108 research outputs found

    Viral hepatitis and the immunological response: a review

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    Introduction: In Brazil, viral hepatitis is infectious disease of compulsory notification and is considered a serious public health problem. Infections with A, B, C, D or E viruses trigger the activation of immune system molecules and cells at the level of innate and acquired immunity. Objective: The present study aimed to review the knowledge about viral hepatitis and the immune system's performance against these infections. Methods: This is a literature overview from academic books and scientific articles available in the Scientific Electronic Library Online, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health and Google Scholar databases. Having as key words hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, hepatitis E and immune system. The relevant articles corresponding to the period between 1974 and 2017 were selected. Development: Viral hepatitis is characterized by inflammation in liver cells caused by groups of viruses that have hepatotropism in common. The diagnosis is made through serological methods and molecular biology techniques. The approach of the immune system in relation to the combat of this infection follows same particularities. Conclusion: This review demonstrated that the determination of the etiologic agent is essential for the conduct to be taken with the infected individual. Moreover, the immune system is directed related to the viruses elimination, presenting some particularities. In addition, this review highlights that the vaccination is the main responsible for reducing people infected by viruses A and B

    Toxoplasma gondii infection, congenital toxoplasmosis, toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis and neurotoxoplasmosis: an overview

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    Introduction: The toxoplasmosis disease resulting from Toxoplasma gondii infection can manifest itself in many ways, however, congenital, ocular and cerebral forms require greater care. The infection by this protozoan is directly related to environmental and economic factors of the region. Objective: The present study, through a review in the literature, aimed to reinforce the knowledge about the infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii and its main clinical manifestations. Methods: This is a literature overview from academic books and scientific articles available in the Scientific Electronic Library Online, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health and Google Scholar databases. To search the publications, the following descriptors were used: Toxoplasma gondii, toxoplasmosis, congenital toxoplasmosis, ocular toxoplasmosis and cerebral toxoplasmosis. The most relevant articles corresponding to the period from 2000 to 2017 were selected. Development: Toxoplasmosis may be of congenital or acquired origin after birth. The congenital form occurs during the embryonic/fetal life and through the passage of Toxoplasma gondii through the transplacental route. Ocular disease is common in both congenital and acquired infections and is closely associated with the presence of neurotoxoplasmosis in AIDS patients. Conclusion: Thus, immunocompromised patients and immunosuppressed patients are considered to be risk groups for Toxoplasma gondii infection

    Partial purification and functional characterization of Ts19 Frag-I, a novel toxin from Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud The yellow scorpion Tityus serrulatus (Ts) is responsible for the highest number of accidents and the most severe scorpion envenoming in Brazil. Although its venom has been studied since the 1950s, it presents a number of orphan peptides that have not been studied so far. The objective of our research was to isolate and identify the components present in the fractions VIIIA and VIIIB of Ts venom, in order to search for a novel toxin. The major isolated toxins were further investigated for macrophage modulation.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud The fractions VIIIA and VIIIB, obtained from Ts venom cation exchange chromatography, were rechromatographed on a C18 column (4.6 × 250 mm) followed by a reversed-phase chromatography using another C18 column (2.1 × 250 mm). The main eluted peaks were analyzed by MALDI-TOF and Edman’s degradation and tested on macrophages.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud The previously described toxins Ts2, Ts3-KS, Ts4, Ts8, Ts8 propeptide, Ts19 Frag-II and the novel peptide Ts19 Frag-I were isolated from the fractions VIIIA and VIIIB. Ts19 Frag-I, presenting 58 amino acid residues, a mass of 6,575 Da and a theoretical pI of 8.57, shares high sequence identity with potassium channel toxins (KTx). The toxins Ts4, Ts3-KS and the partially purified Ts19 Frag-I did not produce cytotoxic effects on macrophage murine cells line (J774.1). On the other hand, Ts19 Frag-I induced the release of nitric oxide (NO) by macrophages, while Ts4 and Ts3-KS did not affect the NO production at the tested concentration (50 μg/mL). At the same concentration, Ts19 Frag-I and Ts3-KS increased the production of interleukin-6 (IL-6). Ts19 Frag-I and Ts4 did not induce the release of IL-10, IL-1β or tumor necrosis factor-α by macrophage cells using the tested concentration (50 μg/mL).\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud We partially purified and determined the complete sequence and chemical/physical parameters of a new β-KTx, denominated Ts19 Frag-I. The toxins Ts4, Ts3-KS and Ts19 Frag-I showed no cytotoxicity toward macrophages and induced IL-6 release. Ts19 Frag-I also induced the release of NO, suggesting a pro-inflammatory activity.This study received financial support from the from the State of São Paulo\ud Research Foundation (FAPESP – scholarship to FAC n. 2012/13590-8 and\ud MBP n. 2012/12954-6), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher\ud Education Personnel (CAPES – scholarship to PCL), National Council for\ud Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq – grant n. 303689/2013-7)\ud and the Support Nucleus for Research on Animal Toxins (NAP-TOXAN-USP,\ud grant n. 12-125432.1.3). The authors would like to thank Prof. Dr. Norberto\ud Peporine Lopes for providing the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer used in this\ud study. The authors also acknowledge the biologist Luiz Henrique Anzaloni Pedrosa\ud for extracting the scorpion venom and Iara Aimê Cardoso for technical assistance.\ud Thanks are also due to the Center for the Study of Venoms and Venomous\ud Animals (CEVAP) of UNESP for enabling the publication of this special collection\ud (CNPq process 469660/2014-7)


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    Le caratteristiche idrauliche dell\u2019area umida a deflusso superficiale di Ca\u2019 di Mezzo di Codevigo sono state studiate mediante simulazioni con un modello idrodinamico bidimensionale e con un associato modello di qualit\ue0 delle acque. La taratura dei modelli \ue8 stata resa possibile dall\u2019esecuzione di misure sperimentali di velocit\ue0 mediante sonda ADV e di prove con tracciante. I risultati delle simulazioni evidenziano come l\u2019efficienza idraulica dell\u2019area umida in termini di utilizzo effettivo dell\u2019intero volume di invaso disponibile risulti decisamente elevata, con tempi medi di residenza prossimi ai valori teorici nominali, ad indicare l\u2019assenza di zone completamente escluse dal flusso. Le eterogeneit\ue0 topografiche e di distribuzione della vegetazione, ed in particolare la presenza di canali d\u2019acqua profonda liberi da canneto e di zone golenali fortemente vegetate, determinano la creazione di vie di flusso preferenziali e di aree a bassa velocit\ue0, incrementando i fenomeni di mescolamento che riducono l\u2019efficienza globale dell\u2019area