2 research outputs found

    Variación temporal de los índices de sensibilidad de un modelo de cultivo para jitomate en invernadero

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    Decision support systems (DSS) are tools that can be based on a crop model and are used to manage certain aspects in an agro-system such as: irrigation scheduling, climate control, fertilization, and yields. HORTSYST is a dynamic growth model, developed to be implemented in an expert system to manage irrigation and crop nutrition in intensive systems. It has 16 parameters, three state variables: dry matter production (DMP), photothermal index (PTI) and absorbed nitrogen (Nup), besides two output variables; Crop transpiration (ETc) and Leaf Area Index (LAI). The inputs of the model are: Global solar radiation (Rg), air temperature (Ta) and relative humidity (Hr). The simulations of HORTSYST model are based on estimation of a photothermal index. Which represents the development time of crop, which LAI is calculated. ETc is estimated with a mass and energy balance equation. DMP is determined with the radiation use efficiency (RUE) approach and Nup is calculated with dilution curve of nitrogen content in DMP. The objective of this work is to perform a global sensitivity analysis using the Sobol´s method, to know the importance of each parameter in the output variables at ten days after transplantation (DDT), during the vegetative stages (25 DDT), beginning of fruiting (40 DDT), harvest (80 DDT) and at the end (119 DDT) of the tomato crop cycle (Solanum lycopersicum L.), grown hydroponically in a greenhouse during spring-summer. It was found that the main and total effect indices, as a measure of the influence of the parameters, do not follow an established order as the crop cycle progresses. This temporal variation is a function of the stage of development and should be considered when conducting a sensitivity analysis.Los sistemas soporte de decisiones (SSD) son herramientas que pueden tener de base un modelo de cultivo y se utilizan para el manejo de ciertos aspectos en un agro-sistema como: programación de riego, control climático, fertilización y rendimientos. HORTSYST es un modelo dinámico de crecimiento, desarrollado para implementarse en un sistema experto para manejar el riego y nutrición de cultivos en sistemas intensivos. Cuenta con 16 parámetros, tres variables de estado: Producción de materia seca (DMP), índice fototérmico (PTI) y nitrógeno absorbido (Nup), además de dos variables de salidas; Transpiración del cultivo (ETc) e índice de Área foliar (LAI). Las variables de entrada son: La radiación solar global (Rg), temperatura del aire (Ta) y humedad relativa (Hr).  La parte central del modelo es la estimación de un índice fototérmico, que representa al tiempo de desarrollo del cultivo con el que se simula LAI. La ETc se estima con una ecuación de balance de masa y energía. DMP se simula con el enfoque de la eficiencia del uso de la radiación (RUE). Nup se determina con la curva de dilución del nitrógeno y DMP simulado previamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de sensibilidad global mediante el método de Sobol, para conocer la importancia de cada parámetro en las variables de salida, a los diez días después de trasplante (DDT), durante la etapa vegetativa (25 DDT), inicio de la fructificación (40 DDT), cosecha (80 DDT) y al final (119 DDT) del ciclo del cultivo de jitomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.), cultivado en hidropónia en invernadero durante primavera-verano (S-S). Se encontró que los índices de efectos principales y totales, como medida de influencia de los parámetros, no siguen un orden establecido con forme avanza el ciclo de cultivo. Esta variación temporal está en función de la etapa de desarrollo y debe considerarse al realizar un análisis de sensibilidad

    Quality and Yield of Bell Pepper Cultivated with Two and Three Stems in a Modern Agriculture System

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    Bell pepper is a very important crop for its value in domestic and foreign markets. Actually, growers have adopted different management practices. In that aspect, management with different numbers of stems can define the quality and quantity of the product, as well as any increase in yield. The objective of this work was to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of fruits in terms of the quality and postharvest of bell pepper, as well as the yield according to the number of stems grown in a hydroponic system under greenhouse conditions. The experiment consisted of four treatments: two stems (T1) and three stems (T2) on a ‘Cannon’ cultivar, as well as two stems (T3) and three stems (T4) on a ‘Bragi’ cultivar. Fruits were sampled to determine total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), maturity index (MI), vitamin C (VC), lycopene content, size, shape, color, firmness, and yield. High vitamin C concentration of 120 mg 100 g−1 was found in both cultivars. Treatments from ‘Cannon’ had the higher TSS content, lycopene levels and firmness. Regarding the physical characteristics, T1 of ‘Cannon’ had better fruit size: 63% (large), 35% (medium) and 2% (small). The highest yield was obtained in T2 of ‘Bragi’ with 6.50 kg m−2. It was observed that total number of fruits increased as the number of stems increased. However, the size of the fruits decreased