8 research outputs found

    Marine recreational fishing and the implications of climate change

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    Marine recreational fishing is popular globally and benefits coastal economies and people's well-being. For some species, it represents a large component of fish landings. Climate change is anticipated to affect recreational fishing in many ways, creating opportunities and challenges. Rising temperatures or changes in storms and waves are expected to impact the availability of fish to recreational fishers, through changes in recruitment, growth and survival. Shifts in distribution are also expected, affecting the location that target species can be caught. Climate change also threatens the safety of fishing. Opportunities may be reduced owing to rougher conditions, and costs may be incurred if gear is lost or damaged in bad weather. However, not all effects are expected to be negative. Where weather conditions change favourably, participation rates could increase, and desirable species may become available in new areas. Drawing on examples from the UK and Australia, we synthesize existing knowledge to develop a conceptual model of climate-driven factors that could impact marine recreational fisheries, in terms of operations, participation and motivation. We uncover the complex pathways of drivers that underpin the recreational sector. Climate changes may have global implications on the behaviour of recreational fishers and on catches and local economies

    The use of mobile technologies and their economic benefits in maintenance

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    The use of mobile devices enables maintenance staff to gain access to information and services relevant to the task in hand in near real time and wherever some form of network access is provided. Essentially, mobile device users become mobile actors who dynamically interact with the physical environment, i.e. workplace, and supporting information systems, leading to faster response to events and an increased performance. This paper provides insight into the acceptance prospects and best practices of the mobile technologies in the area of maintenance. Furthermore, the potential financial impact is discussed as a key driver for the adoption of mobile technologies in the maintenance practice