2,877 research outputs found

    Euclidean analysis of the entropy functional formalism

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    The attractor mechanism implies that the supersymmetric black hole near horizon solution is defined only in terms of the conserved charges and is therefore independent of asymptotic moduli. Starting only with the near horizon geometry, Sen's entropy functional formalism computes the entropy of an extreme black hole by means of a Legendre transformation where the electric fields are defined as conjugated variables to the electric charges. However, traditional Euclidean methods require the knowledge of the full geometry to compute the black hole thermodynamic quantities. We establish the connection between the entropy functional formalism and the standard Euclidean formalism taken at zero temperature. We find that Sen's entropy function 'f' (on-shell) matches the zero temperature limit of the Euclidean action. Moreover, Sen's near horizon angular and electric fields agree with the chemical potentials that are defined from the zero-temperature limit of the Euclidean formalism.Comment: 37 pages. v3: Footnote and Reference added. Published versio

    China through the eyes of early American women and men

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    Study of pressure losses in tubing and fittings Quarterly progress report, Dec. 1965 - Feb. 1966

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    Pressure losses in tubing and fittings - flow systems analysis, entrance effects in flexible metal hoses, and methods for analyzing flow over rough surfac

    The persistence of simple host-parasitoid systems with prolonged diapause

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    Many univoltine insect populations can spread adult emergence in time through a phenomena known as prolonged diapause. With the exception of a few works, the dynamic consequences of prolonged diapause in coupled host parasitoid populations remains an open question. We modified the classical Nicholson-Bailey model to consider synchronic prolonged diapause in a model lacking other stabilising features. Our results add evidence to past work in that they show that this phenomena may be of little importance to the stability of hostparasitoid systems. However, the model predicts long-term persistence through abrupt oscillations. This feature may in itself help explain the population behaviour of many insect populations exhibiting outbreak dynamics and sets the emphasis on the importance of looking into transient dynamics

    Generalized Konishi anomaly, Seiberg duality and singular effective superpotentials

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    Using the generalized Konishi anomaly (GKA) equations, we derive the effective superpotential of four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric SU(n) gauge theory with n+2 fundamental flavors. We find, however, that the GKA equations are only integrable in the Seiberg dual description of the theory, but not in the direct description of the theory. The failure of integrability in the direct, strongly coupled, description suggests the existence of non-perturbative corrections to the GKA equations.Comment: 20 pages; v3: corrected the comparison to the SU(2) cas

    Successful invasions of hymenopteran insects into NW Patagonia

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    We describe the successful invasion of hymenopteran insects into NW Patagonia. We analyse the importance of the invading species and the characteristics of the invaded community, as well as the role of disturbance on the invasion process, by presenting the most conspicuous of the best documented case studies: the wasps Vespula germanica and Sirex noctilio, the bumblebee Bombus ruderatus, and the leaf cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis. In their native habitats, these insects are common and have a wide geographical range. In turn, ecological plasticity appears to be the most important demographic trait related to invasion success shared by these species. We believe that climatic matching between the community invaded and the invader’s native range together with the absence of natural enemies are the community characteristics better related to invasion success. The role played by biotic resistance remains unclear. The successful establishment of the studied cases is related to some extent to resource liberation due to exogenous disturbance, or competitive displacement of a native species. This might suggest that the native hymenoptera community of NW Patagonia is species saturated, which in turn, could imply that species interactions are important in the community structure in environments where physical variables have been regarded as key factors

    Gravity on Noncommutative D-Branes

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    The effective action for the low energy scattering of two gravitons with a D-brane in the presence of a constant antisytmetric BB field in bosonic string theory is calculated and the modification to the standard D-brane action to first order in α′\alpha' is obtained.Comment: 18 pages, Latex file, accepted in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Put Some Respeck on the Respect of the First-Gen Student Experience

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    First-generation students bring various experiences and understandings to the educational environment that can enrich the overall experience for students, faculty, and staff members. Although this student population has meaningful past experiences to share, they often do not know how to capitalize on those experiences or how the experiences align with ultimate college success. As educators, we often miss the mark focusing on the task of being a “student” versus building on the strengths learners already have within them. It is easy to view and interact with these learners from a deficit mindset, negating the abilities they already have. At Rutgers-Camden, we recreated our onboarding student experience that allowed us to concentrate on learners’ strengths rather than perpetuating a deficit mindset. While creating a pre-immersion experience for first-generation students, our focus shifted from skills deficits to reflection on action. Reflective practice supports learners to better understand their abilities and how those abilities align with the new expectations in an educational environment. This process helped learners to begin to develop their college identity which will continue to serve them throughout their college experience. Students created digital storyboards showcasing how they will use their previous experiences to be successful in college

    Omega 3, 6, 9 Enhanced Goat Meat (Omega-Chevon) from Flaxseed and Canola Fed Meat Goats

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    With growing obesity and cardiovascular disease concerns, the meat industry aims to reduce fat content in meat products. Currently Omega Fatty Acid (FA) enhanced beef and eggs are being marketed in the US, but Omega enhanced goat meat (Omega-Chevon) has not been developed. Meat goats were fed ground flaxseed and canola supplemented feed for 90 days. There were no palatability, weight, or health issues in meat goats fed canola and flaxseed supplemented feed. Chevon from goats fed canola and flaxseed had significant (

    On singular effective superpotentials in supersymmetric gauge theories

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    We study N=1 supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theory in four dimensions with a large number of massless quarks. We argue that effective superpotentials as a function of local gauge-invariant chiral fields should exist for these theories. We show that although the superpotentials are singular, they nevertheless correctly describe the moduli space of vacua, are consistent under RG flow to fewer flavors upon turning on masses, and also reproduce by a tree-level calculation the higher-derivative F-terms calculated by Beasely and Witten (hep-th/0409149) using instanton methods. We note that this phenomenon can also occur in supersymmetric gauge theories in various dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures; minor errors correcte
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