340 research outputs found

    The X-ray nebula of the filled center supernova remnant 3C58 and its interaction with the environment

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    An \xmm observation of the plerionic supernova remnant 3C58 has allowed us to study the X-ray nebula with unprecedented detail. A spatially resolved spectral analysis with a resolution of 8\arcsec has yielded a precise determination of the relation between the spectral index and the distance from the center. We do not see any evidence for bright thermal emission from the central core. In contrast with previous ASCA and {\em Einstein} results, we derive an upper limit to the black-body 0.5-10 keV luminosity and emitting area of 1.8×10321.8\times 10^{32} \ergsec and 1.3×10101.3\times 10^{10} cm2^2, respectively, ruling out emission from the hot surface of the putative neutron star and also excluding the "outer-gap" model for hot polar caps. We have performed for the first time a spectral analysis of the outer regions of the X-ray nebula, where most of the emission is still non-thermal, but where the addition of a soft (kT=0.2-0.3 keV) optically thin plasma component is required to fit the spectrum at E<1E<1 keV. This component provides 6% of the whole remnant observed flux in the 0.5-10.0 keV band. We show that a Sedov interpretation is incompatible with the SN1181-3C58 association, unless there is a strong deviation from electron-ion energy equipartition, and that an origin of this thermal emission in terms of the expansion of the nebula into the ejecta core nicely fits all the radio and X-ray observations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Long time-series of chemical and isotopic compositions of Vesuvius fumaroles: evidence for deep and shallow processes

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    Long time-series of chemical and isotopic compositions of Vesuvius fumaroles were acquired in the framework of the volcanic surveillance in the 1998-2010 period. These allow the identification of processes that occur at shallow levels in the hydrothermal system, and variations that are induced by deep changes in volcanic activity. Partial condensation processes of fumarolic water under near-discharge conditions can explain the annual 18O and deuterium variabilities that are observed at Vesuvius fumaroles. Significant variations in the chemical compositions of fumaroles occurred over the 1999-2002 period, which accompanied the seismic crisis of autumn 1999, when Vesuvius was affected by the most energetic earthquakes of its last quiescence period. A continuous increase in the relative concentrations of CO2 and He and a general decrease in the CH4 concentrations are interpreted as the consequence of an increment in the relative amount of magmatic fluids in the hydrothermal system. Gas equilibria support this hypothesis, showing a PCO2 peak that culminated in 2002, increasing from values of ~40 bar in 1998 to ~55-60 bar in 2001- 2002. We propose that the seismic crisis of 1999 marked the arrival of the magmatic fluids into the hydrothermal system, which caused the observed geochemical variations that started in 1999 and culminated in 2002

    Lightweight error correction technique in industrial IEEE802.15.4 networks

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    Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) are nowadays becoming more and more popular thanks to their flexibility and pervasive monitoring capabilities to support process automation and remote maintenance applications. In such a scenario, channel errors due to the wireless medium can result in data packet losses, and consequently in unreliable IWSN services. To mitigate the above reported problem, this paper presents a lightweight error correction scheme specially developed for IEEE802.15.4-based IWSNs. By adding error correction and detection information inside the IEEE802.15.4 MAC data frame, the proposed FEC scheme is able to guarantee a backward compatibility with the standard while providing advanced capabilities in recovering data packets affected by bit errors. In the paper the benefits of the proposed technique are first evaluated through simulated loss traces, then they are validated in a real environment by considering real loss traces collected in an electricity power plant. The proposed error correction scheme is able to recover around 50% of the data packets that would be lost in case of a standard communication without any error correction capability

    Preparation of pyrimidin-2-one derivatives via base-mediated decomposition of uracil-analogues Fischer carbene complex

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    A practical and efficient synthesis of pyrimidin-2-one derivatives from Fischer carbene complex uracil-analogues through base-mediated elimination reactions is described. The scope of the protocol has been explored with the preparation of a variety of pyrimidin-2-one derivatives by base mediated demetallation of N-1 and N-3 substituted uracil Fischer carbene

    The study of neutron star magnetospheres with LOFT

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    This is a White Paper in support of the mission concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT), proposed as a medium-sized ESA mission. We discuss the potential of LOFT for the study of magnetospheres of isolated neutron stars. For a summary, we refer to the paper.Comment: White Paper in Support of the Mission Concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timin

    Modeling the remnants of core-collapse supernovae from luminous blue variable stars

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    Context. Luminous blue variable stars (LBVs) are massive evolved stars that suffer sporadic and violent mass-loss events. They have been proposed as the progenitors of some core-collapse supernovae (SNe), but this idea is still debated because of a lack of strong evidence. As supernova remnants (SNRs) can carry in their morphology the fingerprints of the progenitor stars as well as of the inhomogeneous circumstellar medium (CSM) sculpted by the progenitors, the study of SNRs from LBVs could help to place core-collapse SNe in context with the evolution of massive stars. Aims. We investigate the physical, chemical, and morphological properties of the remnants of SNe originating from LBVs in order to search for signatures in the ejecta distribution and morphology of the remnants that could reveal the nature of the progenitors. Methods. As a template of LBVs, we considered the LBV candidate Gal 026.47+0.02. We selected a grid of models that describe the evolution of a massive star with properties consistent with those of Gal 026.47+0.02 and its final fate as a core-collapse SN. We developed a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model that follows the post-explosion evolution of the ejecta from the breakout of the shock wave at the stellar surface to the interaction of the SNR with a CSM characterized by two dense nested toroidal shells, parametrized in agreement with multi-wavelength observations of Gal 026.47+0.02. Results. Our models show a strong interaction of the blast wave with the CSM which determines an important slowdown of the expansion of the ejecta in the equatorial plane where the two shells lay, determining a high degree of asymmetry in the remnant. After ≈10 000 yr of evolution, the ejecta show an elongated shape forming a broad jet-like structure caused by the interaction with the shells and oriented along the axis of the toroidal shells. Models with high explosion energy show Fe-rich internal ejecta distributions surrounded by an elongated Si-rich structure with a more diffuse O-rich ejecta all around. Models with low explosion energy instead show a more homogeneous distribution of chemical elements with a very low presence of Fe-group elements. Conclusions. The geometry and density distribution of the CSM where a LBV star goes SN are fundamental in determining the properties of the resulting SNR. For all the LBV-like progenitors explored here, we found that the remnants show a common morphology, namely elongated ejecta with an internal jet-like structure, which reflects the inhomogeneous and dense pre-SN CSM surrounding the star
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