88 research outputs found

    Politique publique et management public, de nouvelles frontiÚres ?

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    Introduction à un cahier spécial portant sur les relations entre politique publique et management public


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    National audienceAlors que le recours aux nouvelles formes de mobilité internationale augmente, et que la demande de personnel compétent croßt, l'attention portée à ces dynamiques reste restreinte. Cette étude se focalise ainsi sur l'examen des contours et caractéristiques des cadres pendu-laires à l'international, mobilisant une méthodologie quantitative exploratoire : la segmenta-tion de cette population permettrait aux organisations de valoriser le capital immatériel qu'elle représente et d'améliorer la gestion des possibles risques psychosociaux inhérents

    L'interface politico-administrative en Suisse : de la dépendance institutionnelle à une managérialisation progressive

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    L’interface politico-administrative suisse doit beaucoup aux spĂ©cificitĂ©s institutionnelles du rĂ©gime politique. Un État fĂ©dĂ©ral bicamĂ©ral trĂšs dĂ©centralisĂ©, fondĂ© sur des institutions de dĂ©mocratie directe, basĂ© sur la recherche du consensus et sur l’intĂ©gration des parties prenantes dans la dĂ©finition des politiques publiques sont des aspects qui conduisent Ă  faire de l’acteur administratif un partenaire incontournable. Par ailleurs, la Suisse possĂšde une tradition administrative largement hybride, laquelle est encadrĂ©e par des rĂšgles marquant son caractĂšre trĂšs ouvert. Ces diffĂ©rentes dimensions, analysĂ©es dans le prĂ©sent article, donnent Ă  l’interface politico-administrative suisse une dynamique toute particuliĂšre, dont la rĂ©gulation est en train de se modifier Ă  la suite de la managĂ©rialisation progressive du systĂšme politico-administratif. Des Ă©volutions rĂ©centes, dont les consĂ©quences sont encore mĂ©connues.The Swiss politico-administrative interface is greatly related to the institutional characteristics of the political regime. A highly decentralized bicameral federal state, based on institutions of direct democracy, as well as on the search for consensus and the integration of stakeholders in the definition of public policies, are aspects that partly explain why the administrative actor is a key partner. In addition, Switzerland has a largely hybrid administrative tradition, which is framed by rules marking its very open character. These different dimensions, analyzed in this article, give to the Swiss politico-administrative interface a particular dynamic, the regulation of which is being modified as a result of the managerialization reforms which took place during these last thirty years. Recent developments, the consequences of which are still unknown

    La motivation de service public Ă  l’aune du service public « à la française »

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    Le concept de motivation de service public (MSP) connaĂźt un engouement croissant dans la littĂ©rature mondiale en management public. La MSP a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finie dans l’article fondateur de Perry et Wise (1990) comme « une prĂ©disposition individuelle Ă  agir en rĂ©ponse Ă  des mobiles caractĂ©ristiques des institutions et organisations publiques ». En mettant l’accent sur les motivations altruistes des agents publics, la MSP ouvre de nouvelles perspectives concernant le management des ressources humaines dans les organisations publiques. MalgrĂ© l’intĂ©rĂȘt que suscite la notion au niveau international, il existe aujourd’hui peu de travaux français sur ce thĂšme, notamment de nature empirique. C’est pourquoi nous analysons la maniĂšre dont la MSP peut ĂȘtre apprĂ©hendĂ©e dans le contexte institutionnel français. En effet, dans ce contexte, la notion de service public est riche de reprĂ©sentations diversifiĂ©es (notamment politique, juridique, sociale) et possĂšde parfois une dimension passionnelle. AprĂšs une analyse thĂ©orique de la maniĂšre dont les quatre dimensions de la MSP reconnues par la littĂ©rature (dimension politique, compassion, sacrifice et valeurs) peuvent ĂȘtre perçues dans le contexte français, nous prĂ©sentons les rĂ©sultats d’une Ă©tude internationale menĂ©e auprĂšs d’agents de villes dans 12 pays, en mettant l’accent sur les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de la MSP en France.Public service motivation (PSM) has received considerable research attention in the last two decades. PSM is defined as “a predisposition to respond to motives grounded primarily or uniquely in public institutions and organizations” (Perry and Wise 1990, 386). By focusing on altruistic motivations of public servants, PSM reengage the debate about human nature. It illuminates the debate about appropriate organizational incentive system and draw new perspectives on human resource management in public organizations. Despite the considerable research attention received by PSM, French research has paid few attention on this topic. The aim of this article is to understand if the French PSM is idiosyncratic. Therefore we analyze PSM in the French institutional context. Indeed, in France, the concept of public service presents various facets (including political, legal, social, emotional...). We consider how the four dimensions of MSP theorized by the literature (political dimension, compassion, sacrifice and values) are linked with the French public service ethos. We present the results of an international research about public personnel in 12 countries, in order to enlighten the specific nature of the French PSM

    Des cadres de santĂ© « jouent » Ă  Ă©valuer. Le « Serious gaming » pour apprĂ©hender l’évaluation ?

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    L’évaluation des pratiques professionnelles est dans tous les contextes organisationnels un temps fort du management. Cette derniĂšre, de moins en moins implicite dans les organisations, contribue Ă  la construction de l’identitĂ© et de l’image du salariĂ© avec des consĂ©quences Ă©videntes sur son ressenti de l’environnement humain et de sa propre perception de sa place dans l’organisation. Les tensions inhĂ©rentes aux pratiques d’évaluation expliquent l’existence de fortes difficultĂ©s dans la mise en Ɠuvre concrĂšte des outils d’évaluation professionnelle. De nombreux Ă©carts existent entre les intentions managĂ©riales qui prĂ©sident Ă  la conception des outils et les pratiques et attentes des acteurs. Ceux-ci manifestent de nombreuses insatisfactions vis-Ă -vis des dispositifs d’évaluation qui conduisent les directions des ressources humaines Ă  les reconfigurer trĂšs rĂ©guliĂšrement. Les outils d’évaluation mis en Ɠuvre dans les organisations vĂ©hiculent une vision de la communication rationnelle et relativement « dĂ©saffectivĂ©e ». C’est pourquoi des besoins de formation en dĂ©coulent. Cet article retrace les rĂ©sultats d’une recherche sur la mise en Ɠuvre d’un « serious game » de formation Ă  l’évaluation dans un centre hospitalier. D’une maniĂšre originale, le « serious game » en empruntant partiellement aux modalitĂ©s du jeu vidĂ©o confirme le capital de sympathie et de connivence dĂ©gagĂ© Ă  travers la dimension ludique. Il rĂ©active toutefois le besoin de formation Ă  l’évaluation et rĂ©vĂšle le sens social plus que jamais accordĂ© Ă  la communication dans l’organisation, particuliĂšrement Ă  l’hĂŽpital dans un contexte oĂč le soin Ă  la personne est particuliĂšrement intĂ©grĂ©.The evaluation of professional practices is a highlight of organizational management. Evaluation becomes less implicit in organizations and helps the construction of identity and image of the employee with an important impact on his feelings of the human environment and its own perception of its place in the organization. The inherent tensions in evaluation practices explain the existence of substantial difficulties in the practical implementation of specific tools. There are many gaps between managerial intentions connected to the design of tools and practices and expectations of the users. In relation to these reactions, they show many frustrations. Human resources departments reconfigure regularly. The evaluation tools used in organizations answer a vision of rational and “dis-affective” communication. That’s why organizations need training. This article outlines the results of research on the implementation of a “serious game” of evaluation training in a hospital. From an original way, the “serious game” with a few modalities of video game confirms the sympathy and connivance as a result of the ludic dimension. But the need for evaluation training is pointed and the “serious game” reveals the social sense of the communication in the organization, particularly in hospital in a context where the care of the person is highly integrated

    Investigating the Structure and Meaning of Public Service Motivation across Populations: Developing an International Instrument and Addressing Issues of Measurement Invariance

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    The growth in international research on public service motivation (PSM) raises a number of important questions about the degree to which the theory and research developed in one country can contribute to our understanding of PSM in other counties. To help address this issue, this study revisits the conceptual and operational definitions of PSM to address weaknesses previously noted in the literature. Although some important steps have been taken to both improve and internationalize the PSM scale, this work has been done incrementally. In contrast, this study takes a more systematic and comprehensive approach by combining the efforts of international PSM scholars to develop and then test a revised measurement instrument for PSM in 12 countries. Although the resulting four dimensional 16-item measure of PSM reported here provides a better theoretical and empirical foundation for the measurement of PSM, our results suggest that the exact meaning and scaling of PSM dimensions are likely to differ across cultures and languages. These results raise serious concerns regarding the ability to develop a single universal scale of PSM, or making direct comparisons of PSM across countrie

    HSAF-induced antifungal effects in Candida albicans through ROS-mediated apoptosis

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    Heat-stable antifungal factor (HSAF) belongs to polycyclic tetramate macrolactams (PTMs), which inhibits many fungal pathogens and is effective in inhibiting Candida albicans (C. albicans). In this study, we found that HSAF induced the apoptosis of C. albicans SC5314 through inducing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Nevertheless, we validated the efficacy of HSAF against candidiasis caused by C. albicans in a murine model in vivo,and HSAF significantly improved survival and reduced fungal burden compared to vehicles. A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was also investigated, revealing the theoretical binding mode of HSAF to the ÎČ-tubulin of C. albicans. This study first found PTMs-induced fungal apoptosis through ROS accumulation in C. albicans and its potential as a novel agent for fungicides

    Céline Desmarais : "Peut-on libérer une administration publique ?"

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    Le concept d’entreprise libĂ©rĂ©e suscite beaucoup d’intĂ©rĂȘt dans les mĂ©dias, mais aussi beaucoup de scepticisme de la part des dirigeants d’organisation. On trouve des expĂ©riences qui se rĂ©clament de ces modĂšles dans le secteur public mais celles-ci restent discrĂštes. En effet, changer radicalement de modĂšle managĂ©rial n’est pas une mince affaire. Peut-on vraiment libĂ©rer une administration publique ? ÉlĂ©ments de rĂ©ponse dans cette tribune de CĂ©line Desmarais, professeure Ă  la Haute École d’ingĂ©nierie et de gestion du canton de Vaud, en Suisse (HES-SO)
