8 research outputs found

    Interactive and automated application of virtual microscopy

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    Virtual microscopy can be applied in an interactive and an automated manner. Interactive application is performed in close association to conventional microscopy. It includes image standardization suitable to the performance of an individual pathologist such as image colorization, white color balance, or individual adjusted brightness. The steering commands have to include selection of wanted magnification, easy navigation, notification, and simple measurements (distances, areas). The display of the histological image should be adjusted to the physical limits of the human eye, which are determined by a view angle of approximately 35 seconds. A more sophisticated performance should include acoustic commands that replace the corresponding visual commands. Automated virtual microscopy includes so-called microscopy assistants which can be defined similar to the developed assistants in computer based editing systems (Microsoft Word, etc.). These include an automated image standardization and correction algorithms that excludes images of poor quality (for example uni-colored or out-of-focus images), an automated selection of the most appropriate field of view, an automated selection of the best magnification, and finally proposals of the most probable diagnosis. A quality control of the final diagnosis, and feedback to the laboratory determine the proposed system. The already developed tools of such a system are described in detail, as well as the results of first trials. In order to enhance the speed of such a system, and to allow further user-independent development a distributed implementation probably based upon Grid technology seems to be appropriate. The advantages of such a system as well as the present pathology environment and its expectations will be discussed in detail

    The three factor eating questionnaire - R21: tradução para o português e aplicação em mulheres brasileiras The three factor eating questionnaire - R21: translation and administration to Brazilian women

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar e discutir a relação dos comportamentos de restrição cognitiva, alimentação emocional e descontrole alimentar entre si e com os parâmetros antropométricos: índice de massa corporal e circunferência abdominal. MÉTODOS: Tradução para o português e aplicação do The Three Factor Eating Questionnaire - versão reduzida de 21 itens, com subsequente comparação aos parâmetros antropométricos de 125 mulheres trabalhadoras do Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, escolhidas casualmente em um grupo de 800 interessados em orientação nutricional. RESULTADOS: Encontraram-se associações entre a alimentação emocional e o descontrole alimentar, além de associações entre alimentação emocional e descontrole alimentar, índice de massa corporal e circunferência abdominal. CONCLUSÃO: O The Three Factor Eating Questionnaire - versão reduzida de 21 itens mostrou-se um instrumento adequado para identificar os comportamentos de restrição cognitiva, alimentação emocional e descontrole alimentar, padrões de comportamentos cuja análise pode servir como ponto de partida para a adoção de estratégias de abordagem de orientação nutricional em programas de controle de peso.<br>OBJECTIVE: This study analyzed and discussed how cognitive restraint, emotional eating and bingeing behaviors interrelate and relate with the anthropometric parameters BMI and waist circumference. METHODS: The short version of The Three Factor Eating Questionnaire consisting of 21 items was translated into Portuguese, administered to 125 female employees from the Central Unit of the Universidade de São Paulo School of Medicine Clinics Hospital and compared with the anthropometric data of these women who had been casually selected from a group of 800 individuals interested in nutrition counseling. RESULTS: Emotional eating was found to be associated with bingeing, body mass index and waist circumference. CONCLUSION: The short version of The Three Factor Eating Questionnaire with 21 items proved to effectively identify cognitive restraint, emotional eating and bingeing behaviors. Analysis of these behavior patterns can be the starting point for the implementation of strategies for approaching nutrition counseling in weight-control programs

    Representações sociais do corpo: um estudo sobre as construções simbólicas em adolescentes Representaciones sociales del cuerpo: un estudio sobre las construcciones simbólicas en adolescentes Social representations of the body: a study on the symbolic constructions in teenagers

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    Este estudo, de natureza exploratória descritiva, buscou compreender as representações do corpo em adolescentes, do nono ano de escolaridade em Portugal em ambos os gêneros. Entrevistas foram gravadas, recorrendo-se à técnica de análise de conteúdo. Utilizou-se o programa informático NVivo para tratar os dados. Como resultado, verificamos que a herança cartesiana, concebe o corpo como extensão da mente. A representação feminina valoriza o estético, enquanto o corpo é instrumento e a saúde como valor, é representado pelo gênero masculino como forma de se estar no mundo. No lazer surge o movimento pelo movimento e de novo surge o convívio como valor. A comunicação social influência o sentido crítico de cada um. A anorexia nervosa é representada por questões socioculturais e os alunos não reconhecem a aluna diagnosticada com a patologia, no contexto escolar.<br>Este estudio, de naturaleza exploratoria descriptiva, buscó comprender las representaciones del cuerpo en adolescentes, del noveno año de escolaridad en Portugal, en ambos géneros. Entrevistas fueron grabadas, recurriéndose a la técnica de análisis de contenido. Se utilizó el programa informático NVivo para tratar los datos. Como resultado, verificamos que la herencia cartesiana, concibe el cuerpo como extensión de la mente. La representación femenina valoriza lo estético, en cuanto el cuerpo es instrumento y la salud, como valor, es representado por el género masculino como forma de estar en el mundo. En el ocio, surge el movimiento por el movimiento y de nuevo surge la convivencia como valor. La comunicación social influencia el sentido crítico de cada uno. La anorexia nerviosa es representada por cuestiones socioculturales y los alumnos no reconocen la alumna diagnosticada con la patología, en el contexto escolar.<br>The current descriptive exploratory nature study aimed at understanding the representations of the body in teenagers of both sexes from the ninth school year grade in Portugal. Interviews were recorded, thus using the content analysis technique. The NVivo informatics program was used to deal with the data. The results, show that the Cartesian inheritance conceives the body as an extension of the mind. The female representation highlights aesthetics, while the body is a tool and health as value is represented by the male gender as a means of being in the world. The movement by the movement arises within the leisure and again the living appears as a value. The social communication influences each one's critical sense. The nervous anorexia is represented by social-cultural matters and the students do not recognize the student who was diagnosed with the pathology within the school context