD) protocol, based on the conversion to an equivalent entanglement-based protocol. We estimate the upper bound of the phase error rate from the bit error rate, and show that DPS-QKD can generate unconditionally secure key when the bit error rate is not greater than 4.12%. This proof is the first step to the unconditional security proof of coherent state DPS-QKD.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; shorten the length, improve clarity, and correct typos; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Passive sources for the Bennett-Brassard 1984 quantum key distribution protocol with practical signals

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    Most experimental realizations of quantum key distribution are based on the Bennett-Brassard 1984 (so-called BB84) protocol. In a typical optical implementation of this scheme, the sender uses an active source to produce the required BB84 signal states. While active state preparation of BB84 signals is a simple and elegant solution in principle, in practice passive state preparation might be desirable in some scenarios, for instance, in those experimental setups operating at high transmission rates. Passive schemes might also be more robust against side-channel attacks than active sources. Typical passive devices involve parametric down-conversion. In this paper, we show that both coherent light and practical single photon sources are also suitable for passive generation of BB84 signal states. Our method does not require any external-driven element, but only linear optical components and photodetectors. In the case of coherent light, the resulting key rate is similar to the one delivered by an active source. When the sender uses practical single photon sources, however, the distance covered by a passive transmitter might be longer than the one of an active configuration.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Effect of detector dead-times on the security evaluation of differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution against sequential attacks

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    We investigate limitations imposed by detector dead-times on the performance of sequential attacks against a differential-phase-shift (DPS) quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol with weak coherent pulses. In particular, we analyze sequential attacks based on unambiguous state discrimination of the signal states emitted by the source and we obtain ultimate upper bounds on the maximal distance achievable by a DPS QKD scheme both in the so-called trusted and untrusted device scenarios, respectively.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    On the geometric distance between quantum states with positive partial transposition and private states

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    We prove an analytic positive lower bound for the geometric distance between entangled positive partial transpose (PPT) states of a broad class and any private state that delivers one secure key bit. Our proof holds for any Hilbert space of finite dimension. Although our result is proven for a specific class of PPT states, we show that our bound nonetheless holds for all known entangled PPT states with non-zero distillable key rates whether or not they are in our special class.Comment: 16 page

    Practical quantum key distribution: On the security evaluation with inefficient single-photon detectors

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    Quantum Key Distribution with the BB84 protocol has been shown to be unconditionally secure even using weak coherent pulses instead of single-photon signals. The distances that can be covered by these methods are limited due to the loss in the quantum channel (e.g. loss in the optical fiber) and in the single-photon counters of the receivers. One can argue that the loss in the detectors cannot be changed by an eavesdropper in order to increase the covered distance. Here we show that the security analysis of this scenario is not as easy as is commonly assumed, since already two-photon processes allow eavesdropping strategies that outperform the known photon-number splitting attack. For this reason there is, so far, no satisfactory security analysis available in the framework of individual attacks.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; Abstract and introduction extended, Appendix added, references update

    Intercept-resend attacks in the Bennett-Brassard 1984 quantum key distribution protocol with weak coherent pulses

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    Unconditional security proofs of the Bennett-Brassard protocol of quantum key distribution have been obtained recently. These proofs cover also practical implementations that utilize weak coherent pulses in the four signal polarizations. Proven secure rates leave open the possibility that new proofs or new public discussion protocols obtain larger rates over increased distance. In this paper we investigate limits to error rate and signal losses that can be tolerated by future protocols and proofs.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    On single-photon quantum key distribution in the presence of loss

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    We investigate two-way and one-way single-photon quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols in the presence of loss introduced by the quantum channel. Our analysis is based on a simple precondition for secure QKD in each case. In particular, the legitimate users need to prove that there exists no separable state (in the case of two-way QKD), or that there exists no quantum state having a symmetric extension (one-way QKD), that is compatible with the available measurements results. We show that both criteria can be formulated as a convex optimisation problem known as a semidefinite program, which can be efficiently solved. Moreover, we prove that the solution to the dual optimisation corresponds to the evaluation of an optimal witness operator that belongs to the minimal verification set of them for the given two-way (or one-way) QKD protocol. A positive expectation value of this optimal witness operator states that no secret key can be distilled from the available measurements results. We apply such analysis to several well-known single-photon QKD protocols under losses.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamic scaling regimes of collective decision making

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    We investigate a social system of agents faced with a binary choice. We assume there is a correct, or beneficial, outcome of this choice. Furthermore, we assume agents are influenced by others in making their decision, and that the agents can obtain information that may guide them towards making a correct decision. The dynamic model we propose is of nonequilibrium type, converging to a final decision. We run it on random graphs and scale-free networks. On random graphs, we find two distinct regions in terms of the "finalizing time" -- the time until all agents have finalized their decisions. On scale-free networks on the other hand, there does not seem to be any such distinct scaling regions
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