163 research outputs found

    Catch comparison of pulse trawls vessels and a tickler chain beam trawler

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    Comparative fishing trials were conducted in May 2011 (week 19) on commercial beam trawlers fishing with conventional tickler chain beam trawls (on MFV GO4), pulse wings made by HFK-Engineering of Baarn, the Netherlands (MFV TX36), and pulse trawls produced by the DELMECO-Group of Goes, the Netherlands (version used on MFV TX68). The three vessels fished side-by-side as much as possible. Landings and discards of these vessels were monitored. Special emphasis was given on cod and whiting, that were dissected to study possible spinal damage. Result for TX36 and TX68 are expressed in terms of percentages of GO4. The pulse characteristics were as follows: TX36: voltage 45 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 45 Hz, pulse duration 380 ÎŒs; electric power on single gear: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 50 Hz, pulse duration 220 ÎŒs; electric power on single gear: 8.5 kW. The fuel consumption recorded over the whole week was considerably lower for the pulse trawls, i.e. on TX36 (40%) and on TX68 (54%), than for the tickler chain beam trawls used on the GO4. The net earnings (taken as gross earnings minus fuel costs) for the TX36 were almost twice as large at 186%, and for the TX68 also considerably higher at 155%. The vessels with pulse trawls caught fewer (65-69%) target species, but also less (30-50%) immature and non-target fish ('discards'), and benthic species (48-73%) than the vessel with tickler chains on these fishing grounds and in this period. The pulse gears caught fewer (19-42%) kg per hour cod than the tickler chain beam trawls, but the catches of cod on all three vessels were very small. For plaice and dab these differences were statistically proven, for brill, turbot and cod this was not the case. There was no marked difference between both pulse trawl vessels in total landings. The TX68 caught less marketable sole, but not significantly less undersized sole than the GO4. The TX36 caught less undersized sole, but here the difference in marketable fish was not significant. Catches of brill and turbot were so small that no statistically substantiated conclusion could be drawn. Only for undersized turbot the TX36 caught less. For whiting we found a demonstrable reduction in both marketable and undersized fish in both pulse fishing vessels. The TX36 caught less whiting in number per hour. The CPUEs found from the auction data and the sampled hauls correlated reasonably well for the most abundant species, such as plaice and sole. However, for less abundant species the results did not match very well, and care should be taken to increase the sampling rate in future comparative fishing studies. Spinal fracture in cod occurred under pulse stimulation but to a limited extent in both marketable and undersized fish. There is an indication that this happens slightly more on TX68 (11%) than on TX36 (7%). Whiting hardly seems to suffer any damage

    Curative effect of topical treatment of digital dermatitis with a gel containing activated copper and zinc chelate

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    The efficacy of two topical treatments for painful ulcerative stage (M2) of bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) lesions was compared in a clinical trial conducted on five dairy farms in 2009 to 2010. The first treatment was a water-based gel with active components copper and zinc (Intra Hoof-fit gel [IHF]) and the second treatment was a topical chlortetracycline spray (CTC spray). The experimental unit for this study was the hindleg with the presence of a BDD lesion. Cure was defined as the transition of an M2 lesion into a healed (M0) or a non-painful chronic stage (M4) of BDD at D28. On day 0, cows with M2 BDD lesions were photographed and were treated with either IHF or CTC. Subsequently, feet were photographed and scored on D28. The cure rate of M2 BDD lesions treated with IHF at D28 was 0.92 (CI 0.84 to 0.96) and was significantly better than for M2 BDD lesions treated with CTC, which was 0.58 (CI 0.47 to 0.68)

    Nitrogen balance and urine, serum and plasma composition of growing pigs fed on raw or heat-treated field peas (Pisum sativum)

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    Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of heating field peas (Pisum sativum) on the N balance and urine, serum and plasma composition of growing pigs. In the first experiment, four diets containing raw field peas (cv. Wirrega) or field peas heated to 150° (cv. Wirrega), 165° (cv. Wirrega) or 150° (cv. Dundale) for 15 min respectively were formulated to contain 1.15 g ileal digestible N/MJ digestible energy (DE) and 0.36 g lieal digestible lysine/MJ DE in a sugar-based diet. Digestibility estimates were based on those for the Dundale cultivar of field peas used in previous experiments. Total urine and faeces collection from eight pigs was conducted over two 7 d collection periods with a 7 d diet change-over period. Serial blood sampling from the external jugular vein was conducted on the final day of each collection period. There was no significant difference (P < 0.05) in the N balance or apparent biological value of the field-pea treatments. Pigs fed on diets containing peas heated to 150° (cv. Wirrega) or 165° (cv. Wirrega) had a significantly lower (P < 0.01) daily output of urea and uric acid in the urine, and depressed serum protein and serum urea concentrations. Plasma lysine concentration and daily urine lysine output were not significantly different (P < 0.05) in pigs fed on heated peas. Protein excretion in the urine of pigs fed on diets containing peas heated to 165° increased 3–7 times (depending on estimation technique) the level observed in pigs fed on diets containing raw peas. A second experiment was conducted to determine the apparent ileal digestibility of N and amino acids in cv. Wirrega field peas. This study revealed that N digestibility (0.44) and lysine digestibility (0.35) in peas heated to 165° were significantly lower than the cv. Dundale estimates (0.57 and 062 respectively) used in diet formulations. The depressed serum and urine variables in pigs fed on heated peas were attributed to overestimation of digestibility. The results exemplify the fact that it is not possible to draw general conclusions as to the effects of heat on any particular protein concentrate. Variability in N balance experiments and problems associated with urine analysis are suggested as likely reasons for the current study not reflecting poor utilization of ileal digestible lysine from heat-treated field peas. Despite considerable variation in the results, it is possible that a large proportion of non-utilizable amino acids in heated field peas may be excreted from the pig via the urine in the form of a protein

    Catch comparison of pulse trawls vessels and a tickler chain beam trawler

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    Comparative fishing trials were conducted in May 2011 (week 19) on commercial beam trawlers fishing with conventional tickler chain beam trawls (on MFV GO4), pulse wings made by HFK-Engineering of Baarn, the Netherlands (MFV TX36), and pulse trawls produced by the DELMECO-Group of Goes, the Netherlands (version used on MFV TX68). The three vessels fished side-by-side as much as possible. Landings and discards of these vessels were monitored. Special emphasis was given on cod and whiting, that were dissected to study possible spinal damage. Result for TX36 and TX68 are expressed in terms of percentages of GO4. The pulse characteristics were as follows: TX36: voltage 45 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 45 Hz, pulse duration 380 ÎŒs; electric power on single gear: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 50 Hz, pulse duration 220 ÎŒs; electric power on single gear: 8.5 kW. The fuel consumption recorded over the whole week was considerably lower for the pulse trawls, i.e. on TX36 (40%) and on TX68 (54%), than for the tickler chain beam trawls used on the GO4. The net earnings (taken as gross earnings minus fuel costs) for the TX36 were almost twice as large at 186%, and for the TX68 also considerably higher at 155%. The vessels with pulse trawls caught fewer (65-69%) target species, but also less (30-50%) immature and non-target fish ('discards'), and benthic species (48-73%) than the vessel with tickler chains on these fishing grounds and in this period. The pulse gears caught fewer (19-42%) kg per hour cod than the tickler chain beam trawls, but the catches of cod on all three vessels were very small. For plaice and dab these differences were statistically proven, for brill, turbot and cod this was not the case. There was no marked difference between both pulse trawl vessels in total landings. The TX68 caught less marketable sole, but not significantly less undersized sole than the GO4. The TX36 caught less undersized sole, but here the difference in marketable fish was not significant. Catches of brill and turbot were so small that no statistically substantiated conclusion could be drawn. Only for undersized turbot the TX36 caught less. For whiting we found a demonstrable reduction in both marketable and undersized fish in both pulse fishing vessels. The TX36 caught less whiting in number per hour. The CPUEs found from the auction data and the sampled hauls correlated reasonably well for the most abundant species, such as plaice and sole. However, for less abundant species the results did not match very well, and care should be taken to increase the sampling rate in future comparative fishing studies. Spinal fracture in cod occurred under pulse stimulation but to a limited extent in both marketable and undersized fish. There is an indication that this happens slightly more on TX68 (11%) than on TX36 (7%). Whiting hardly seems to suffer any damage

    Vangstvergelijking tussen pulskorschepen en een conventioneel boomkor-vaartuig

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    In mei 2011 (week 19) werd een vergelijkende visserij uitgevoerd aan boord van de kotters GO4 (wekkerboomkorren), TX36 (HFK pulswings), en de toenmalige versie van DELMECO pulskorren gebruikt op de TX68. De schepen visten zoveel mogelijk giek-aan-giek in hetzelfde gebied. Tevens werd aandacht besteed aan mogelijk ruggengraatletsel van kabeljauw en wijting. De pulskarakteristieken waren als volgt: TX36: voltage 45 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 45 Hz, pulsduur 380 ”s; elektrisch vermogen op Ă©Ă©n tuig: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 50 Hz, pulsduur 220 ”s; elektrisch vermogen op Ă©Ă©n tuig: 8.5 kW. Het brandstofverbruik over de gehele visweek was aanzienlijk minder voor de TX36 (40%) en de TX68 (54%), dan de GO4. Voor de netto besomming (= bruto besomming – gasoliekosten) vonden we zelfs bijna een verdubbeling in efficiĂ«ntie voor de TX36 (186%), en een ruime toename voor de TX68 (155%). De schepen met pulstuigen vingen minder (65-69%) van de belangrijkste doelsoorten dan het schip met wekkerkorren op dit bestek en in deze periode, maar ook minder (30-50%) ondermaatse en niet-vermarktbare soorten vis (EN: ‘discards’) en minder bodemdieren (48-73%). De pulstuigen bleken minder (19-42%) maatse kabeljauw in kg/u te vangen dan de wekkerkor, maar de vangsten van deze soort waren voor alle schepen gering. Voor schol en schar waren de verschillen statistisch aantoonbaar, voor griet, tarbot wijting en kabeljauw niet. De pulskorschepen onderling lieten geen duidelijke verschillen in totale aanlanding zien. De TX68 bleek minder maatse tong te vangen, maar niet duidelijk minder ondermaatse tong dan de GO4. Bij de TX36 was het andersom: hier werd minder ondermaatse tong gevangen, maar het verschil in maatse vis was niet duidelijk. De vangsten van griet en tarbot waren zo gering, dat doorgaans geen statistisch onderbouwde conclusie kon worden getrokken. Alleen van ondermaatse tarbot ving de TX36 significant minder. Voor wijting vonden we wel een aanwijsbare vermindering van zowel maatse als ondermaatse vis voor de pulskorschepen. In aantal/u bleek de TX36 ook minder te vangen. Er was een redelijke overeenkomst tussen het vangstsucces (vangst per eenheid van inspanning of CPUE) berekend uit de afslaggegevens en het vangstsucces berekend uit de bemonsterde trekken voor soorten die talrijk voorkomen, zoals schol en tong. Voor minder voorkomende soorten, was de correlatie minder sterk. Dit zou voorkomen kunnen worden door meer en grotere monsters te nemen in toekomstige vangstvergelijkingen. Kabeljauw (ondermaatse en maatse vis) ondervond in de pulstuigen in beperkte mate breuk van de ruggengraat. Er is een indicatie, dat dit voor de TX68 iets meer (11%) optrad dan voor de TX36 (7%). Wijting leek nauwelijks schade te ondervinden

    Increasing ractopamine levels in finisher pig diets improves growth performance in light, medium and heavy boars

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    The objective of this study was to determine the dose response to RAC in light, medium and heavy-weight boars

    Vangstvergelijking tussen pulskorschepen en een conventioneel boomkor-vaartuig

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    In mei 2011 (week 19) werd een vergelijkende visserij uitgevoerd aan boord van de kotters GO4 (wekkerboomkorren), TX36 (HFK pulswings), en de toenmalige versie van DELMECO pulskorren gebruikt op de TX68. De schepen visten zoveel mogelijk giek-aan-giek in hetzelfde gebied. Tevens werd aandacht besteed aan mogelijk ruggengraatletsel van kabeljauw en wijting. De pulskarakteristieken waren als volgt: TX36: voltage 45 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 45 Hz, pulsduur 380 ”s; elektrisch vermogen op Ă©Ă©n tuig: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 50 Hz, pulsduur 220 ”s; elektrisch vermogen op Ă©Ă©n tuig: 8.5 kW. Het brandstofverbruik over de gehele visweek was aanzienlijk minder voor de TX36 (40%) en de TX68 (54%), dan de GO4. Voor de netto besomming (= bruto besomming – gasoliekosten) vonden we zelfs bijna een verdubbeling in efficiĂ«ntie voor de TX36 (186%), en een ruime toename voor de TX68 (155%). De schepen met pulstuigen vingen minder (65-69%) van de belangrijkste doelsoorten dan het schip met wekkerkorren op dit bestek en in deze periode, maar ook minder (30-50%) ondermaatse en niet-vermarktbare soorten vis (EN: ‘discards’) en minder bodemdieren (48-73%). De pulstuigen bleken minder (19-42%) maatse kabeljauw in kg/u te vangen dan de wekkerkor, maar de vangsten van deze soort waren voor alle schepen gering. Voor schol en schar waren de verschillen statistisch aantoonbaar, voor griet, tarbot wijting en kabeljauw niet. De pulskorschepen onderling lieten geen duidelijke verschillen in totale aanlanding zien. De TX68 bleek minder maatse tong te vangen, maar niet duidelijk minder ondermaatse tong dan de GO4. Bij de TX36 was het andersom: hier werd minder ondermaatse tong gevangen, maar het verschil in maatse vis was niet duidelijk. De vangsten van griet en tarbot waren zo gering, dat doorgaans geen statistisch onderbouwde conclusie kon worden getrokken. Alleen van ondermaatse tarbot ving de TX36 significant minder. Voor wijting vonden we wel een aanwijsbare vermindering van zowel maatse als ondermaatse vis voor de pulskorschepen. In aantal/u bleek de TX36 ook minder te vangen. Er was een redelijke overeenkomst tussen het vangstsucces (vangst per eenheid van inspanning of CPUE) berekend uit de afslaggegevens en het vangstsucces berekend uit de bemonsterde trekken voor soorten die talrijk voorkomen, zoals schol en tong. Voor minder voorkomende soorten, was de correlatie minder sterk. Dit zou voorkomen kunnen worden door meer en grotere monsters te nemen in toekomstige vangstvergelijkingen. Kabeljauw (ondermaatse en maatse vis) ondervond in de pulstuigen in beperkte mate breuk van de ruggengraat. Er is een indicatie, dat dit voor de TX68 iets meer (11%) optrad dan voor de TX36 (7%). Wijting leek nauwelijks schade te ondervinden

    Shortlist Master plan Wind Monitoring fish eggs and larvae in the southern North Sea: final report Part A en B

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    This report presents the results of twelve monthly ichthyoplankton surveys carried out from April 2010 until March 2011 in the southern North Sea. The aim of this study was to collect data on the temporal and spatial distribution of fish eggs and larvae on the Dutch Continental Shelf (NCP). However, since fish eggs and larvae are transported with the currents onto the NCP a larger area covering the majority of the southern North Sea was sampled during the surveys. Despite technical problems or bad weather conditions preventing the sampling of all planned stations during each survey, the coverage was good and the general trends in ichthyoplankton abundance became apparent. Fish eggs were found in all months but species and numbers varied per month across the southern North Sea. The highest abundance of fish eggs was found from January until May with fish eggs being found at all stations from April until July. Very few eggs were found between August and November. From December onwards abundance of eggs increased again. The pattern was the same on the NCP. In total 35 different species of fish eggs were found. Fish larvae were found in all months but species and numbers varied in a similar pattern to the fish eggs, except the highest abundance of larvae was found in December and January in the English Channel (mostly herring). Numbers of larvae in the southern North Sea increased from April until June and afterwards then gradually declined until November. After this the abundances increased again. Larvae were found at almost all stations from May until September. In October and November larvae were found at half of all the stations both in the whole sampling area and on the NCP. The patterns was the same on the NCP. In total 74 different species of fish larvae were found. Based on the results of a modelling study, a mitigating measure was issued by the Dutch authorities forbidding pile driving of offshore wind farm foundations from January to June, in order to ensure that negative effects on prey availability for birds and marine mammals within Natura 2000 areas are minimised. The results of the year-round monthly surveys show that from April until September fish larvae were found throughout the survey area, including the NCP, in varying numbers and varying species. Still in October and November larvae were found at half of the stations although at lower abundances. Even in December larvae were still found at a quarter of the stations on the NCP. Whilst the abundance of larvae was low in October and November, there are a few species with larvae present that are absent at other times of the year. These results on ichthyoplankton abundance and results of the experimental study on the effect of pile driving on fish larvae need to be combined. Ideally they should also be assessed with subsequent studies of ichthyoplankton transport and impact on the Natura 2000 sites. This unique study is the first to comprehensively sample and analyse the ichthyoplankton with monthly resolution in the southern North Sea. These data on spatial and temporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae can be used in modelling studies to assess the effects of human activities in the southern North Sea, on different fish stocks

    Evaluation of the finger wrinkling test: a pilot study

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    Purpose: Tilt table testing mainly evaluates the systemic cardiovascular part of the autonomic nervous system, while it is assumed that the finger wrinkling test assesses the peripheral part of the autonomic nervous system. In this study we explored whether the finger wrinkling test could be a useful test for autonomic dysfunction and whether the clinical evaluation of wrinkling can be improved by digital analysis of photographs. Methods: As much as 20 healthy subjects and 15 patients underwent tilt table testing and finger wrinkling testing. During the finger wrinkling test the right hand was immersed in water at 40°C. The degree of wrinkling was assessed with a 5-point clinical scale at baseline, 5, 15 and 30 min of immersion. Photographs were taken at the same intervals. Several features were evaluated using digital analysis: length and gradient of automatically detected wrinkle and mean, maximum, minimum, variance and derivative of grey value of pixels. Results: Clinical scoring of wrinkling allowed differentiation between healthy subjects and patients with a normal and an abnormal response to tilt table testing. Relevant features obtained with digital analysis were mean grey value and the gradient of automatically detected wrinkle. McNemar’s test showed no difference in test results between the tilt table test and the finger wrinkling test with a kappa of 0.68. Conclusion: The finger wrinkling test can be used as a screening test before tilt table testing. Visual evaluation of wrinkling is still superior to digital analysis of photographs
