786 research outputs found

    13CO(J=10)^{13}CO(J = 1 -- 0) Depression in Luminous Starburst Mergers

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    It is known that the class of luminous starburst galaxies tends to have higher R=12CO(J=10)/13CO(J=10)R =^{12}CO(J=1--0)/^{13}CO(J=1--0) integrated line intensity ratios (R>20R>20) than normal spiral galaxies (R10R \sim 10). Since most previous studies investigated only RR, it remains uncertain whether the luminous starburst galaxies are overabundant in 12^{12}CO or underabundant in 13^{13}CO. Here we propose a new observational test to examine this problem. Our new test is to compare far-infrared luminosities [LL(FIR)] with those of 12^{12}CO and 13CO[L(12CO)^{13}CO [L(^{12}CO) and L(13CO)L(^{13}CO), respectively]. It is shown that there is a very tight correlation between L(12CO)L(^{12}CO) and L(FIR), as found in many previous studies. However, we find that the 13^{13}CO luminosities of the high-R galaxies are lower by a factor of three on the average than those expected from the correlation for the remaining galaxies with ordinary RR values. Therefore, we conclude that the observed high RR values for the luminous starburst galaxies are attributed to their lower 13^{13}CO line intensities.Comment: 9 pages (aaspp4.sty), 3 postscript figures (embedded). Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    CO observations of southern mergers

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    There are good reasons to believe that the formation of some elliptical galaxies result from the merging of two disk galaxies, as Toomre and Toomre first suggested (1972, Ap. J. 178, 623). Such a process strongly enhances the star-formation activity of the system, thus consuming its molecular gas. This might account for the low cold-gas content of elliptical galaxies compared to that of spirals. Researchers present here CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) observations of a sequence of three objects, NGC 1614, NGC 3256, and NGC 7252, that present characteristic features of merger remnants: single body and extended tidal tails. NGC 3256 and 7252 even exhibit the r(exp 1/4) radial light distribution that is the signature of elliptical galaxies, which indicates that their stellar bodies are in late stages of relaxation. Both NGC 1614 and NGC 3256 undergo extended bursts of star formation revealed by their large far-infrared luminosities, and by the presence in the near-infrared spectrum of the 3.28 microns feature (Morwood: 1986, A. A. 166, 4) attributed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. On the other hand, NGC 7252 has a milder activity of star formation, as suggested by a lower infrared luminosity, and thus seems to have gone past the starburst phase. The CO data were collected with the Swedish-ESO 15 m Submillimeter Telescope (SEST) (beamsize = 43 seconds at 115 GHz, 23 seconds at 230 GHz). For NGC 7252, researchers have only observed the central position in CO-12(1-0). The spectrum is displayed together with an HI spectrum obtained with the Nancay radiotelescope. Researchers mapped NGC 1614 and NGC 3256 in CO-12(1-0) and CO-12(2-1), and also observed the nucleus of NGC 3256 in CO-13(1-0). The various CO spectra obtained towards the nuclei of both galaxies are presented. Characteristics of the galaxies are gathered, with luminosities and masses in solar units and temperatures in Kelvins

    An Origin of the Huge Far-Infrared Luminosity of Starburst Mergers

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    Recently Taniguchi and Ohyama found that the higher 12^{12}CO to 13^{13}CO integrated intensity ratios at a transition JJ=1--0, R=I(12R = I(^{12}CO)/I(13/I(^{13}CO) 20\gtrsim 20, in a sample of starburst merging galaxies such as Arp 220 are mainly attributed to the depression of 13^{13}CO emission with respect to 12^{12}CO. Investigating the same sample of galaxies analyzed by Taniguchi & Ohyama, we find that there is a tight, almost linear correlation between the dust mass and 13^{13}CO luminosity. This implies that dust grains are also depressed in the high-RR starburst mergers, leading to the higher dust temperature (TdT_{\rm d}) in them because of the relative increase in the radiation density. Nevertheless, the average dust mass (MdM_{\rm d}) of the high-RR starburst mergers is higher significantly than that of non-high RR galaxies. This is naturally understood because the galaxy mergers could accumulate a lot of dust grains from their progenitor galaxies together with supply of dust grains formed newly in the star forming regions. Since LL(FIR) MdTd5\propto M_{\rm d} T_{\rm d}^5 given the dust emissivity law, Sνλ1S_\nu \propto \lambda^{-1}, the increases in both MdM_{\rm d} and TdT_{\rm d} explain well why the starburst mergers are so bright in the FIR. We discuss that the superwind activity plays an important role in destroying dust grains as well as dense gas clouds in the central region of mergers.Comment: 10 pages (aaspp4.sty), 3 postscript figures (embedded). Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Gas and Dust in the Taffy Galaxies: Ugc12914/15

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    We present a comprehensive study of the dust and gas properties in the after-head-on-collision UGC12914/15 galaxy system using multi-transition CO data and SCUBA sub-mm continuum images at both 450 and 850μ\mum. CO(3-2) line emission was detected in the disks of UGC 12914 and UGC 12915 as well as in a bridge connecting the two galaxies. Dust emission at 450μ\mum was detected for the first time in the two galactic disks and in the connecting bridge. Using an LVG excitation analysis model we have obtained good estimates of the physical parameters in different regions of this system and the amount of molecular gas was found to be 3-4 times lower than that estimated by other investigators using the standard Galactic CO-to-H2 conversion factor. Comparing with the dust mass derived from the SCUBA data, we found that the gas-to-dust ratio was comparable to the Galactic value in the two galaxy disks but a factor of ~3 higher in the bridge. The physical condition of the molecular gas in the bridge is comparable to that in the diffuse clouds in our Galaxy. Our result is consistent with the scenario that the bridge molecular gas originated from the disk molecular clouds and has been drawn out of the galactic disks due to direct cloud-cloud collision. Our data indicate that the global star formation efficiency (SFE) in UGC 12915 is comparable to that of normal spiral galaxies, and the SFE is 40% lower in UGC 12914 than in UGC 12915. Little star formation activity was found in the bridge except in an HII region adjacent to the disk of UGC 12915.Comment: Accepted by AJ. 45 pages, 10 figures (Fig 1-5 and Fig 7 in gif format

    Energy Comparison between a Load Sensing System and Electro-Hydraulic Solutions Applied to a 9-Ton Excavator

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    With the increasingly stringent regulations on air quality and the consequent emission limits for internal combustion engines, researchers are concentrating on studying new solutions for improving efficiency and energy saving even in off-road mobile machines. To achieve this task, pump-controlled or displacement-controlled systems have inspired interest for applications in offroad working machines. Generally, these systems are derived from the union of a hydraulic machine coupled to an electric one to create compact components that could be installed near the actuator. The object of study of this work is a 9-ton excavator, whose hydraulic circuit is grounded on load sensing logic. The validated mathematical model, created previously in the Simcenter Amesim© environment, represents the starting point for developing electro-hydraulic solutions. Electric components have been inserted to create different architectures, both with open-and closed-circuit layouts, in order to compare the energy efficiency of the different configurations with respect to the traditional load sensing system. The simulations of a typical working cycle show the energy benefits of electrohydraulic solutions that allow for drastically reducing the mechanical energy required by the diesel engine and, consequently, the fuel consumption. This is mainly possible because of the elimination of directional valves and pressure compensators, which are necessary in a load sensing circuit, but are also a source of great energy dissipations. The results show that closed-circuit solutions produce the greatest benefits, with higher energy efficiencies than the open-circuit solution. Furthermore, closed-circuit configurations require fewer components, allowing for more compact and lighter solutions, as well as being cheaper

    A dual defensive role of CIITA against retroviral infections

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    We describe how CIITA exerts a dual role against retroviral infection. The first, classical role is the upregulation of MHC class II expression and thus the capacity to present viral antigens to CD4+ T cells. The other, evolutionary new and fundamental role is to inhibit viral replication by blocking specifically the function of the viral transactivators. HIV-1 Tat is inhibited through the competition for cyclin T1 of the P-TEFb complex, whereas HTLV-2 Tax-2 is inhibited through a concerted action which may increase the binding affinity of the CIITA-NFY complex for Tax-2, displacing it from the viral LTR promoter. As expected, two distint sequences in the N-term region of CIITA mediate the inhibitory action on Tat and Tax-2, respectively. Of note, Tax-1 from HTLV-1 seems also to be inhibited by the same sequence that inhibits HTLV-2 Tax-2. Interestingly, only those CIITA fragments containing the minimal inhibitory domains that localize into the nucleus could exert an effective suppressive action. Taken together, our results indicate that CIITA is an extant molecular tool endowed with distinct evolving functions against retroviruses. These distinct properties of CIITA will shed new light on the molecular mechanisms of adaptive coevolution of hosts and pathogens and may be exploited to envisage novel therapeutic strategies aimed at counteracting retroviral infections

    Effect of a cognitive training program on the platelet app ratio in patients with alzheimer’s disease

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    In patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), synaptic plasticity seems to be involved in cognitive improvement induced by cognitive training. The platelet amyloid precursor protein (APP) ratio (APPr), i.e., the ratio between two APP isoforms, may be a useful peripheral biomarker to investigate synaptic plasticity pathways. This study evaluates the changes in neuropsychological/cognitive performance and APPr induced by cognitive training in AD patients participating in the “My Mind Project”. Neuropsychological/cognitive variables and APPr were evaluated in the trained group (n = 28) before a two-month experimental protocol, immediately after its termination at follow-up 1 (FU1), after 6 months at follow-up 2 (FU2), and after 24 months at follow-up 3 (FU3). The control group (n = 31) received general psychoeducational training for two months. Some memory and attention parameters were significantly improved in trained vs. control patients at FU1 and FU2 compared to baseline (∆ values). At FU3, APPr and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores decreased in trained patients. ∆ APPr correlated significantly with the ∆ scores of (i) MMSE at FU1, (ii) the prose memory test at FU2, and (iii) Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), the semantic word fluency test, Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), and the attentive matrices test at FU3. Our data demonstrate that the platelet APPr correlates with key clinical variables, thereby proving that it may be a reliable biomarker of brain function in AD patients

    The HI and Ionized Gas Disk of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1144 = Arp 118: A Violently Interacting Galaxy with Peculiar Kinematics

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    We present observations of the distribution and kinematics of neutral and ionized gas in NGC 1144, a galaxy that forms part of the Arp 118 system. Ionized gas is present over a huge spread in velocity (1100 km/s) in the disk of NGC 1144, but HI emission is detected over only 1/3 of this velocity range, in an area that corresponds to the NW half of the disk. In the nuclear region of NGC 1144, a jump in velocity in the ionized gas component of 600 km/s is observed. Faint, narrow HI absorption lines are also detected against radio sources in the SE part of the disk of NGC 1144, which includes regions of massive star formation and a Seyfert nucleus. The peculiar HI distribution, which is concentrated in the NW disk, seems to be the inverse of the molecular distribution which is concentrated in the SE disk. Although this may partly be the result of the destruction of HI clouds in the SE disk, there is circumstantial evidence that the entire HI emission spectrum of NGC 1144 is affected by a deep nuclear absorption line covering a range of 600 km/s, and is likely blueshifted with respect to the nucleus. In this picture, a high column-density HI stream is associated with the nuclear ionized gas velocity discontinuity, and the absorption effectively masks any HI emission that would be present in the SE disk of NGC 1144.Comment: manuscript, arp118.ps: 28 pages; 1 Table: arp118.tab1.ps; 16 Figures: arp118.fig1-16.ps; Accepted to Ap