831 research outputs found

    Flutuação populacional e biologia de Rotylenchulus reniformis (Nemata: Rotylenchulinae) em algodoeiro sob sistema plantio direto.

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    O nematóide reniforme é um importante parasito de algodoeiro. A espécie está presente em regiões produtoras de algodão no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) em populações consideradas elevadas, causando visíveis danos à cultura. O presente estudo visou conhecer melhor a biologia e ecologia de R. reniformis em áreas de cultivo de algodoeiro sob plantio direto, para o aprimoramento de medidas de controle.bitstream/item/38731/1/BP200739.pdfDocumento on-line

    Spectroscopic and photometric oscillatory envelope variability during the S Doradus outburst of the Luminous Blue Variable R71

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    To better understand the LBV phenomenon, we analyze multi-epoch and multi-wavelength spectra and photometry of R71. Pre-outburst spectra are analyzed with the radiative transfer code CMFGEN to determine the star's fundamental stellar parameters. During quiescence, R71 has an effective temperature of Teff=15500 KT_\mathrm{{eff}} = 15\,500~K and a luminosity of log(L/L)(L_*/L_{\odot}) = 5.78 and is thus a classical LBV, but at the lower luminosity end of this group. We determine its mass-loss rate to 4.0×106 M 4.0 \times 10^{-6}~M_{\odot}~yr1^{-1}. We present R71's spectral energy distribution from the near-ultraviolet to the mid-infrared during its present outburst. Mid-infrared observations suggest that we are witnessing dust formation and grain evolution. Semi-regular oscillatory variability in the star's light curve is observed during the current outburst. Absorption lines develop a second blue component on a timescale twice that length. The variability may consist of one (quasi-)periodic component with P ~ 425/850 d with additional variations superimposed. During its current S Doradus outburst, R71 occupies a region in the HR diagram at the high-luminosity extension of the Cepheid instability strip and exhibits similar irregular variations as RV Tau variables. LBVs do not pass the Cepheid instability strip because of core evolution, but they develop comparable cool, low-mass, extended atmospheres in which convective instabilities may occur. As in the case of RV Tau variables, the occurrence of double absorption lines with an apparent regular cycle may be due to shocks within the atmosphere and period doubling may explain the factor of two in the lengths of the photometric and spectroscopic cycles.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, submitted to A&

    Inheritance of soybean resistance to Rotylenchulus reniformis.

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    Genetic inheritance of soybean resistance to Rotylenchulus reniformis was studied by evaluating the phenotypic reaction of soybean plants to the nematode. The resistant (Forrest and Custer) and susceptible (BR96-25619) soybean cultivars used as parents as well as the F1, F2 and F2:3 derived from their crosses were infested individually with 1,000 eggs and vermiform R. reniformis. About 70 days after the infestation, the nematodes were extracted from the roots and the reproduction factors and the numbers of nematodes per gram of roots were estimated, and data were adjusted for genetic models. Results suggested a predominance of additive genetic effects controlling the nematode resistance reaction. Based on mean and variance genetic models, further genetic gains are expected in the crossing Custer x BR96-25619. The effect of genetic dominance is towards susceptibility. The presence of significant epistasis indicates the existence of at least two genes controlling resistance and that they are interacting. The normal continuous distribution of frequencies of the number of individuals in different classes of resistance indicates that the resistance to the reniform nematode is inherited quantitatively

    Public Administration and Brazilian Coastal Management: Reformism and Late Modernity

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    The complexity and dynamics of changes in public administration structures and their management mechanisms can be causes of turbulence and increased uncertainty in the different fields of government action. This article seeks to analyze the possible effects of these institutional movements on plans and structures aimed at Brazilian coastal management, seen as an integral part of the public policies established for planning and management in this field. The methodological approach developed is descriptive and interpretive, with qualitative data that try to characterize the National Coastal Management Program (GERCO) from the stages of a public policy cycle, observing the presence (or absence) of elements of each model of administration in its development. The result of the analysis concludes that GERCO was conceived and implemented in a context of hybridism of bureaucratic, managerial, and societal administration models. Furthermore, this hybridism can be recognized in different ways when we look at each stage of the political cycle. Elements of bureaucratic administration became evident mainly in the elaboration of the program (PNGC I), and through hierarchies in the organization of competences for coordination and the constitution of technical instruments without the participation of social actors, other than specialized non-technicians. The management model is present in all stages of the cycle, from the perception of the problem to the implementation phase of the policy and its instruments. A strong hybrid between the managerial and the societal model stands out, right after the regulation of PNGC II, with the incorporation of the need to improve the quality of management with more participation and action by civil society actors. The cycle assists in the systematization of information about the GERCO structure and shows a weakness in the steps of enforcing in practice the instruments that aim to ensure the planning and conservation of coastal spaces. It is believed that this study contributes to the understanding of the relationship between coastal management and the Public Administration that holds it and determines its directions. It is in the intricacies of the PA, with its potentialities and anachronisms, that the conditions (favorable or not) for the development of the cycles of this public policy (PP) are established, which overlap in spasmodic movements, benefitting more planning stages than the implementation of instruments. and processes related to coastal zone management