60 research outputs found
Culture-led Regeneration of Industrial Heritage Sites in Modern Cities
The basic conceptual characteristics of ‘regeneration’ are defined in this article, which demonstrates that the declaration of the authors of the project for the regeneration of industrial heritage sites can lead to the use of various methods and techniques, as well as to different results. Clarifying the question of what the meaning of the term culture-led regeneration in different countries is and analyzing specific projects with a culture-led concept, authors show the interdependence of the interpretation of culture and the scope of actions for updating the historical and architectural industrial heritage. It is defined that the term culture-led regeneration arises in specific sociocultural and theoretical circumstances of the rapid degradation of industrial heritage at the time of transition of the world’s economies to other forms and structures. It marks a paradigm shift in the attitude of specialists towards industrial heritage. From conservation and museification in increasingly alienating industrial zones, they move on to the actualization of industrial architecture objects by strengthening their ties with all urban processes, primarily sociocultural ones. The most prominent role in such an activity is played by institutional or non-institutional understanding of culture by the authors of the project, experts, administrations, and the community. To clarify the dependence of the culture interpretation and the goals of the regeneration projects, an analysis was made of the culture-led aspects of the rehabilitation of the industrial area of Emscher Park (Germany), the creation of an industrial park on the site of the former industrial zone in Bolzano, the decision to turn the post office building in Buenos Aires into a classical music center. The experience of these projects can be taken into account by the initiators of similar projects in Russia.
Keywords: regeneration, historical and architectural heritage, industrial heritage, culture-led regeneration, cultur
Проанализированы результаты и сложности проекта по инклюзивному дизайну, выигравшего грант Фонда президентских грантов 2021 г. Показаны непредвиденные проблемы проекта, связанные с пандемией. На основе полученного автором и его коллегами опыта уточнено определение инклюзивного дизайна.The results and diffi culties of the project on inclusive design, which won a grant from the Presidential Grants Fund in 2021, are analyzed. The unforeseen problems of the project related to the pandemic are shown. Based on the experience gained by the author and his colleagues, the defi nition of inclusive design has been clarifi ed
Goals of the THeoretical Disciplines in the Master Programm in Design
On the basis of the essential characteristics of design, identified by T. Maldonado, the necessity of design theory, its tasks in relation to the profession and the professional community is substantiated, the subject of study of design theory is clarified. This allows us to show the growing importance of the theoretical component in modern design, and therefore in the educational process for the design education.На основе сущностных характеристик дизайна, выделенных Т. Мальдонадо, обоснована необходимость теории дизайна, ее задачи в отношении профессии и профессионального сообщества, уточнен предмет изучения теории дизайна. Это позволяет показать нарастание значения теоретического компонента в современном проектировании, а значит, и в образовательном процессе по подготовке дизайнеров
Project Learning in Master Studies for Graphic Design: the First Experience
В статье анализируется опыт автора в качестве куратора группы магистрантов по графическому дизайну, включившейся осенью 2022 г. в программу проектного обучения в УрФУ. Показаны критические точки реализации проекта по графическому дизайну в существующем формате. Сформулированы рекомендации по оптимизации проектного обучения в магистратуре по дизайну.The article analyzes the author’s experience as a curator of a group of undergraduates in graphic design, who joined the project-based learning program at UrFU in the autumn of 2022. The critical points of the implementation of the graphic design project in the existing format are shown. Recommendations are formulated for optimizing project-based learning in the master’s program in design
Neuro-accessible educational environment: Adapting to the needs of people with disabilities
Introduction. Currently, researchers and practitioners are increasingly focusing on creating conditions for the socialization and integration of people with disabilities. A large number of people, and above all, children with mental, emotional, and other disorders, need to organize an environment designed for inclusive interaction. Materials and research methods. The work used the method of analysis of scientific approaches to designing the environment. The main tools used were scientific data obtained by psychologists, architects, designers of the XX - XXI centuries, studying the optimal parameters of objects and spaces that affect the well-being and mental state of people of various categories. Processing of the data was carried out as part of a humanitarian approach; the method of content analysis was used. The results of the study. The work summarizes and systematizes the results of humanitarian studies for their subsequent, conceptual, and responsible use in technological projects to create a neuro-accessible educational environment, taking into account the needs of people with disabilities. The concept of a "neural accessible medium" is introduced, i.e., environment adapted for finding and activity of people with various mental disorders. Discussion. The concept of the educational environment includes not only the relationship of a child with disabilities with other people but, first of all, the spatial and material structures that organize the educational process. The search for ideas and technologies should be based on proposals for the maximum correspondence not only of the external shell but also of the structure of subject forms to the physical structure of a person as a natural being; about the integrity of the environment; about the need for "following nature". Creating forms should include taking into account the needs of all users. Besides, designing a neural-accessible environment should use virtual and augmented reality. Conclusion. The need for a neurally accessible educational environment, taking into account the needs of people with disabilities, the complexity of its design requires the use of an interdisciplinary approach and the use of data from different disciplines and projects that currently exist autonomously from each other. In general, the described ideas can be useful not only in the educational environment but also in the working and urban environment. © 2019 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved
Opportunities for Involvement in Socio-Cultural Practices Developing an Inclusive Culture
Статья поступила в редакцию 06.07.2023 г.Представлены и проанализированы современные социокультурные практики, использующие механизмы вовлечения и способствующие развитию инклюзивной культуры участников. Проведен культурологический анализ понятия «вовлечение», показано его ценностно-коммуникативное наполнение, связь вовлечения с «культурой участия», предполагающей, согласно определению, совместную добровольную деятельность представителей различных возрастных, социальных или профессиональных групп, направленную на социально значимые цели. Выведены ценностно-смысловые критерии вовлечения в инклюзивные социо культурные практики и с их помощью проанализированы ход и результаты организованных автором инклюзивной выставки «Конструируем вместе» (2017) и проекта «Школа инклюзивного дизайна» (2021).The article presents and analyzes socio-cultural practices that use the mechanisms of involvement and contribute to the development of an inclusive culture of participants. A culturological analysis of the concept of “involvement” was carried out, its value-communicative content was shown, the connection of involvement with the “culture of participation”, which, according to the definition, implies joint voluntary activities of representatives of various age, social or professional groups aimed at socially significant goals. The value-semantic criteria for involvement in inclusive socio-cultural practices are derived and with their help the course and results of the inclusive exhibition “Designing Together” held by the author in 2017, and the project “School of Inclusive Design” (2021) are analyzed
Ways to Intencification of the Sustainability of Architectural Form in the 2010s
10995/27938В качестве значимых, но во многом еще не оцененных приемов устойчивого архитектурного формообразования показаны сокрытие и прозрачность архитектурных объектов, притом, не только в городской среде. В использовании этих приемов равную роль играют технологии и эстетическое чувство архитектора. Представлен и проанализирован опыт западноевропейской архитектуры этого направления 2010-х гг.The concealment and transparency of architectural objects, moreover, not only in the urban environment, are shown as significant, but in many ways not yet appreciated, methods of sustainable architectural shaping. In the use of these techniques, technology and the aesthetic sense of the architect play an equal role. The experience of Western European architecture in this direction of the 2010s is presented and analyzed
Social-Cultural Context of the Contemporary Design — Basis for Understanding of Profession and its Requirements
Даны характеристики социокультурного контекста современного дизайна как способа проектного мышления, формотворческой деятельности и социального института. Эта модель поможет педагогам в преподавании специальных дисциплин бакалавриата и магистратуры. С опорой на Монреальскую декларацию дизайна-2017 перечислены его базовые составляющие. Сделан вывод о нарастающей человеко-центричности дизайн-проектов.The characteristics of the socio-cultural context of modern design as a way of project thinking, a form-building activity and a social institution are given. This model will help teachers in teaching the special subjects of undergraduate and graduate programs. Based on the 2017 Montreal Declaration of Design, its basic components are listed. The conclusion is made about the increasing human-centeredness of design
Представлены методические основы и результаты освоения студентами-дизайнерами Уральского федерального университета задания по дисциплине «Специальный рисунок». Многоуровневые творческие задания по ней (например, стилизованный автопортрет) интегрируют несколько видов компетенций — от общекультурных до проектных. Включение в образовательный дискурс элементов саморефлексии студентов обеспечивает развитие представлений студентов о мировоззренческих основах дизайн-деятельности, интериоризацию нравственно-этических ценностей. Реализация задания происходит в соответствии с алгоритмами дизайн-мышления. Технические компоненты, получаемые в ходе освоения дисциплины «Специальный рисунок», входят в дальнейшем в творческую палитру будущих дизайнеров.The methodological foundations and results of mastering the task in the discipline «Special drawing» by design students of the Ural Federal University are presented. Multi-level creative tasks on it (for example, a stylized self-portrait) integrate several types of competencies, from general cultural to design ones. The inclusion of elements of students’ self-refl ection in the educational discourse ensures the development of students’ ideas about the worldview foundations of design activity, the internalization of moral and ethical values. The implementation of the task takes place in accordance with the algorithms of design thinking. The technical components obtained during the development of the discipline «Special drawing» are included in the future designers’ creative palette
Analysis of Graphic Design Products Used Within a School for Children with ASD
Исследование направлено на изучение и сравнение визуальной доступности школьных учебников для детей с ОВЗ. Была произведена оценка доступности учебных материалов в соответствии с руководством инклюзивного дизайна для обучения в школах и пособием для учителей, обучающих детей с расстройствами аутистического спектра в начальной школе. Анализ показал, что общий уровень верстки и изображений в печатных изданиях не очень высок.The study is aimed at studying and comparing the visual accessibility of school textbooks for children with disabilities. The accessibility of educational materials was assessed in accordance with the guidelines for inclusive design for teaching in schools and the manual for teachers educating children with autism spectrum disorders in primary school1. The analysis showed that the general level of layout and images in printed publications is not very high
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