974 research outputs found

    The work and creativity of literate prison inmates

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    Creativity is not a planned emergence. As it happens, when a person who convicted a crime in the eyes of the society, or by chance, the crime and its consequences isolate him in prison, his feelings of guilt make him to do some kind of artistic work. People like Mr.Puthuraja, Mr. Pozhilan, Dr. Prakash, Mr. Chidambaram and Mr. Puzhilan, who were convicted in Chennai Puzhal Central Jail have written novels, short stories (collections), empirical essays and collections of poems written. All their works are taken up in this article. and its literary style, language style, the work of storytellers and the writing style of these prison inmates are examined well in this article. This article proves that the works of these prison inmates have some unique features

    Stabilization of carbon nanotubes by filling with inner tubes: An optical spectroscopy study on double-walled carbon nanotubes under hydrostatic pressure

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    The stabilization of carbon nanotubes via the filling with inner tubes is demonstrated by probing the optical transitions in double-walled carbon nanotube bundles under hydrostatic pressure with optical spectroscopy. Double-walled carbon nanotube films were prepared from fullerene peapods and characterized by HRTEM and optical spectroscopy. In comparison to single-walled carbon nanotubes, the pressure-induced redshifts of the optical transitions in the outer tubes are significantly smaller below ∼\sim10 GPa, demonstrating the enhanced mechanical stability due to the inner tube already at low pressures. Anomalies at the critical pressure Pd_d≈\approx12 GPa signal the onset of the pressure-induced deformation of the tubular cross-sections. The value of Pd_d is in very good agreement with theoretical predictions of the pressure-induced structural transitions in double-walled carbon nanotube bundles with similar average diameters.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Analisis Pengaruh Islamic Corporate Governance terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (Studi Kasus pada Bank Syariah di Asia)

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    This study aims to analyze the characteristic factors of Islamic CorporateGovernance in Islamic banks in Asia region that can affect the disclosure of corporatesocial responsibility (CSR) in the Annual Reports of Islamic banks. These characteristicfactors such as Islamic Governance (including the presence of the supervisory board,composition Islamic sharia supervisory board skills), the size of board of commissioners,independent commissioners, board of commissioners meeting, size of the audit committee,audit committee independence, audit committee meetings and profitability.Populations of this research are the Islamic banks in Asia, overall the sampleconsists of seven sharia banks which are the members of AAOIFI and three (3) Islamicbanks in Indonesia which are not yet become a members, but have adopted regulations andstandards arranged by AAOFI. So that there are 10 Islamic banks in the sample with 50annual reports that are determined through purposive sampling. This study analyzed theannual reports of Islamic banks with a panel method analysis. Data analysis wasperformed with the classical assumption test and hypothesis testing using multiple linearregression method.The results of this study indicate that of the eight independent variables, sevenvariables affect the disclosure of CSR, but the four variables (composition of independentcommissioners, board of commissioners meeting, the size of board of commissioners,composition of audit committee independence) has a negative coefficient so the hypothesisis rejected four variables and the third variable (Islamic Governance, the size of board ofcommissioners, audit committee meetings ) positively influence the level of CSR disclosure.While the profitability variable is not a positive influence on the level of CSR disclosure

    Pengaruh Tenure, Ukuran Kap dan Spesialisasi Auditor terhadap Kualitas Audit

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    This study aimed to empirically examine the effect of audit tenure, the size of the public accounting firms, and auditor specialization on audit quality. The population of the data is the entire manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2010 to 2012. This study used purposive sampling method to select sample from the population. Based on this method, sample of 193 manufacturing firms were obtained from the period 2010-2012. The multiple linear regression was used to analyse data. Proxy measurements for audit quality is using discretionary accrual Kazsnik model (1999). The results showed that audit tenure negatively affecting on audit quality and auditor specialization positively affecting on audit quality, while the size of public accounting firms has no effect on audit quality

    Analisis Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia

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    This study aims to identify and analyze: 1) The influence of education, health, public investment and private investment on labor productivity in Indonesia. 2) The effect of government investment, private investment, inflation, exports, employment and labor productivity to economic growth in Indonesia. This research is ekspost facto to the annual quantitative secondary data that is in Indonesia in the timeframe between the years 1980-2009 by using the simultaneous analysis model that has been through the test prerequisites. The results of this study found that: 1) Education, health, public investment and private investment and partially simultaneous significant effect on labor productivity in Indonesia. The higher funding for education, health, high investment, more and more private investment invested in Indonesia will be the higher productivity of labor in Indonesia. 2) Public investment, private investment, inflation, exports, employment and labor productivity simultaneously significant effect on economic growth in Indonesia. While in Persia, private investment, inflation, exports, and labor productivity affect economic growth in Indonesia. More and more private parties who invest their capital in Indonesia, the low inflation, and increasing exports will be able to increase economic growth. Meanwhile, public investment and labor no significant effect on economic growth in Indonesia. High or low government investment and private investment does not affect the high or low economic growth in Indonesia. Policy implications of the results of this study were: 1) In an effort to increase labor productivity in Indonesia then the policy needs to be taken by the government is more concerned with education and health by increasing funding to improve the quality of human resources. 2) Efforts should be done next government in promoting economic growth is to do development equitably, improve the bureaucracy in order to create a conducive investment climate to attract investors to invest in Indonesia, to maintain economic stability in order to avoid excessive inflation, improve the quality of human resources in order to produces a high output and export value

    Lockbrick Modular Beton untuk Alternatif Bahan Dinding yang Memenuhi Mutu Sni dengan Biaya Murah

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    Lockbrick modular merupakan hasil desain prapabrikasi komponen bangunan gedung.Lockbrick modular merupakan bahan dinding, yang pelaksanaannya tidakmembutuhkan spesi pengikat, melainkan cukup disusun dan dirangkai, masing-masingsaling mengunci oleh karena sisi sambungan berbentuk sambungan jantan betina. Lockbrick modular dapat untuk berbagai tinggi dan lebar dinding sesuai kelipatan dimensi modul 15 cm. Bagian dalam dinding Lockbrick modular ada lubang 7 cm x 7 cm menerus dari atas ke bawah berfungsi mengurangi bobot, penghambat panas, untuk perkuatan dinding, tempat pipa air bersih, dan kabel listrik. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kuat tekan, daya serap air lockbrick modular yang memenuhi syarat mutu SNI, dan biaya per-m2 dinding yang menggunakan lockbrick. Metode penelitianeksperimen dengan uji kuat tekan, daya serap air dan menghitung biaya dinding menggunakan acuan Harga Satuan Pekerjaan Bahan dan Upah Pekerjaan Konstruksi Propinsi Jawa Tengah Untuk Kota Surakarta. Prosentase campuran adalah 1 pc : 4 agregat, yang terdiri dari pasir : ladu : kerikil dengan berbagai variasi komposisi. Masingmasing komposisi dicetak 3 lockbrick modular. Hasil peneli-tian adalah produk lockbrick modular memenuhi syarat mutu kuat tekan dan daya serap air SNI bata beton berlubang mutu II, III dan IV. Produk lockbrick modular dengan kuat tekan optimal 6.84 MPa,daya serap air 19.55% memenuhi syarat mutu II. Biaya dinding lockbrick modular per-m2, 24% lebih murah dari biaya dinding batak

    Improved Convergence Bounds For Operator Splitting Algorithms With Rare Extreme Errors

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    In this paper, we improve upon our previous work[24,22] and establish convergence bounds on the objective function values of approximate proximal-gradient descent (AxPGD), approximate accelerated proximal-gradient descent (AxAPGD) and approximate proximal ADMM (AxWLM-ADMM) schemes. We consider approximation errors that manifest rare extreme events and we propagate their effects through iterations. We establish probabilistic asymptotic and non-asymptotic convergence bounds as functions of the range (upper/lower bounds) and variance of approximation errors. We use the derived bound to assess AxPGD in a sparse model predictive control of a spacecraft system and compare its accuracy with previously derived bounds


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    The Effect of Planting Space On Productivity of Indigofera (Indigofera zollingeriana) in Full Sun Area. The purpose of this research was determines the productivity of Indigofera zollingeriana with three different planting space. This experiment was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatment consisted of three planting space, (1) 1.0 m x 0.5 m, (2) 1.0 m x 1.0 m, and (3) 1.0 m x 1.5 m, each treatment had six replications. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and HSD test. The variables measured were fresh and dried stem weight, fresh and dried leaf weight. The results showed that planting space were significant different (P<0.01) on fresh and dried stem weight, fresh and dried leaf weight.  HSD test showed that planting space 1.0 m x 1.5 m were significant (P<0.01) have higher stem fresh weight, stem dry matter weight, fresh leaf weight and leaf dry matter weight than planting space 1.0 m x 1.0 m and 1.0 m x 0.5 m. It can be concluded that planting space 1.0 m x 1.5 m have the highest productivity that were highest stem freshweight, stem dry matter weight, leaf freshweight and leaf dry matter weight.Key words: Indigofera zollingeriana, planting space, productivit

    A Low-Power Hardware-Friendly Optimisation Algorithm With Absolute Numerical Stability and Convergence Guarantees

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    We propose Dual-Feedback Generalized Proximal Gradient Descent (DFGPGD) as a new, hardware-friendly, operator splitting algorithm. We then establish convergence guarantees under approximate computational errors and we derive theoretical criteria for the numerical stability of DFGPGD based on absolute stability of dynamical systems. We also propose a new generalized proximal ADMM that can be used to instantiate most of existing proximal-based composite optimization solvers. We implement DFGPGD and ADMM on FPGA ZCU106 board and compare them in light of FPGA's timing as well as resource utilization and power efficiency. We also perform a full-stack, application-to-hardware, comparison between approximate versions of DFGPGD and ADMM based on dynamic power/error rate trade-off, which is a new hardware-application combined metric
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