368 research outputs found

    Mealiness detection in apples using time resolved reflectance spectroscopy

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    Mealiness is a textural attribute related to internal fruit disorder that is characterized by the combination of abnormal softness of the fruit and absence of free juiciness in the mouth when eaten by the consumer. Time-resolved laser reflectance spectroscopy was used as a tool to determine mealiness. This new technique in agrofood research may provide physical and chemical information independently and simultaneously, which is relevant to characterize mealiness. Using visible and near infrared lasers as light sources, time-resolved laser reflectance spectroscopy was applied to Golden Delicious and Cox apples (n = 90), to characterize batches of untreated samples and samples that were stored under conditions that promote the development of mealiness (20C & 95% RH). The collected database was clustered into different groups according to their instrumental test values. The optical coefficients were used as explanatory variables to build discriminant functions for mealiness. The performance of the classification models created ranged from 47 to 100% of correctly identified mealy versus nonmealy apples

    In vivo absorption spectroscopy of tumor sensitizers with femtosecond white light

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    A system based on a femtosecond white-light continuum and a streak camera was used for recordings of the in vivo absorption spectra of the tumor-seeking agent disulphonated aluminum phthalocyanine. Measurements for different drug doses were performed on tumor tissue (muscle-implanted adenocarcinoma) and normal muscle tissue in rats. It was found that the shape of the spectrum is tissue dependent. The peak of the absorption spectrum is blueshifted in tumor tissue as compared with the muscle. Thus the contrast in the drug-related absorption can be altered by up to a factor of 2 from the primary drug molecular-concentration contrast between normal muscle and tumor by the proper selection of the illumination wavelength

    Transmural gradient of glycogen metabolism in the normal rat left ventricle.

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    The changes of glycogen metabolism with the location of tissue within the ventricle wall have been explored in the rat myocardium. The hearts were cut in 100 microns thick serial sections and all sections were analyzed for their content in glycogen, glucose-6-phosphate, UDPG and glycogen enzymes and for glucose incorporation into glycogen and for the 2-deoxyglucose uptake after the intravenous injection of the 14C-labelled sugars. The rate of glycogen turnover was significantly higher in the subendocardial myocardium (P less than 0.01) and the levels of glucose-6-phosphate and the total (i.e. a + b) activity of glycogen phosphorylase were significantly higher in the subepicardial tissue (P less than 0.01 in both instances). No significant transmural gradient of UDPG was found and transmural changes of total (i.e. I + D) synthase activity were barely significant. These changes in glycogen metabolism may be related to regional differences in the cardiac work load and to a differentiation of the subendocardial and subepicardial heart fibers

    Monitoring Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Through Time Domain Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy in Breast Cancer Patients: Preliminary Clinical Results

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    The purpose of this clinical study is to monitor NeoAdjuvant Chemotherapy through time domain Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy, correlate the optical results with conventional imaging techniques and pathological response and eventually predict the efficacy of NAC in breast cancer patients. Our seven wavelength (635 -1060 nm) optical mammograph is used to perform non-invasive measurements on patients undergoing NAC in this study. The broad spectral range helps us to fully analyze tissue composition, that includes hemoglobin, water lipids and collagen concentration, to track the tumor response during the course of the therapy. In this paper, we present the preliminary results of five patients

    Preliminary Evidence of the Efficacy of Time-Resolved Broad-Spectrum Optical Mammography in Monitoring Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

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    We present initial results of a clinical trial involving breast cancer patients under neoadjuvant chemotherapy, monitored through our time-resolved optical mammograph. Besides hemoglobin, water and lipids, we assess collagen concentration systematically for the first time

    Detection of internal quality in kiwi with a new optical technique (TDRS)

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    A compact system based on time-resolved diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (TDRS) has been developed to measure internal fruit quality parameters and has been applied to the non-destructive estimation of firmness, sugar content and acidity of kiwifruits. This new optical technique, developed in medical applications and related areas, provides a complete optical characterisation of a diffusive sample as it estimates at the same time and independently the light absorption inside the tissues and the scattering across them. The working principle of the technique is the analysis of the attenuation and broadening of the time-distribution of the remitted light, and the correct interpretation with a proper theoretical model. This main advantage compared to conventional optical techniques (which are only able to register the global attenuation spectrum) added to the compact, portable prototype developed along a three-year work opens the possibilities of this new measurement method in the food industry

    Clasificación de frutos por su calidad interna mediante espectroscopia láser de reflectancia con resolución temporal (TDRS).

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    La determinación no destructiva de la calidad interna de la fruta ha sido un objetivo prioritario en las investigaciones recientes (Abbott, 1999). La espectroscopia en el infrarrojo (NIR) es aplicable a la cuantificación de compuestos químicos en alimentos; por otro lado se ha comprobado que el uso de láseres es interesante para la estimación no destructiva de la firmeza de los frutos. Sin embargo estas técnicas ópticas más tradicionales tienen el inconveniente de que miden la intensidad de luz transmitida sin poder diferenciar el efecto de la absorción óptica del efecto de la dispersión espacial que sufre la luz en el interior de los tejidos, lo cual dificulta la estimación independiente de aspectos físicos y químicos. La espectroscopia con resolución temporal es una técnica óptica desarrollada para el diagnóstico en medicina, que permite diferenciar ambos fenómenos (absorción y dispersión), proporcionando una caracterización óptica completa de los tejidos. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido la aplicación de esta técnica a frutas y hortalizas, y el desarrollo de modelos matemáticos de estimación no destructiva de su calidad interna para su uso en procesos de clasificación

    Detección óptica de harinosidad en manzana mediante una nueva técnica láser.

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    Mealiness, a textural disorder that produces quality loss, combines softness and absence of juiciness. The only one (destructive) test to measure it, combines information from a mechanical test on fruit probes to classify the samples according to instrumental mealiness. Time-domain laser reflectance spectroscopy (TDRS) is able to assess simultaneously and independently the absorption of the light inside the irradiated body (µa coefficient) and the scattering of the photons across the tissues (µS, transport scattering coeff.) measured at each wavelength. Using VIS&NIR lasers as light sources, TDRS was applied to Golden Delicious and Cox apples (n=90), conforming batches of untreated samples and storage-treated (20°C&95%RH) to induce mealiness development. The collected database was clustered into different groups according to their instrumental mealiness. Optical variables were used to build discriminant functions, achieving classification scores 75-89% of correctly identified mealy apples

    Performance assessment of time-domain optical brain imagers, part 1: basic instrumental performance protocol

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    open21siAbstract.  Performance assessment of instruments devised for clinical applications is of key importance for validation and quality assurance. Two new protocols were developed and applied to facilitate the design and optimization of instruments for time-domain optical brain imaging within the European project nEUROPt. Here, we present the “Basic Instrumental Performance” protocol for direct measurement of relevant characteristics. Two tests are discussed in detail. First, the responsivity of the detection system is a measure of the overall efficiency to detect light emerging from tissue. For the related test, dedicated solid slab phantoms were developed and quantitatively spectrally characterized to provide sources of known radiance with nearly Lambertian angular characteristics. The responsivity of four time-domain optical brain imagers was found to be of the order of 0.1  m2 sr. The relevance of the responsivity measure is demonstrated by simulations of diffuse reflectance as a function of source-detector separation and optical properties. Second, the temporal instrument response function (IRF) is a critically important factor in determining the performance of time-domain systems. Measurements of the IRF for various instruments were combined with simulations to illustrate the impact of the width and shape of the IRF on contrast for a deep absorption change mimicking brain activation.H. Wabnitz; D. R. Taubert; M. Mazurenka; O. Steinkellner; A. Jelzow;R. Macdonald;D. Milej;P. Sawosz;M. Kacprzak;A. Liebert;R. Cooper;J. Hebden;A. Pifferi;A. Farina;I. Bargigia;D. Contini;M. Caffini;L. Zucchelli;L. Spinelli;R. Cubeddu;A. TorricelliH., Wabnitz; D. R., Taubert; M., Mazurenka; O., Steinkellner; A., Jelzow; R., Macdonald; D., Milej; P., Sawosz; M., Kacprzak; A., Liebert; R., Cooper; J., Hebden; Pifferi, ANTONIO GIOVANNI; Farina, Andrea; Bargigia, Ilaria; Contini, Davide; Caffini, Matteo; Zucchelli, LUCIA MARIA GRAZIA; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Torricelli, Alessandr