672 research outputs found

    Comments on Professor Burbank\u27s Essay

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    Commentary on State Selection of Judges

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    Organizational Contumacy in the Transmission of Judicial Policies: The Mapp, Escobedo, Miranda, and Gault Cases

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    Latar Belakang: Berdasarkan Data Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Kota Manado kasus DBD pada tahun 2015 tercatat sebanyak 446 kasus dan 6 kasus diantaranya meninggal dunia, tahun 2016 tercatat 567 kasus dan 6 kasus diantaranya meninggal dunia, tahun 2017 tercatat 139 kasus dan tidak ada yang meninggal dunia dan pada tahun 2018 tercatat 294 kasus (Dinkes Kota Manado, 2019). Metode :Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei analitik dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional study.Sampel penelitian ini Kejadian DBD 1.969 kasus kejadian DBD tahun 2014-2018 (Dinas Kesehatan Kota Manado) dan jumlah kelembaban, dan curah hujan yang diambil dari tahun 2014-2018 (BMKG Kota Manado) Hasil :hasil uji korelasi (r) dengan p-value yang diperoleh nilai korelasir= -0.0341 tentang hubungan antara kejadian Demam berdarah dengue dengan kelembaban di kota manado tahun 2014-2018 dan hubungan yang cukup antara kejadian demam berdarah dengue dengan curah hujan di Kota Manado tahun 2014-2018 r= -0.0482. Kesimpulan:Dalam penelitian ini tidak terdapat hubungan antara kejadian Demam berdarah dengue dengan kelembaban di kota manado tahun 2014-2018 dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang cukup antara kejadian demam berdarah dengue dengan curah hujan di Kota Manado tahun 2014-2018.. Saran : Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan baik kota maupun provinsi agar dapat mengontrol wilayah-wilayah yang rentan kejadian DBD yang tinggi dan dapat memantau kesehatan lingkungan pada masyarakat secara berkala serta mengadakan pembinaan kepada masyarakat sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit DBD. Kata kunci : DBD, Curah Hujan dan Kelembaban ABSTRACTBackground: Based on Data of the Ministry of Health (Dinkes) Manado City DBD case in 2015 recorded as many as 446 cases and 6 cases were passed away, the year 2016 recorded 567 cases and 6 cases of which died, 2017 recorded in 139 Case and no one died and in 2018 recorded 294 cases (Dinkes Kota Manado, 2019). Method: This study uses analytical survey methods with cross sectional study draft research. Sample of this research event DBD 1,969 cases of DBD year 2014-2018 (Dinas Health Office of Manado) and the amount of humidity, and rainfall taken from the year 2014-2018 (BMKG of Manado City). Result: Correlation test result (R) with P-value obtained the correlation value R =-0.0341 about the relationship between the incidence of dengue fever with the humidity in the city of Manado in 2014-2018 and sufficient relationship between dengue fever incidence with The rainfall in Manado city in 2014-2018 r =-0.0482 Conclusion: In this research there is no connection between the incidence of dengue fever with the humidity in the city of Manado in 2014-2018 and there is no adequate relationship between dengue fever occurrence with rainfall in Manado city in 2014-2018. Advice: It is recommended to the health Department of both cities and provinces in order to control areas vulnerable to high DBD events and can monitor environmental health in the community periodically and to conduct coaching to the community As an effort to prevent DBD disease. Keywords: DBD, rainfall and humidit

    New evidence shows that letting people vote early benefits Republicans while Election-Day Registration helps Democrats

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    While Republicans tend to make it harder for people to vote through initiatives such as Voter ID requirements, Democrats tend to be in favor of measures which make voting easier, such as early and Election-Day registration. But do both measures advocated by Democrats actually have an impact on turnout? Barry Burden, David Canon, Ken Mayer and Donald Moynihan have examined vote returns across three presidential elections and find that while Election-Day registration laws are better at stimulating those who are on the fence to turn out – usually Democrats, early voting measures tend to encourage those who have already decided to vote – usually Republicans

    Comparative study of the effect of long-term ageing on the behaviour of bitumen and mastics with mineral fillers

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    This paper is based on a part of the research project carried out at the request of the German Research Foundation (DFG), under research project No. WE 1642/1-2 and LE 3649/1-2 (FOR2089).This study aims to evaluate the effect of mineral fillers on bitumen ageing. Two different bitumens and four mastics were investigated in the unaged and long-term aged states, based on different properties (consistency, rheology, fatigue resistance and ductility). Mastics stiffened less due to ageing treatment than bitumens, especially with granite filler. However, the results of the performance tests were not definitive regarding the effect of the filler. Aged bitumen showed greater fatigue resistance and higher specific energy of ductile fracture than unaged bitumen, whereas the mastics showed minor variations in the specific energy of ductile fracture with ageing treatment, which is indicative of less ageing, but the fatigue resistance decreased significantly in mastics with one of the bitumens.authorsversionpublishe

    Occurrence of Anguilla luzonensis in the Tributaries along the Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines

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    Anguillids are а valuable fish commodity worldwide. Although Anguilla luzonensis have been abundantly found in the northern Philippines and collected for trade, no available records show that it recruited in the midpart where Lagonoy Gulf, Bicol is situated. In this study, we investigated the occurrence of A. luzonensis in the tributaries along the Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines using molecular tools. Glass eel specimens were collected in 2018–2019 from the Comun river, Albay; the Lagonoy river, Camarines Sur; and the Bato river, Catanduanes. Anguilla luzonensis was first reported in Lagonoy Gulf using molecular analysis. A. luzonensis was the second most abundant species in the Comun and Lagonoy rivers (9.5 and 22.4 %, respectively). Anguilla luzonensis collected from the Comun and Lagonoy rivers did not show a significant difference (FST= 0.00825, p>0.05). Anguilla marmorata was the most dominant species in all tributaries (71.1–98.0 %). In the Comun and Lagonoy rivers, A. bicolor pacifica was the third most abundant species (7.7 and 6.5 %, respectively). In addition, Anguilla celebesensis was only found rarely in the Comun river (0.9 %). This study provides important information for sustainable resource management and effective utilization of the eel species in these regions
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