810 research outputs found

    Family C1 cysteine proteases: Biological diversity or redundancy?

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    Recent progress in the identification and partial characterization of novel genes encoding cysteine proteases of the papain family has considerably increased our knowledge of this family of enzymes. Kinetic data available to date for this large family indicate relatively broad, overlapping specificities for most enzymes, thus inspiring a growing conviction that they may exhibit functional redundancy. This is also supported in part by phenotypes of cathepsin knockout mice and suggests that several proteases can substitute for each other to degrade or process a given substrate. On the other hand, specific functions of one particular protease have also been documented. In addition, differences in cellular distribution and intracellular localization may contribute to defining specific functional roles for some of these proteases

    Évolution à long terme de la convergence régionale au Canada

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    Cette étude a pour objet d’analyser l’évolution à long terme des disparités régionales au Canada sur le plan du revenu et de la production par habitant à la lumière d’études récentes sur la convergence. Nous analysons la convergence régionale au Canada à partir d’estimations de la convergence β et de tests de stationnarité de la convergence σ pendant la période allant de 1926 à 1994. Notre analyse indique qu’en moyenne, une convergence entre les provinces canadiennes s’est produite depuis 1926; toutefois, le processus de rattrapage des régions pauvres par rapport aux régions riches n’a pas suivi un sentier régulier — il fut ralenti de façon sporadique par des chocs aléatoires. Il n’existe pas de preuve empirique d’une convergence σ entre les neuf provinces avant l’entrée de Terre-Neuve dans la Confédération en 1949; de plus, une bonne partie de la convergence σ observée semble s’être produite entre 1950 et 1977.The objective of this paper is to analyse the evolution of regional disparities in income/output per capita in Canada over a long time interval in light of the recent studies on convergence. We analyse regional convergence in Canada by estimating β-convergence and testing stationarity of σ-convergence over the 1926-1994 interval. Our analysis shows that, on average, convergence has been observed across the Canadian provinces since 1926 but the catch up process of poor regions to rich ones is not a smooth transitional dynamic process altered only temporarily by white noise random shocks. There is no evidence of σ-convergence for the nine provinces prior to the entry of Newfoundland into Confederation in 1949 and, furthermore, most of the σ-convergence detected appears to have occurred in the 1950 to 1977 period

    SKPing a Hurdle: Sox2 and Adult Dermal Stem Cells

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    In this issue of Cell Stem Cell, Biernaskie et al. (2009) demonstrate that a specific subpopulation of dermal papilla fibroblasts, marked by Sox2 expression, displays properties of adult stem cells, including serial hair follicle initiation, dermal cell differentiation, and skin-derived precursor production

    Évolution à long terme de la convergence régionale au Canada

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    The objective of this paper is to analyse the evolution of regional disparities in income/output per capita in Canada over a long time interval in light of the recent studies on convergence. We analyse regional convergence in Canada by estimating β-convergence and testing stationarity of σ-convergence over the 1926-1994 interval. Our analysis shows that, on average, convergence has been observed across the Canadian provinces since 1926 but the catch up process of poor regions to rich ones is not a smooth transitional dynamic process altered only temporarily by white noise random shocks. There is no evidence of σ-convergence for the nine provinces prior to the entry of Newfoundland into Confederation in 1949 and, furthermore, most of the σ-convergence detected appears to have occurred in the 1950 to 1977 period. Cette étude a pour objet d’analyser l’évolution à long terme des disparités régionales au Canada sur le plan du revenu et de la production par habitant à la lumière d’études récentes sur la convergence. Nous analysons la convergence régionale au Canada à partir d’estimations de la convergence β et de tests de stationnarité de la convergence σ pendant la période allant de 1926 à 1994. Notre analyse indique qu’en moyenne, une convergence entre les provinces canadiennes s’est produite depuis 1926; toutefois, le processus de rattrapage des régions pauvres par rapport aux régions riches n’a pas suivi un sentier régulier — il fut ralenti de façon sporadique par des chocs aléatoires. Il n’existe pas de preuve empirique d’une convergence σ entre les neuf provinces avant l’entrée de Terre-Neuve dans la Confédération en 1949; de plus, une bonne partie de la convergence σ observée semble s’être produite entre 1950 et 1977.

    Changes in hemlock looper [Lepidoptera: Geometridae] pupal distribution through a 3-year outbreak cycle

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    La distribution des chrysalides de l’arpenteuse de la pruche, Lambdina fiscellaria, a été étudiée au cours d’un cycle épidémique d’une durée de trois ans près du Lac Princeton sur l’île d’Anticosti au Québec. Au total, 10 sapins ont été coupés et toutes les chrysalides ont été comptées sur le tronc et les branches (partie non-foliée vs foliée) de la cime inférieure, médiane et supérieure, ainsi que sur le tronc sous la cime. En condition préépidémique, les chrysalides ont principalement été trouvées sur les branches des cimes médianes et supérieures. Durant l’épidémie, la densité des chrysalides n’a pas augmenté dans ces sites de pupaison et les larves se sont surtout transformées en chrysalides sur le tronc, à partir du sol jusque dans la cime médiane, ainsi que sur les branches de la cime inférieure. Peu de chrysalides ont été trouvées sur la partie foliée des branches en période post-épidémique, la plupart étant trouvées sur la partie basale non-foliée qui apparaît comme un endroit préférentiel pour la pupaison de l'arpenteuse de la pruche. De façon à optimiser la détection des augmentations de populations dans les réseaux de surveillance, des pièges à chrysalides devraient être placés à hauteur de poitrine sur le tronc de sapins baumiers.The hemlock looper, Lambdina fiscellaria, pupal distribution was studied through a 3-year outbreak cycle near Lac Princeton on Anticosti Island in Quebec. Over the 3 years, 10 balsam fir trees were cut and all pupae were counted on the stem and branches (non-foliated vs foliated parts) of the lower, middle and upper crowns and on the stem below crown. In pre-outbreak conditions, pupae were mostly found on branches of the middle and upper crowns. During the outbreak, pupal density did not increase on these parts of the trees, since pupae were mostly found on the stem, from the ground to the middle crown, and on branches of the lower crown. Few pupae were found on the foliated portion of branches in post-outbreak conditions but most were found on the basal non-foliated part of branches, which appears to be a preferred location for hemlock looper pupation. In order to optimize detection of population increases in monitoring networks, we suggest using pupal traps at breast height on balsam fir trees

    Users' involvement in mental health services: Programme logic model of an innovative initiative in integrated care

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    Background: Collaboration and partnership are key issues for modern health systems seeking to implement quality integrated care that meets the needs of the population. The Carrefour Communautaire-Institutionnel-Usagers (Connecting Community organisations-Institutions-Users, CCIU), involving community- and institution-based mental health workers, carers and users, is an innovative normative integrated care group (group for shared values, culture and vision) established by the Canadian Mental Health Association-Montreal Branch. A programme evaluation approach was used to conduct a logic analysis of the CCIU in order to understand the relationships between its resources, activities and outcomes, build a common understanding and, allow for its replication. Methods: Five steps were involved in the creation of a programme logic model. A non-exhaustive literature search for similar initiatives, a review of documents related to the CCIU process and direct observations led to the development of a first model. Then, following a participatory and reflexive process, this model was validated with CCIU participants. Results: A comprehensive model and a simplified model were created. Participants' experiential knowledge and scientific knowledge helped to identify the essential components of the successful operation of the CCIU. Conclusions: The CCIU, with its eight essential components, including relations based on equality and mutual respect, corresponds to an essential step in normative integration and integrated care that lead to improved quality services. © 2017 The Author(s)

    PIP degron proteins, substrates of CRL4Cdt2, and not PIP boxes, interfere with DNA polymerase η and κ focus formation on UV damage

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    International audienceProliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a well-known scaffold for many DNA replication and repair proteins, but how the switch between partners is regulated is currently unclear. Interaction with PCNA occurs via a domain known as a PCNA-Interacting Protein motif (PIP box). More recently, an additional specialized PIP box has been described, the « PIP degron », that targets PCNA-interacting proteins for proteasomal degradation via the E3 ubiquitin ligase CRL4(Cdt2). Here we provide evidence that CRL4(Cdt2)-dependent degradation of PIP degron proteins plays a role in the switch of PCNA partners during the DNA damage response by facilitating accumulation of translesion synthesis DNA polymerases into nuclear foci. We show that expression of a nondegradable PIP degron (Cdt1) impairs both Pol η and Pol κ focus formation on ultraviolet irradiation and reduces cell viability, while canonical PIP box-containing proteins have no effect. Furthermore, we identify PIP degron-containing peptides from several substrates of CRL4(Cdt2) as efficient inhibitors of Pol η foci formation. By site-directed mutagenesis we show that inhibition depends on a conserved threonine residue that confers high affinity for PCNA-binding. Altogether these findings reveal an important regulative role for the CRL4(Cdt2) pathway in the switch of PCNA partners on DNA damage

    Evaluation of a Water Channel-Based Platform for Characterizing Aerostat Flight Dynamics: A Case Study on a Lighter-Than-Air Wind Energy System

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140442/1/6.2014-2711.pd

    Adaptation of clinical guidelines: literature review and proposition for a framework and procedure

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    Purpose. The development and updating of high-quality clinical practice guidelines require substantial resources. Many guideline programmes throughout the world are using similar strategies to achieve similar goals, resulting in many guidelines on the same topic. One method of using resources more efficiently and avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort would be to adapt existing guidelines. The aim was to review the literature on adaptation of guidelines and to propose a systematic approach for adaptation of guidelines. Data sources. We selected and reviewed reports describing the methods and results of adaptation of guidelines from those found by searching Medline, Internet, and reference lists of relevant papers. On the basis of this review and our experience in guideline development, we proposed a conceptual framework and procedure for adaptation of guidelines. Results. Adaptation of guidelines is performed either as an alternative to de novo guideline development or to improve guideline implementation through local tailoring of an international or national guideline. However, no validated process for the adaptation of guidelines produced in one cultural and organizational setting for use in another (i.e. trans-contextual adaptation) was found in the literature. The proposed procedure is a stepwise approach to trans-contextual adaptation, including searching for existing guidelines, quality appraisal, detailed analysis of the coherence between the evidence and the recommendations, and adaptation of the recommendations to the target context of use, taking into account the organization of the health care system and cultural context. Conclusions. Trans-contextual adaptation of guidelines is increasingly being considered as an alternative to de novo guideline development. The proposed approach should be validated and evaluated to determine if it can reduce duplication of effort and inefficient use of resources, although guaranteeing a high-quality product, compared with de novo developmen

    Beyond Exposure to Outdoor Nature: Exploration of the Benefits of a Green Building’s Indoor Environment on Wellbeing

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    Most research exploring the psychological benefits of the natural environment has focused on direct exposure to the outdoors. However, people spend most of their time indoors, particularly in office buildings. Poor employee mental health has become one the most prevalent and costly occupational health issues. The integration of high quality environmental features (e.g., access to sunlight) in green-certified office buildings offers a superior work environment. These nature-based experiences are anticipated to provide beneficial outcomes to wellbeing. This study is the first to empirically investigate these benefits. Participants in a green (LEED gold certified) office building (N = 213) in Canada completed an assessment of environmental features, measures of hedonic, eudaimonic and negative wellbeing (NWB) and assessments of psycho-environmental potential, environmental behaviors and social belonging. Linear regression analyses confirmed the benefits of indoor environmental features for all aspects of wellbeing. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to assess the effect of specific indoor environmental features on wellbeing. We explored physical features (e.g., air quality, light), and social features (e.g., privacy), as well as windows to the outside. Results suggest that physical features are important in promoting hedonic wellbeing, while social features prevent NWB. Both features equally predicted eudaimonic wellbeing (EWB). A view to the outside was positively correlated to wellbeing, although it did not uniquely predict it after accounting for other environmental features. Path analyses revealed the importance of person-environment fit, pro-environmental behavior and social belonging in mediating the association of indoor environmental features with hedonic and EWB. The results suggests that, by fostering person-environment fit, pro-environmental behaviors and feeling of community in a high quality setting, green buildings may lead to benefits on an array of wellbeing dimensions. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed
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