4,883 research outputs found

    Thermal hadron production in high energy collisions

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    It is shown that hadron abundances in high energy e+e-, pp and p{\bar p} collisions, calculated by assuming that particles originate in hadron gas fireballs at thermal and partial chemical equilibrium, are in very good agreement with the data. The freeze-out temperature of the hadron gas fireballs turns out to be nearly constant over a large center of mass energy range and not dependent on the initial colliding system. The only deviation from chemical equilibrium resides in the incomplete strangeness phase space saturation. Preliminary results of an analysis of hadron abundances in S+S and S+Ag heavy ion collisions are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 1 .eps figure, talk given at the Strangeness and Quark Matter 97 conferenc

    Relativistic positioning: four-dimensional numerical approach in Minkowski space-time

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    We simulate the satellite constellations of two Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Galileo (EU) and GPS (USA). Satellite motions are described in the Schwarzschild space-time produced by an idealized spherically symmetric non rotating Earth. The trajectories are then circumferences centered at the same point as Earth. Photon motions are described in Minkowski space-time, where there is a well known relation, Coll, Ferrando & Morales-Lladosa (2010), between the emission and inertial coordinates of any event. Here, this relation is implemented in a numerical code, which is tested and applied. The first application is a detailed numerical four-dimensional analysis of the so-called emission coordinate region and co-region. In a second application, a GPS (Galileo) satellite is considered as the receiver and its emission coordinates are given by four Galileo (GPS) satellites. The bifurcation problem (double localization) in the positioning of the receiver satellite is then pointed out and discussed in detail.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, published (online) in Astrophys. Space Sc

    Relativistic Positioning Systems: The Emission Coordinates

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    This paper introduces some general properties of the gravitational metric and the natural basis of vectors and covectors in 4-dimensional emission coordinates. Emission coordinates are a class of space-time coordinates defined and generated by 4 emitters (satellites) broadcasting their proper time by means of electromagnetic signals. They are a constitutive ingredient of the simplest conceivable relativistic positioning systems. Their study is aimed to develop a theory of these positioning systems, based on the framework and concepts of general relativity, as opposed to introducing `relativistic effects' in a classical framework. In particular, we characterize the causal character of the coordinate vectors, covectors and 2-planes, which are of an unusual type. We obtain the inequality conditions for the contravariant metric to be Lorentzian, and the non-trivial and unexpected identities satisfied by the angles formed by each pair of natural vectors. We also prove that the metric can be naturally split in such a way that there appear 2 parameters (scalar functions) dependent exclusively on the trajectory of the emitters, hence independent of the time broadcast, and 4 parameters, one for each emitter, scaling linearly with the time broadcast by the corresponding satellite, hence independent of the others.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Only format changed for a new submission. Submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Investigating scientific literacy: Scientist’s habits of mind as evidenced by their rationale of science and religious beliefs

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    Science and technology have been incredibly success¬ful in purely technical terms. For instance, international air travel, space flight, and curing of hitherto untreatable medical illnesses all are now routine events. One feature of the incredible (and seemingly ever increasing) advance of science and technology is a sense of unease amongst the general population of science’s potential to change our lives, in sometimes unpredictable and alarming ways. Public understanding of science, or scientific literacy, is of increasing concern worldwide according to much recent literature

    Evaluation of an urban NMHC emission inventory by measurements and impact on CTM results

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    This paper presents an evaluation of the consistency of an urban state-of-the-art hydrocarbon (HC) emission inventory. The evaluation was conducted through the comparison of this inventory with hourly HC measurements during two summer months in the centre of Marseille, on the Mediterranean French coast. Factors of under or overestimation could be calculated for each compound on the basis of a systematic HC to HC ratio analysis. These results, associated with a deep analysis of the speciation profiles, show that most of the common and highly concentrated hydrocarbons (such as butanes) are too much predominant in the emission speciation, while the heavy and less common species (branched alkanes, substituted aromatics) are under-represented in the inventory. The urban diffuse sources appear here as one critical point of the inventories. The disagreements were shown to have a strong incidence on the representation of the air mass reactivity. In a last step, the identified uncertainties in emissions were implemented in an air-quality model for sensitivity studies. It was shown that the observed biases in the inventory could affect the regional ozone production, with a probable impact on ozone peaks of 2-10 ppbv over the area. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd

    Local thermal equilibrium and ideal gas Stephani universes

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    The Stephani universes that can be interpreted as an ideal gas evolving in local thermal equilibrium are determined. Five classes of thermodynamic schemes are admissible, which give rise to five classes of regular models and three classes of singular models. No Stephani universes exist representing an exact solution to a classical ideal gas (one for which the internal energy is proportional to the temperature). But some Stephani universes may approximate a classical ideal gas at first order in the temperature: all of them are obtained. Finally, some features about the physical behavior of the models are pointed out.Comment: 20 page

    Medium-modified average multiplicity and multiplicity fluctuations in jets

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    The energy evolution of average multiplicities and multiplicity fluctuations in jets produced in heavy-ion collisions is investigated from a toy QCD-inspired model. In this model, we use modified splitting functions accounting for medium-enhanced radiation of gluons by a fast parton which propagates through the quark gluon plasma. The leading contribution of the standard production of soft hadrons is enhanced by a factor Ns\sqrt{N_s} while next-to-leading order (NLO) corrections are suppressed by 1/Ns1/\sqrt{N_s}, where the parameter Ns>1N_s>1 accounts for the induced-soft gluons in the medium. Our results for such global observables are cross-checked and compared with their limits in the vacuum.Comment: 8 pages and 4 figures. Version to be published in EPJ

    Evaluating Female Engagement Team Effectiveness in Afghanistan

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    El projecte Almirall a Cercles

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    El Projecte Almirall. Pensament i cultura del segle XIX neix per explicar la importĂ ncia del fons bibliogrĂ fic de la Biblioteca de l’Ateneu BarcelonĂšs com a eina per entendre la recepciĂł dels corrents europeus del pensament, humanĂ­stic i cientĂ­fic en la societat catalana i espanyola de finals del Vuit-cents. AixĂČ Ă©s possible perquĂš l’Ateneu BarcelonĂšs era el lloc on els intel·lectuals i els escriptors catalans podien llegir revistes i llibres europeus amb les Ășltimes novetats en els diferents camps del coneixement. D’aquesta manera, en podien resumir les tesis en els diaris i en la premsa catalana, actuant aixĂ­ de vertaders intermediaris culturals d’aquestes idees. Avui en dia, i grĂ cies a la progressiva digitalitzaciĂł del fons bibliogrĂ fic, el Projecte Almirall ens permet de reconstruir la recepciĂł d’aquests corrents culturals d’una manera matisadaThe Almirall Project: a portal of 19th-century culture and thinking was created to explain the importance of the collection of the Barcelona Athenaeum Library as a tool to understand the reception of European currents of thought, humanities and science in Catalan and Spanish society in the late nineteenth century. This is possible because the Barcelona Athenaeum was the place where Catalan intellectuals and writers could read European magazines and books about the latest developments in the various fields of knowledge. In this way, they were able to summarize the arguments in the Catalan newspapers and press, thereby acting as true cultural intermediaries of these ideas. Today, thanks to the progressive digitization of the bibliographic collection, Project Almirall allows us to reconstruct the reception of these cultural currents in a nuanced wa
