69 research outputs found

    Проблема автоматизации процессов оказания услуг салонов красоты

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    В данной работе будут рассмотрены цели автоматизации и автоматизация бизнес-процессов салонов красоты, а также программные продукты и сервисы автоматизации и их сравнение

    Ein neuer Genort für eine autosomal-dominante, nichtsyndromale Schwerhörigkeit (DFNA33) liegt auf Chromosom 13q34-qte

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    Bei der Untersuchung einer deutschen Familie mit nichtsyndromalem Hörverlust mit frühem Beginn und autosomal-dominantem Erbgang konnten wir eine Kopplung zu bekannten DFNA-Loci ausschließen und die Existenz eines neuen Locus (DFNA33) bestätigen. Mit einem nachfolgenden Genom-Scan wurde der Phänotyp auf einem 6-cM-Intervall auf Chromosom 13q34-qter kartiert. Für den Marker D13S285 wurde ein maximaler 2-Punkt-Lodscore von 2,96 erreicht, der maximale Lodscore in der Multipoint-Analyse betrug 3,28 bei 124,56 cM. = By investigation of a German family pedigree with non-syndromic hearing impairment of early onset and autosomal-dominant mode of inheritance, linkage to known DFNA loci was excluded, and the existence of a new locus (DFNA33) was revealed. In a subsequent genomic scan the phenotype was mapped to a 6 cM interval on chromosome 13q34-qter. A maximum two-point lod score of 2.96 was obtained for the marker D13S285 with a maximum lod score in the multipoint analysis of 3.28 at 124.56 cM

    Refractive Index of Humid Air in the Infrared: Model Fits

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    The theory of summation of electromagnetic line transitions is used to tabulate the Taylor expansion of the refractive index of humid air over the basic independent parameters (temperature, pressure, humidity, wavelength) in five separate infrared regions from the H to the Q band at a fixed percentage of Carbon Dioxide. These are least-squares fits to raw, highly resolved spectra for a set of temperatures from 10 to 25 C, a set of pressures from 500 to 1023 hPa, and a set of relative humidities from 5 to 60%. These choices reflect the prospective application to characterize ambient air at mountain altitudes of astronomical telescopes.Comment: Corrected exponents of c0ref, c1ref and c1p in Table

    Chloroquine and Its Derivatives Exacerbate B19V-Associated Anemia by Promoting Viral Replication

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    Human parvovirus B19 (B19V) is typically associated with a childhood febrile illness known as erythema infectiosum. The infection usually resolves without consequence in healthy individuals. However, in patients with immunologic and/or hematologic disorders, B19V can cause a significant pathology. The virus infects and kills red cell precursors but anemia rarely supervenes unless there is pre-existing anemia such as in children living in malaria-endemic regions. The link between B19V infection and severe anemia has, however, only been confirmed in certain malaria-endemic countries in parallel with chloroquine (CQ) usage. This raises the possibility that CQ may increase the risk of severe anemia by promoting B19V infection. To test this hypothesis, we examined the direct effect of CQ and other commonly used antimalarial drugs on B19V infection in cultured cell lines. Additionally, we examined the correlation between B19V infection, hemoglobin levels and use of CQ in children from Papua New Guinea hospitalized with severe anemia. The results suggest strongly that CQ and its derivatives aggravate B19V-associated anemia by promoting B19V replication. Hence, careful consideration should be given in choosing the drug partnering artemisinin compounds in combination antimalarial therapy in order to minimize contribution of B19V to severe anemia

    Wetting films on chemically heterogeneous substrates

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    Based on a microscopic density functional theory we investigate the morphology of thin liquidlike wetting films adsorbed on substrates endowed with well-defined chemical heterogeneities. As paradigmatic cases we focus on a single chemical step and on a single stripe. In view of applications in microfluidics the accuracy of guiding liquids by chemical microchannels is discussed. Finally we give a general prescription of how to investigate theoretically the wetting properties of substrates with arbitrary chemical structures.Comment: 56 pages, RevTeX, 20 Figure

    Critical adsorption near edges

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    Symmetry breaking surface fields give rise to nontrivial and long-ranged order parameter profiles for critical systems such as fluids, alloys or magnets confined to wedges. We discuss the properties of the corresponding universal scaling functions of the order parameter profile and the two-point correlation function and determine the critical exponents eta_parallel and eta_perpendicular for the so-called normal transition.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Educators' working conditions in a day care centre on ownership of a non-profit organization

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    Background: Working conditions of nursery school teachers have not been scrutinized thoroughly in scientific research. Only a few studies have so far examined work-load and strain in this profession. Preferably, subjective perceptions should be corroborated by data that can be quantified more objectively and accurately. The aim of the present observational field study was to evaluate pedagogical staffs' workflow. Methods: In 2009 eleven educators in a day care centre were observed throughout three complete workdays. A total of 250 working hours were recorded. Results: An educators' workday lasted on average 07:46:59 h (SD = 01:01:10 h).Within this time span, an average of 02:20:46 h (30.14%, SD = 00:28:07 h) were spent on caring, 01:44:18 h on playing (22.33%, SD = 00:54:12 h), 00:49:37 h on educational work (10.62%, SD = 00:40:09), and only 00:05:38 h on individual child contact (1.21%, SD = 00:04:58 h). Conclusion: For the first time, educators' workflow in day care centres was studied in real time. Some of the educators' self-reported problems were corroborated. The results of this study form a basis upon which further investigations can be built and measures can be developed for an overall improvement of child care

    Transgene Expression Is Associated with Copy Number and Cytomegalovirus Promoter Methylation in Transgenic Pigs

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    Transgenic animals have been used for years to study gene function, produce important proteins, and generate models for the study of human diseases. However, inheritance and expression instability of the transgene in transgenic animals is a major limitation. Copy number and promoter methylation are known to regulate gene expression, but no report has systematically examined their effect on transgene expression. In the study, we generated two transgenic pigs by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) that express green fluorescent protein (GFP) driven by cytomegalovirus (CMV). Absolute quantitative real-time PCR and bisulfite sequencing were performed to determine transgene copy number and promoter methylation level. The correlation of transgene expression with copy number and promoter methylation was analyzed in individual development, fibroblast cells, various tissues, and offspring of the transgenic pigs. Our results demonstrate that transgene expression is associated with copy number and CMV promoter methylation in transgenic pigs

    General Didactics and Instructional Design: eyes like twins A transatlantic dialogue about similarities and differences, about the past and the future of two sciences of learning and teaching

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