1,280 research outputs found

    Voltage induced control and magnetoresistance of noncollinear frustrated magnets

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    Noncollinear frustrated magnets are proposed as a new class of spintronic materials with high magnetoresistance which can be controlled with relatively small applied voltages. It is demonstrated that their magnetic configuration strongly depends on position of the Fermi energy and applied voltage. The voltage induced control of noncollinear frustrated materials (VCFM) can be seen as a way to intrinsic control of colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) and is the bulk material counterpart of spin transfer torque concept used to control giant magnetoresistance in layered spin-valve structures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Graphene in periodically alternating magnetic field: unusual quantization of the anomalous Hall effect

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    We study the energy spectrum and electronic properties of graphene in a periodic magnetic field of zero average with a symmetry of triangular lattice. The periodic field leads to formation of a set of minibands separated by gaps, which can be manipulated by external field. The Berry phase, related to the motion of electrons in kk space, and the corresponding Chern numbers characterizing topology of the energy bands are calculated analytically and numerically. In this connection, we discuss the anomalous Hall effect in the insulating state, when the Fermi level is located in the minigap. The results of calculations show that in the model of gapless Dirac spectrum of graphene the anomalous Hall effect can be treated as a sum of fractional quantum numbers, related to the nonequivalent Dirac points.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interactions in the kagome lattice

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    The kagom\'e lattice exhibits peculiar magnetic properties due to its strongly frustated cristallographic structure, based on corner sharing triangles. For nearest neighbour antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions there is no Neel ordering at zero temperature both for quantum and classical s pins. We show that, due to the peculiar structure, antisymmetric Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions (D.(Si×Sj){\bf D} . ({\bf S}_i \times {\bf S}_j)) are present in this latt ice. In order to derive microscopically this interaction we consider a set of localized d-electronic states. For classical spins systems, we then study the phase diagram (T, D/J) through mean field approximation and Monte-Carlo simulations and show that the antisymmetric interaction drives this system to ordered states as soon as this interaction is non zero. This mechanism could be involved to explain the magnetic structure of Fe-jarosites.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Presented at SCES 200

    Anomalous Hall Effect due to the spin chirality in the Kagom\'{e} lattice

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    We consider a model for a two dimensional electron gas moving on a kagom\'{e} lattice and locally coupled to a chiral magnetic texture. We show that the transverse conductivity σ_xy\sigma\_{xy} does not vanish even if spin-orbit coupling is not present and it may exhibit unusual behavior. Model parameters are the chirality, the number of conduction electrons and the amplitude of the local coupling. Upon varying these parameters, a topological transition characterized by change of the band Chern numbers occur. As a consequence, σ_xy\sigma\_{xy} can be quantized, proportional to the chirality or have a non monotonic behavior upon varying these parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Neutron diffraction investigation of the H-T phase diagram above the longitudinal incommensurate phase of BaCo2V2O8

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    The quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic Ising-like compound BaCo2V2O8 has been shown to be describable by the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory in its gapless phase induced by a magnetic field applied along the Ising axis. Above 3.9 T, this leads to an exotic field-induced low-temperature magnetic order, made of a longitudinal incommensurate spin-density wave, stabilized by weak interchain interactions. By single-crystal neutron diffraction we explore the destabilization of this phase at a higher magnetic field. We evidence a transition at around 8.5 T towards a more conventional magnetic structure with antiferromagnetic components in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. The phase diagram boundaries and the nature of this second field-induced phase are discussed with respect to previous results obtained by means of nuclear magnetic resonance and electron spin resonance, and in the framework of the simple model based on the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory, which obviously has to be refined in this complex system.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Chiral nature of magnetic monopoles in artificial spin ice

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    Micromagnetic properties of monopoles in artificial kagome spin ice systems are investigated using numerical simulations. We show that micromagnetics brings additional complexity into the physics of these monopoles that is, by essence, absent in spin models: besides a fractionalized classical magnetic charge, monopoles in the artificial kagome ice are chiral at remanence. Our simulations predict that the chirality of these monopoles can be controlled without altering their charge state. This chirality breaks the vertex symmetry and triggers a directional motion of the monopole under an applied magnetic field. Our results also show that the choice of the geometrical features of the lattice can be used to turn on and off this chirality, thus allowing the investigation of chiral and achiral monopoles.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Classical heisenberg antiferromagnet away from the pyrochlore lattice limit: entropic versus energetic selection

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    The stability of the disordered ground state of the classical Heisenberg pyrochlore antiferromagnet is studied within extensive Monte Carlo simulations by introducing an additional exchange interaction JJ' that interpolates between the pyrochlore lattice (J=0J'=0) and the face-centered cubic lattice (J=JJ'=J). It is found that for J/JJ'/J as low as J/J0.01J'/J\ge 0.01, the system is long range ordered : the disordered ground state of the pyrochlore antiferromagnet is unstable when introducing very small deviations from the pure J=0J'=0 limit. Furthermore, it is found that the selected phase is a collinear state energetically greater than the incommensurate phase suggested by a mean field analysis. To our knowledge this is the first example where entropic selection prevails over the energetic one.Comment: 5 (two-column revtex4) pages, 1 table, 7 ps/eps figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Influence of parent's eating attitudes on eating disorders in school adolescents

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    Objective: To investigate the relationship between parents' cognitive and behavioural dimensions and the risk of eating disorders (ED) in non-clinical adolescents. Methods: From an initial sample of 1,336 boys and girls with a mean age of 11.37, a total of 258 subjects were selected either as being at risk of ED or as controls. These subjects and their parents comprised the sample at T1 and were followed-up 2 years later (T2). We examined disordered eating attitudes, body dissatisfaction (BD), body mass index (BMI) and ED diagnoses in the adolescents at two points in time. We also used the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 to examine the disordered eating attitudes of their parents at T1. Results: The mother's BD, drive for thinness (DT), ineffectiveness and interoceptive awareness, and the father's DT and perfectionism were related to long-term ED. Logistic regression showed that predictors of ED were being female, mother's DT and social insecurity, and adolescent's BD. The BMI was not a predictor in this model. Father's perfectionism was a risk factor of ED. Conclusion: Specific cognitive and behavioural dimensions of ED in both parents can influence the development of an ED in early adolescents. This should be taken into account in the prevention and family oriented treatment of ED

    Longitudinal and Transverse Zeeman Ladders in the Ising-Like Chain Antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8

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    We explore the spin dynamics emerging from the N\'eel phase of the chain compound antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8. Our inelastic neutron scattering study reveals unconventional discrete spin excitations, so called Zeeman ladders, understood in terms of spinon confinement, due to the interchain attractive linear potential. These excitations consist in two interlaced series of modes, respectively with transverse and longitudinal polarization. The latter have no classical counterpart and are related to the zero-point fluctuations that weaken the ordered moment in weakly coupled quantum chains. Our analysis reveals that BaCo2V2O8, with moderate Ising anisotropy and sizable interchain interactions, remarkably fulfills the conditions necessary for the observation of these longitudinal excitations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 additional pages of supplemental material with 2 figures; Journal ref. added; 1 page erratum added at the end with 1 figur

    Hierarchical geometric frustration in La3Cu2VO9

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    The crystallographic structure and magnetic properties of the La3Cu2VO9 were investigated by powder neutron diffraction and magnetization measurements. The compound materializes geometric frustration at two spatial scales, within clusters and between clusters, and at different temperature scales. It is shown by exactly solving the hamiltonian spectrum that collective spins are formed on each clusters at low temperature before inter-clusters coupling operates.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. HFM2006 proceeding pape