8 research outputs found
Leiomiomas cutáneos: revisión clinicopatológica y epidemiológica
Fundamento. Los leiomiomas cutáneos, superficiales o suprafasciales, se dividen en tres variantes: piloleiomiomas
(PL), angioleiomiomas (AL) y leiomiomas genitales (LG) que
incluyen las formas vulvares, escrotales y areolares. El objetivo fue establecer las características clinicohistológicas y
la incidencia de cada variante, y las posibles asociaciones
con neoplasias internas.
Material y métodos. Se revisaron 255 casos de leiomiomas
cutáneos diagnosticados entre 1982 y 2018 en los servicios
de Anatomía Patológica de tres centros hospitalarios (Navarra y Alicante). Se describieron y compararon variables demográficas, clínicas, histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas.
Resultados. La incidencia en Navarra de PL fue 4,3 casos
por año y millón de habitantes, de AL 20 y de LG 1,4. Las
formas cutáneas suponen aproximadamente el 3,5 % del
total de leiomiomas. La población con PL sufrió más frecuentemente cáncer de mama (OR= 4,8; IC95%: 1,3-17,4;
p= 0,006). Los leiomiomas areolares son de pequeño tamaño, acompañados de dolor local, predominantemente
fasciculares o sólidos, con muy rara afectación del tejido
celular subcutáneo y escasa atipia. Esto contrasta con el
resto de LG, de tamaño medio y rara vez dolorosos, predominantemente nodulares, con frecuente afectación del
tejido celular subcutáneo y atipia.
Conclusiones. Se aporta información sobre las características clinicohistológicas de las distintas variantes de leiomiomas, según las cuales debería replantearse la clasificación de los leiomiomas areolares fuera del grupo de LG. Se
detectó una asociación entre PL y carcinoma de mama que
deberá confirmarse en futuros estudios para determinar si
este leiomioma constituye un marcador de riesgo de cáncer
de mama en mujeres.Background. Cutaneous, superficial and or suprafascial leiomyoma are divided into three variants: piloleiomyomas (PL),
angioleiomyomas (AL) and genital leiomyomas (GL) that include the vulvar, scrotal and areolar forms. This study set
out to establish the clinical and histological characteristics
and incidence of each variant, and any likely associations
with internal neoplasms.
Methods. A review was carried out of 255 cases of cutaneous leiomyomas diagnosed between 1982 and 2018 at the
Pathology departments of three hospitals (Navarra and Alicante). Demographic, clinical, histological and immunohistochemical variables were described and compared.
Results. The incidence of PL in Navarra was 4.3 cases per
million inhabitants a year, with another 20 cases of AL and
1.4 cases of GL. Cutaneous forms make up approximately
3.5% of the total leiomyomas. The population with PL suffered more frequently from breast cancer (OR= 4.8; CI 95%:
1.3-17.4; p= 0.006). Nipple leiomyomas are small, accompanied by localised pain, and are predominantly fascicular
or solid, with very infrequent effect on the subcutaneous
cellular tissue and scarce atypia. This makes for a contrast
with the other GLs, which are medium sized and infrequently painful, predominantly nodular, and frequent effect on the
subcutaneous tissue and atypia.
Conclusions. The information provided here about the clinical and histological characteristics of the different varieties
of leiomyomas indicate that there is a need to reconsider
the classification of nipple leiomyomas outside the group of
GLs. An association between PL and breast carcinoma was
detected, which needs to be confirmed in future studies so
as to determine if this leiomyoma is a risk marker for breast
PET/TC de cuerpo completo para la detección de metástasis de melanoma coroideo
El melanoma coroideo es el tumor maligno ocular
primario más frecuente en los adultos y las metástasis
más frecuentes son a nivel hepático con un mal pronóstico a pesar de los tratamientos. Estas metástasis
se han descrito hasta en el 50 % de los melanomas coroideos. Estudios recientes muestran que la ecografía
hepática y las analíticas hepáticas tienen baja sensibilidad en el diagnóstico de las metástasis hepáticas de los
melanomas de úvea.
Exponemos el caso de un paciente con historia
de melanoma coroideo. La exploración preoperatoria,
incluyendo TC de abdomen, analítica sanguínea y enzimas hepáticos resultó normal. En un PET/TC realizado
mostró lesiones en el hígado y pulmones. El PET/TC
de cuerpo entero mostró metástasis de un melanoma
El PET/TC es una herramienta útil para la detección de las metástasis hepáticas y extrahepáticas.Choroidal melanoma is the most common primary
intraocular cancer in adults. Metastases are most commonly found in the liver and are rapidly fatal despite aggressive therapy. These metastases have been reported
in the follow-up to 50 % of uveal melanoma. However,
recent reports have shown that liver ultrasonography
and liver function tests have low sensitivity in the diagnosis of metastatic uveal melanoma.
The study reports on a patient with a history of
choroidal melanoma. Preoperative medical evaluation, including CT imaging of the abdomen, complete
blood count and liver enzymes proved negative. A PET/
CT was requested and showed lesions in the liver and
lungs. Whole-body PET/CT revealed melanoma metastases.
The PET/CT is a sensitive tool for the detection and
localization of hepatic and extrahepatic metastatic choroidal melanoma
Utilidad de p16/ki67 para la detección de lesiones precursoras y cáncer de cérvix en mujeres con VPH de alto riesgo en Navarra
El cáncer de cérvix (CC) es la tercera neoplasia más frecuente en mujeres a nivel mundial1.
En Europa, se estima que ocurren aproximadamente 34 000 casos nuevos y 13 000 muertes por esta enfermedad anualmente2, con unas cifras aproximadas en España de 2511 casos nuevos y 848 muertes al año1. En Navarra, su incidencia es más baja que en el resto de España, con una tasa de incidencia ajustada de 3,8 × 100 000 habitantes/año3.
A pesar de su baja incidencia en nuestro país, el CC tiene una especial relevancia e interés en el ámbito de la salud pública, dado su carácter prevenible, siendo posible reducir su incidencia y mortalidad de forma importante
Leiomiomas cutáneos: revisión clinicopatológica y epidemiológica
Fundamento. Los leiomiomas cutáneos, superficiales o suprafasciales, se dividen en tres variantes: piloleiomiomas
(PL), angioleiomiomas (AL) y leiomiomas genitales (LG) que
incluyen las formas vulvares, escrotales y areolares. El objetivo fue establecer las características clinicohistológicas y
la incidencia de cada variante, y las posibles asociaciones
con neoplasias internas.
Material y métodos. Se revisaron 255 casos de leiomiomas
cutáneos diagnosticados entre 1982 y 2018 en los servicios
de Anatomía Patológica de tres centros hospitalarios (Navarra y Alicante). Se describieron y compararon variables demográficas, clínicas, histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas.
Resultados. La incidencia en Navarra de PL fue 4,3 casos
por año y millón de habitantes, de AL 20 y de LG 1,4. Las
formas cutáneas suponen aproximadamente el 3,5 % del
total de leiomiomas. La población con PL sufrió más frecuentemente cáncer de mama (OR= 4,8; IC95%: 1,3-17,4;
p= 0,006). Los leiomiomas areolares son de pequeño tamaño, acompañados de dolor local, predominantemente
fasciculares o sólidos, con muy rara afectación del tejido
celular subcutáneo y escasa atipia. Esto contrasta con el
resto de LG, de tamaño medio y rara vez dolorosos, predominantemente nodulares, con frecuente afectación del
tejido celular subcutáneo y atipia.
Conclusiones. Se aporta información sobre las características clinicohistológicas de las distintas variantes de leiomiomas, según las cuales debería replantearse la clasificación de los leiomiomas areolares fuera del grupo de LG. Se
detectó una asociación entre PL y carcinoma de mama que
deberá confirmarse en futuros estudios para determinar si
este leiomioma constituye un marcador de riesgo de cáncer
de mama en mujeres.Background. Cutaneous, superficial and or suprafascial leiomyoma are divided into three variants: piloleiomyomas (PL),
angioleiomyomas (AL) and genital leiomyomas (GL) that include the vulvar, scrotal and areolar forms. This study set
out to establish the clinical and histological characteristics
and incidence of each variant, and any likely associations
with internal neoplasms.
Methods. A review was carried out of 255 cases of cutaneous leiomyomas diagnosed between 1982 and 2018 at the
Pathology departments of three hospitals (Navarra and Alicante). Demographic, clinical, histological and immunohistochemical variables were described and compared.
Results. The incidence of PL in Navarra was 4.3 cases per
million inhabitants a year, with another 20 cases of AL and
1.4 cases of GL. Cutaneous forms make up approximately
3.5% of the total leiomyomas. The population with PL suffered more frequently from breast cancer (OR= 4.8; CI 95%:
1.3-17.4; p= 0.006). Nipple leiomyomas are small, accompanied by localised pain, and are predominantly fascicular
or solid, with very infrequent effect on the subcutaneous
cellular tissue and scarce atypia. This makes for a contrast
with the other GLs, which are medium sized and infrequently painful, predominantly nodular, and frequent effect on the
subcutaneous tissue and atypia.
Conclusions. The information provided here about the clinical and histological characteristics of the different varieties
of leiomyomas indicate that there is a need to reconsider
the classification of nipple leiomyomas outside the group of
GLs. An association between PL and breast carcinoma was
detected, which needs to be confirmed in future studies so
as to determine if this leiomyoma is a risk marker for breast
PET/TC de cuerpo completo para la detección de metástasis de melanoma coroideo
El melanoma coroideo es el tumor maligno ocular
primario más frecuente en los adultos y las metástasis
más frecuentes son a nivel hepático con un mal pronóstico a pesar de los tratamientos. Estas metástasis
se han descrito hasta en el 50 % de los melanomas coroideos. Estudios recientes muestran que la ecografía
hepática y las analíticas hepáticas tienen baja sensibilidad en el diagnóstico de las metástasis hepáticas de los
melanomas de úvea.
Exponemos el caso de un paciente con historia
de melanoma coroideo. La exploración preoperatoria,
incluyendo TC de abdomen, analítica sanguínea y enzimas hepáticos resultó normal. En un PET/TC realizado
mostró lesiones en el hígado y pulmones. El PET/TC
de cuerpo entero mostró metástasis de un melanoma
El PET/TC es una herramienta útil para la detección de las metástasis hepáticas y extrahepáticas.Choroidal melanoma is the most common primary
intraocular cancer in adults. Metastases are most commonly found in the liver and are rapidly fatal despite aggressive therapy. These metastases have been reported
in the follow-up to 50 % of uveal melanoma. However,
recent reports have shown that liver ultrasonography
and liver function tests have low sensitivity in the diagnosis of metastatic uveal melanoma.
The study reports on a patient with a history of
choroidal melanoma. Preoperative medical evaluation, including CT imaging of the abdomen, complete
blood count and liver enzymes proved negative. A PET/
CT was requested and showed lesions in the liver and
lungs. Whole-body PET/CT revealed melanoma metastases.
The PET/CT is a sensitive tool for the detection and
localization of hepatic and extrahepatic metastatic choroidal melanoma
Modification of Breast Cancer Milieu with Chemotherapy plus Dendritic Cell Vaccine: An Approach to Select Best Therapeutic Strategies
Background: The addition of dendritic cell vaccines (DCV) to NAC could induce immune responses in those patients with residual disease (RD) by transforming the tumor microenvironment. Methods: Core diagnostic biopsies and surgical specimens from 80 patients (38 in the vaccinated group plus NAC (VG) and 42 in the control group (CG, treated only with NAC) were selected. We quantify TILs (CD8, CD4 and CD45RO) using immunohistochemistry and the automated cellular imaging system (ACIS III) in paired samples. Results: A CD8 rise in TNBC samples was observed after NAC plus DCV, changing from 4.48% in the biopsy to 6.70% in the surgical specimen, not reaching statistically significant differences (p = 0.11). This enrichment was seen in up to 67% of TNBC patients in the experimental arm as compared with the CG (20%). An association between CD8 TILs before NAC (4% cut-off point) and pathological complete response in the VG was found in the univariate and multivariate analysis (OR = 1.41, IC95% 1.05–1.90; p = 0.02, and OR = 2.0, IC95% 1.05–3.9; p = 0.03, respectively). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that patients with TNBC could benefit from the stimulation of the antitumor immune system by using DCV together with NAC
Modification of Breast Cancer Milieu with Chemotherapy plus Dendritic Cell Vaccine: An Approach to Select Best Therapeutic Strategies
Background: The addition of dendritic cell vaccines (DCV) to NAC could induce immune responses in those patients with residual disease (RD) by transforming the tumor microenvironment. Methods: Core diagnostic biopsies and surgical specimens from 80 patients (38 in the vaccinated group plus NAC (VG) and 42 in the control group (CG, treated only with NAC) were selected. We quantify TILs (CD8, CD4 and CD45RO) using immunohistochemistry and the automated cellular imaging system (ACIS III) in paired samples. Results: A CD8 rise in TNBC samples was observed after NAC plus DCV, changing from 4.48% in the biopsy to 6.70% in the surgical specimen, not reaching statistically significant differences (p = 0.11). This enrichment was seen in up to 67% of TNBC patients in the experimental arm as compared with the CG (20%). An association between CD8 TILs before NAC (4% cut-off point) and pathological complete response in the VG was found in the univariate and multivariate analysis (OR = 1.41, IC95% 1.05–1.90; p = 0.02, and OR = 2.0, IC95% 1.05–3.9; p = 0.03, respectively). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that patients with TNBC could benefit from the stimulation of the antitumor immune system by using DCV together with NAC
Modification of breast cancer milieu with chemotherapy plus dendritic cell vaccine: an approach to select best therapeutic strategies
Background: The addition of dendritic cell vaccines (DCV) to NAC could induce immune responses in those patients with residual disease (RD) by transforming the tumor microenvironment. Methods: Core diagnostic biopsies and surgical specimens from 80 patients (38 in the vaccinated group plus NAC (VG) and 42 in the control group (CG, treated only with NAC) were selected. We quantify TILs (CD8, CD4 and CD45RO) using immunohistochemistry and the automated cellular imaging system (ACIS III) in paired samples. Results: A CD8 rise in TNBC samples was observed after NAC plus DCV, changing from 4.48% in the biopsy to 6.70% in the surgical specimen, not reaching statistically significant differences (p = 0.11). This enrichment was seen in up to 67% of TNBC patients in the experimental arm as compared with the CG (20%). An association between CD8 TILs before NAC (4% cut-off point) and pathological complete response in the VG was found in the univariate and multivariate analysis (OR = 1.41, IC95% 1.05-1.90; p = 0.02, and OR = 2.0, IC95% 1.05-3.9; p = 0.03, respectively). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that patients with TNBC could benefit from the stimulation of the antitumor immune system by using DCV together with NAC