32 research outputs found


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    L'article dĂ©crit le paysage audiovisuel dans l'espace roumain. Dans l’étude sont prĂ©sentĂ©s les moments de l'apparition de la tĂ©lĂ©vision en Roumanie par rapport Ă  l'annĂ©e d'apparition dans le monde, ainsi que l’impact de son introduction et l'expĂ©rimentation dans notre pays comme principal moyen de communication. L’analyse continue avec une description des principales chaĂźnes de tĂ©lĂ©vision au niveau national et les dimensions publiques et commerciales du systĂšme dans le contexte europĂ©en. L’analyse de la couverture du territoire de l’audiovisuel occupe une place importante dans l’étude. L’analyse prĂ©sentĂ©e fait partie d'une Ă©tude geodĂ©mographique plus dĂ©taillĂ©e qui se prĂ©sente Ă  la fin comme une contribution Ă  l'enrichissement de la future recherche sur les facteurs socio-culturels non-spĂ©cifiques (ex. la tĂ©lĂ©vision) dans le domaine de la gĂ©ographie culturelle


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    Minimally invasive surgery is a common technique that replaces classic surgery because of many benfits, including reduced postoperative pain and shorter hospitalization time. Getting familiar with the skills needed to perform this techniques requires specific training. In this study, we developed a two-day training on four live pigs, where the participants had to identify the uro-genital tract, liver, gall bladder, stomach, intestines and performing certain maneuvers on them and we preferred to focus on the basic laparoscopy procedures, which can then be integrated into any procedure

    “Lipids mimetics” with monitorised HLB values and homogenous ÎČ-lauryl/myristil (7/3) polyethyleneoxy (n = 0–20) propionic acids in tomatoes and plums

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    The aim of the paper was to analyse the possibility of developing the range of fat substitutes (FS) as potential ingredients, or products of foodstuff additives with controlled functioning. The paper focused on the study of the impact of process parameters on esterification and/or transesterification process structure, yields and selectivity. The controlled modification of the polyoxyethylene chain ( n = 0–20) (PEO) allowed us getting polyunsaturated fatty acids from plums (Prunus domestica Damascena) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) with favourable impacts on their major colloidal characteristics (dispersants, antifoaming agents, emulsifiers, solubility agents, humectants, etc.). The materials and reactives used in this work were ÎČ- lauryl/ miristyl (7/3) polyethylenoxi ( n = 0– 20) propionic acids, different vegetal oils (tomatoes and plum); anhydrous glycerin p.a., strong mineral acid (H2SO4). The lipid fractions obtained and suggested as FS were purified, chemically and physically/chemically characterized, in order to establish the potential use in foodstuff processing. The results were presented in three tables: dependence of the acid value (mg KOH/g product) in the process of esferification of the ÎČ-lauryl/miristyl (7/3) polyethylenoxy ( n = 0–20) propionic acids and of their esters, in relation to temperature, in acid catalysis; dependence of the acid value (mg KOH/g product) in the process of esferification of the ÎČ-lauryl/miristyl (7/3) polyethylenoxy ( n = 0–20) propionic acids and of their esters in relation to the molar ratio glycerin/ acid; dependence of the acid value (mg KOH /g product) in the process of esferification of the ÎČ-lauryl/ miristyl (7/3) polyethylenoxy ( n = 0–20) propionic acids and of their esters, related to time processing

    The role of rehabilitation and anabolic treatment in severe os-teoporosis associated with significant vitamin D deficiency – case report

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    It is well known that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis and that vertebral compressions fractures are a manifestation of osteoporosis. This paper presents the case of a patient with severe osteoporosis associated with vitamin D deficiency who developed over the course of two years multiple vertebral compression fractures. Method: We present the case of a 76-year-old caucasian female diagnosed with osteoporosis and significant vitamin D deficiency who was investigated for mechanical pain and functional deficit at the level of the spine and walking disorders. The patient was hospitalized in our Rehabilitation department twice. At the first hospitalization two years ago, the deficiency of vitamin D was found and the treatment was initiated. During the sec-ond hospitalization, biochemical and radiological investigations were per-formed to establish the diagnosis. Numerous vertebral compression fractures were dis-covered which were not re-vealed in the imaging investigations performed two years earli-er. She underwent symptomatic and appropriate medical rehabilitation treatment. Results and discussion: The evolution was fa-vorable after the hospitalization period, with a decrease in pain and functional deficit, as well as walking improvement. After endocrinological consultation it was decided to initiate therapy with Teriparatide which can decrease the risk of future fractures and reduce the back pain. Con-clusions: Adequate and prompt treatment of vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis is very im-portant to avoid vertebral compression fractures or other complications of this disease. Physical and rehabilitation medicine also plays an important role in management of these patients

    Asymptotic and Mittag–Leffler Synchronization of Fractional-Order Octonion-Valued Neural Networks with Neutral-Type and Mixed Delays

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    Very recently, a different generalization of real-valued neural networks (RVNNs) to multidimensional domains beside the complex-valued neural networks (CVNNs), quaternion-valued neural networks (QVNNs), and Clifford-valued neural networks (ClVNNs) has appeared, namely octonion-valued neural networks (OVNNs), which are not a subset of ClVNNs. They are defined on the octonion algebra, which is an 8D algebra over the reals, and is also the only other normed division algebra that can be defined over the reals beside the complex and quaternion algebras. On the other hand, fractional-order neural networks (FONNs) have also been very intensively researched in the recent past. Thus, the present work combines FONNs and OVNNs and puts forward a fractional-order octonion-valued neural network (FOOVNN) with neutral-type, time-varying, and distributed delays, a very general model not yet discussed in the literature, to our awareness. Sufficient criteria expressed as linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and algebraic inequalities are deduced, which ensure the asymptotic and Mittag–Leffler synchronization properties of the proposed model by decomposing the OVNN system of equations into a real-valued one, in order to avoid the non-associativity problem of the octonion algebra. To accomplish synchronization, we use two different state feedback controllers, two different types of Lyapunov-like functionals in conjunction with two Halanay-type lemmas for FONNs, the free-weighting matrix method, a classical lemma, and Young’s inequality. The four theorems presented in the paper are each illustrated by a numerical example