375 research outputs found

    Exploring communities of practice in the NHS: A core medical trainee experience

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    Objectives: A community of practice was described by Lave and Wenger as a mutual engagement using a shared repertoire of resources to attain a shared goal. This study explored the extent to which NHS workplaces function as communities of practice for core medical trainees. Methods: All core medical trainees in one region were invited to a semi-structured interview. A framework was produced using communities of practice themes and a hybrid deductive-inductive method used for data analysis. Results: NHS workplaces function as communities of practice by enabling engagement and by formation of mutual relationships. Joint enterprise was evidenced by multidisciplinary team working. Full participation was limited by service provision and short training rotations. Conclusions: Trainee attendance in clinic and procedure lists should be facilitated. Trainees should be enabled to 'act up' as registrar. Flexibility is needed in jobs by allowing swaps between trainees and the facilitation of 'taster weeks'

    Innovative strategies for reintroducing a sleeping language: How a community-university partnership supports the revitalization of Kaurna, the language of the Adelaide Plains, South Australia

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    A collaboration between the Kaurna community and the University of Adelaide is longstanding. This collaboration was formalised in 2002 with the establishment of Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi (KWP), a committee of Kaurna Elders, language enthusiasts, linguists, teachers and researchers. Commonwealth funding enabled KWP to establish a small part-time team in 2012 based at the University of Adelaide to support the reintroduction of the sleeping Kaurna language of the Adelaide Plains by producing resources and undertaking research. This paper shares the work of the KWP Team, which is guided by the Kaurna concept of yaityarni-apinthi “actively Indigenising,” manifested through Kaurna icons on playing cards, adaptation of games, adoption of Kaurna names, developing Kaurna terms for English concepts and so on. In the absence of first-language speakers, Kaurna is reintroduced by finding niche uses for the language. In this paper we share innovative strategies used alongside long-standing practices, such as song, language classes, and immersion activities to reintroduce a sleeping language within the Kaurna community and reach out to an English-speaking audience, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous.Jack Kanya Buckskin, Taylor Tipu Power-Smith, Jaylon Pila Newchurch, Tempestt Sumner-Lovett, Paul Finlay, Chester Schultz, Rob Amer

    Quantification of the Dental Morphology of Orangutans

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    Orangutans are believed to have close biological affinities to humans. Teeth being the hardest tissue provide useful information on primate evolution. Furthermore, knowledge of the pulp chamber and root canal morphology is important for dental treatment. A female Bornean orangutan and a Sumatran male orangutan skull were available for this study. Both of their dentitions, comprising 50 teeth, were scanned employing the cone-beam computed tomography for both metrical and nonmetrical analyses. Measurements included tooth and crown length, root length, enamel covered crown height, root canal length (posterior teeth), length of pulpal space (anterior teeth), and root canal width. Nonmetrical parameters included number of canals per root, number of foramina in each root, and root canal morphology according to Vertucci’s classification. It was found that the enamel covered crown height was the longest in the upper central incisors although the canine was the longest amongst the anterior teeth. Both the upper premolars were three-rooted while the lower second premolar of the Sumatran orangutan was two-rooted, with two foramina. The mandibular lateral incisors of the Bornean orangutan were longer than the central incisors, a feature similar to humans. In addition, secondary dentine deposition was noticed, a feature consistent with aged humans

    Pipamperone Population Pharmacokinetics Related to Effectiveness and Side Effects in Children and Adolescents

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    Background: Pipamperone is a frequently prescribed antipsychotic in children and adolescents in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. However, pediatric pharmacokinetics and the relationship with side effects and efficacy are unknown. Currently, divergent pediatric dosing recommendations exist. Objectives: The objective of this study was to describe the population pharmacokinetics of pipamperone in children and adolescents; to correlate measured and predicted pipamperone trough concentrations and predicted 24-h area under the curves with effectiveness, extrapyramidal symptoms, and sedation; and to propose dose recommendations based on simulations. Methods: Pipamperone concentrations were collected from Dutch pediatric patients in a prospective naturalistic trial (n = 8), and German pediatric patients in a therapeutic drug monitoring service (n = 22). A total of 70 pipamperone concentrations were used to develop a population pharmacokinetic model with non-linear mixed-effects modeling (NONMEM®). Additionally, an additional random sample of 21 German patients with 33 pipamperone concentrations from the same therapeutic drug monitoring service was used for external validation. Pharmacokinetic parameters were related to clinical improvement, sedation, and extrapyramidal symptoms. Simulations were performed to determine optimal dosages. Results: In a one-compartment model, the apparent volume of distribution was 416 L/70 kg and the apparent clearance was 22.1 L/h/70 kg. Allometric scaling was used to correct for differences in bodyweight. The model was successfully externally validated. The median [25th–75th percentile] measured pipamperone trough concentrations were numerically higher in responders (98.0 µg/L [56.0–180.5 µg/L]) than in non-responders (58.0 µg/L [14.9–105.5 µg/L]), although non-significant (p = 0.14). A twice-daily 0.6-mg/kg dosage was better than a fixed dosage to attain the concentration range observed in responders. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that pipamperone therapeutic reference ranges may be lower for children with behavioral problems than recommended for adults with psychotic symptoms (100–400 µg/L). When dosing pipamperone in children and adolescents, bodyweight should be taken into account

    Determinants of serum zinc in a random population sample of four Belgian towns with different degrees of environmental exposure to cadmium

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    This report investigated the distribution of serum zinc and the factors determining serum zinc concentration in a large random population sample. The 1977 participants (959 men and 1018 women), 20–80 years old, constituted a stratified random sample of the population of four Belgian districts, representing two areas with low and two with high environmental exposure to cadmium. For each exposure level, a rural and an urban area were selected. The serum concentration of zinc, frequently used as an index for zinc status in human subjects, was higher in men (13.1 μmole/L, range 6.5–23.0 μmole/L) than in women (12.6 μmole/L, range 6.3–23.2 μmole/L). In men, 20% of the variance of serum zinc was explained by age (linear and squared term, R = 0.29), diurnal variation (r = 0.29), and total cholesterol (r = 0.16). After adjustment for these covariates, a negative relationship was observed between serum zinc and both blood (r = −0.10) and urinary cadmium (r = −0.14). In women, 11% of the variance could be explained by age (linear and squared term, R = 0.15), diurnal variation in serum zinc (r = 0.27), creatinine clearance (r = −0.11), log γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (r = 0.08), cholesterol (r = 0.07), contraceptive pill intake (r = −0.07), and log serum ferritin (r = 0.06). Before and after adjustment for significant covariates, serum zinc was, on average, lowest in the two districts where the body burden of cadmium, as assessed by urinary cadmium excretion, was highest. These results were not altered when subjects exposed to heavy metals at work were excluded from analysis

    Evaluating major curriculum change:the effect on student confidence

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of major curriculum change within a UK dental school on final-year student self-rated confidence levels. Methods: Final-year dental students graduating in each year between 2007 and 2012 completed the same course evaluation questionnaire, which assessed their confidence in relation to a range of clinical procedures using a Likert-type scale. This period spanned the introduction of a new curriculum and allowed analysis of differences in self-rated confidence between students graduating from the old (2007 and 2008) and new (2009–2012) curricula, across thirty key procedures. Results: New curriculum students showed significantly higher self-confidence ratings in nineteen of the thirty procedures, compared with those on the old curriculum. For the remaining eleven procedures there was no significant difference between the two curricula. The proportion of students on the outcomes-based curriculum rating themselves as 'confident” was statistically significantly higher in seven out of the thirty procedures, when compared with the traditional curriculum, and unchanged or nonsignificantly increased in the remainder. Discussion and conclusions: The relationship between specific curricular innovations and student confidence is considered, as is the usefulness of self-rated confidence in curriculum evaluation. Curriculum change appeared to have a positive effect on student confidence across a range of procedures

    Chlamydia psittaci st24: clonal strains of one health importance dominate in Australian horse, bird and human infections

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    Chlamydia psittaci is traditionally regarded as a globally distributed avian pathogen that can cause zoonotic spill-over. Molecular research has identified an extended global host range and significant genetic diversity. However, Australia has reported a reduced host range (avian, horse, and human) with a dominance of clonal strains, denoted ST24. To better understand the widespread of this strain type in Australia, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and ompA genotyping were applied on samples from a range of hosts (avian, equine, marsupial, and bovine) from Australia. MLST confirms that clonal ST24 strains dominate infections of Australian psittacine and equine hosts (82/88; 93.18%). However, this study also found novel hosts (Australian white ibis, King parrots, racing pigeon, bovine, and a wallaby) and demonstrated that strain diversity does exist in Australia. The discovery of a C. psittaci novel strain (ST306) in a novel host, the Western brush wallaby, is the first detection in a marsupial. Analysis of the results of this study applied a multidisciplinary approach regarding Chlamydia infections, equine infectious disease, ecology, and One Health. Recommendations include an update for the descriptive framework of C. psittaci disease and cell biology work to inform pathogenicity and complement molecular epidemiologySusan I. Anstey, Vasilli Kasimov, Cheryl Jenkins, Alistair Legione, Joanne Devlin, Jemima Amery-Gale ... et al

    Preserved cognitive functions with age are determined by domain-dependent shifts in network responsivity

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    Healthy ageing has disparate effects on different cognitive domains. The neural basis of these differences, however, is largely unknown. We investigated this question by using Independent Components Analysis to obtain functional brain components from 98 healthy participants aged 23-87 years from the population-based Cam-CAN cohort. Participants performed two cognitive tasks that show age-related decrease (fluid intelligence and object naming) and a syntactic comprehension task that shows age-related preservation. We report that activation of task-positive neural components predicts inter-individual differences in performance in each task across the adult lifespan. Furthermore, only the two tasks that show performance declines with age show age-related decreases in task-positive activation of neural components and decreasing default mode (DM) suppression. Our results suggest that distributed, multi-component brain responsivity supports cognition across the adult lifespan, and the maintenance of this, along with maintained DM deactivation, characterizes successful ageing and may explain differential ageing trajectories across cognitive domains