477 research outputs found

    Maximizing the Impact of Microphysiological Systems with in Vitro–in Vivo Translation

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    Microphysiological systems (MPS) hold promise for improving therapeutic drug approval rates by providing more physiological, human-based, in vitro assays for preclinical drug development activities compared to traditional in vitro and animal models. Here, we first summarize why MPSs are needed in pharmaceutical development, and examine how MPS technologies can be utilized to improve preclinical efforts. We then provide the perspective that the full impact of MPS technologies will be realized only when robust approaches for in vitro-in vivo (MPS-to-human) translation are developed and utilized, and explain how the burgeoning field of quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) can fill that need

    Online Scratch Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Computational and Creative Thinking

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    This paper investigated the effect of online Scratch activities on college students’ computational and creative thinking. The study adopted a mixed research design including one group pretest-posttest. The sample consisted of 24 child development undergraduates (23 female and 1 male) in the 2019-2020 academic year. The research was carried out in "Teaching Science and Mathematics in Preschool Education” course and lasted 12 weeks. The participants developed Scratch projects based on eight learning outcomes (four math and four science). Data were collected using the Computational Thinking Scale, the Marmara Creative Thinking Dispositions Scale, and reflective journals. The quantitative data were analyzed using a paired sample t-test. The qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that Scratch activities helped students develop computational and creative thinking

    Physiome-on-a-Chip: The Challenge of “Scaling” in Design, Operation, and Translation of Microphysiological Systems

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    Scaling of a microphysiological system (MPS) or physiome-on-a-chip is arguably two interrelated, modeling-based activities: on-platform scaling and in vitro-in vivo translation. This dual approach reduces the need to perfectly rescale and mimic in vivo physiology, an aspiration that is both extremely challenging and not substantively meaningful because of uncertain relevance of any specific physiological condition. Accordingly, this perspective offers a tractable approach for designing interacting MPSs and relating in vitro results to analogous context in vivo.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Microphysiological Systems Program (Grant W911NF-12-2-0039)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) Microphysiological Systems Program (Grant 4-UH3-TR000496-03)United States. Army Research Office (Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies. Grant W911NF-09- 0001

    Sosyal Medya Kullanıcılarının Gözetime Yönelik Algıları: Sanal Özgürlük Perdesinde Modern Kölelik

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    Modern toplum anlayışı ile birlikte yönetilmek ve kontrol edilebilmek işlevlerinin yerine getirilmesi için, iletişim ve bilgi teknolojilerine bağımlı olan bütün toplumlar, gözetilmeye adeta mecbur bırakılmaktadır. Söz konusu gözetim, güvenlik adı altında insanlara pazarlanmakta, kaybolan bedenler kapitalist sistemin kölesi olmaktadır. Cehennem kamyonu gibi ateş yumağı halinde hızla giden küreselleşme, kontrolden çıkmak üzeredir. Statülerin yönettiği kurumsal biyografik modeller standartlaşmakta ve tek tip modele dönüşmektedir. Sosyal medya ağlarının sık kullanılmasıyla birlikte mahremiyet algıları dönüşüme uğramış, özel bilgilere kolaylıkla ulaşılabilir hale gelinmiştir. Yeni iletişim teknolojileri insanların algılarına görünmez çerçevelerle hükmeder hale gelmiştir. Sosyal medya ile boyutu değişen iletişim artık eşzamanlı, dinamik ve çift taraflı paylaşımlarla istenilenin istenildiği yerde söylenebileceği bir hale gelmiştir. İşlenmeye hazır halde kişisel bilgiler üreten sosyal medyayı aktif olarak kullananlar gözetmeye ve gözetilmeye alışır hale gelmişlerdir. Ayrıca kullanıcıların gözetmeye ve gözetilmeye yönelik davranışları ve algıları da değişmeye başlamıştır. Bu kapsamda 616 sosyal medya kullanıcısı ile anket çalışması yapılarak bu anket sonuçları üzerinden sosyal medyayı kullanma durumları ile gözetime yönelik algıları arasındaki ilişkiler değerlendirilmiştir

    Effect of different protein levels on, testicular parameters and semen quality in Kivircik ram lambs during pubertal development

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different protein levels on, testicular parameters and semen quality in Kivircik ram lambs during pubertal development. Two experimental groups were formed. Following weaning, crude protein (CP) were 12% CP in group I (low protein diet) and 18% CP in group II (high protein diet). Measurements of live weight and testicular characteristics were performed in 20 days intervals starting from 115 days up to 195 days of age. There was an increase in semen volume, spermatozoa concentration and the percentage of progressively motile sperm in both groups between 135 and 195 days of age. Group I had significantly higher semen volume on day 175 (P<0.05). Furthermore, spermatozoa concentration were higher in group I than those in group II on days 155 and 175 (P<0.05). Values of live weight, testicular diameter, testicular circumference, testicular length and testicular volume of ram lambs in group II (high protein diet) were higher than those in group I (low protein diet). Testicular length and testicular volume of group II were significantly higher than those of group I on day 195 (P<0.05). Live weight and testicular characteristics of ram lambs fed with high protein diet were affected positively during pubertal development. However, it was observed that feeding with high protein diet had negative effect on semen characteristics by impaired thermoregulation mechanism and spermatogenesis in testicles because of excessive fat accumulation in scrotum

    Effect of different protein levels on, testicular parameters and semen quality in Kivircik ram lambs during pubertal development

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different protein levels on, testicular parameters and semen quality in Kivircik ram lambs during pubertal development. Two experimental groups were formed. Following weaning, crude protein (CP) were 12% CP in group I (low protein diet) and 18% CP in group II (high protein diet). Measurements of live weight and testicular characteristics were performed in 20 days intervals starting from 115 days up to 195 days of age. There was an increase in semen volume, spermatozoa concentration and the percentage of progressively motile sperm in both groups between 135 and 195 days of age. Group I had significantly higher semen volume on day 175 (P<0.05). Furthermore, spermatozoa concentration were higher in group I than those in group II on days 155 and 175 (P<0.05). Values of live weight, testicular diameter, testicular circumference, testicular length and testicular volume of ram lambs in group II (high protein diet) were higher than those in group I (low protein diet). Testicular length and testicular volume of group II were significantly higher than those of group I on day 195 (P<0.05). Live weight and testicular characteristics of ram lambs fed with high protein diet were affected positively during pubertal development. However, it was observed that feeding with high protein diet had negative effect on semen characteristics by impaired thermoregulation mechanism and spermatogenesis in testicles because of excessive fat accumulation in scrotum

    Post processing for checking sequences

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    There are several methods to generate a checking sequence (CS) from a given Finite State Machine M. These methods generate a CS in such a way that when the CS is traced on M, every node visited during this trace is recognized as some state of M and every transition of M is traversed. When the recognitions of the nodes in this trace are analyzed, it is observed that some of the nodes are recognized multiple times redundantly. This observation raises the following question: Is it possible to reduce the length of a given CS by eliminating redundant recognitions? In this thesis we focus on this question. We formalize the recognitions, detect multiple redundant recognitions and suggest a way to eliminate them to reduce the length of a given CS. An experimental study of our approach is also presented

    Aminoglycoside resistance determinants in multiresistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates from Turkish and Syrian patients

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    Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae are frequently found resistance to aminoglycosides in Turkey. The aim of this study was to investigate aminoglycoside resistance in clinical isolates of E. coli and K. pneumoniae from Turkey using both phenotypic and genotypic methods and screening for the prevalence of gene coding for common aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes (AMEs) and 16S rRNA methylase genes. A total of 88 consecutive, non-duplicated E. coli (n = 65) and K. pneumoniae (n = 23) isolates showing resistance or intermediate resistance to amikacin and/or gentamicin were collected between October 2013 and May 2015 from clinical samples received at Gaziantep Dr. Ersin Arslan Training and Research Hospital. Seventeen isolates were obtained from Syrian patients. Isolates resistant to any of the two aminoglycosides were tested by PCR for seven AME genes, and 22 isolates with amikacin MIC ≥16 mg/L were also tested for 16S rRNA methylase genes. In E. coli isolates, the most frequent genes were aac(6′)-Ib (50 strains; 76.9%) and aac(3)-IIa (40 strains; 70.7%), followed by aph(3′)-Ia (5 strains; 7.6%) and ant(2″)-Ia (2 strains; 3.1%). Among the 23 resistant K. pneumoniae isolates, the most prevalent gene was aac(3′)-IIa (87.0%) followed by aac(6′)-Ib (73.9%) and aph(3′)-Ia (8.6%). The rmtC gene was detected in one K. pneumoniae isolate. Resistance to aminoglycosides in clinical isolates of E. coli and K. pneumoniae from our center is predominantly caused by AAC(6′)-Ib and AAC(3)-II enzymes, while the occurrence of 16S rRNA methylases is so far limited