844 research outputs found

    Social Cognition: Imitation, Imitation, Imitation

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    Monkeys recognize when they are being imitated, but they seem unable to learn by imitation. These facts make sense if imitation is seen as two different capacities: social mirroring, when actions are matched and have social benefits; and learning by copying, when new behavioural routines are acquired by observation

    In defense of fishing

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    Using an example from animal cognition, I argue that the problems of bias—inherent in choosing null hypotheses or setting Bayesian priors—can sometimes be avoided altogether by collecting more and better observational data before setting up tests of any sort.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Esperienze e forme di scrittura online

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    L’esperienza dello scrivere online varia in misura notevole col variare delle forme e dei contesti di comunicazione in cui si dà a vedere. Prendendo in esame quattro ambienti di comunicazione scritta online (non unidirezionali) – posta elettronica, Twitter, chat, gruppi di discussione – è possibile far emergere alcuni tratti distintivi, riguardanti le strategie e gli stili di scrittura. Un fattore differenziale di cui tenere conto è anche la relazione tra scrittura e tempo, ovvero le diverse attese in termini di durata e permanenza del testo scritto

    Creative or created: using anecdotes to investigate animal cognition

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    In non-human animals, creative behaviour occurs spontaneously only at low frequencies, so is typically missed by standardised observational methods. Experimental approaches have tended to rely overly on paradigms from child development or adult human cognition, which may be inappropriate for species that inhabit very different perceptual worlds and possess quite different motor capacities than humans. The analysis of anecdotes offers a solution to this impasse, provided certain conditions are met. To be reliable, anecdotes must be recorded immediately after observation, and only the records of scientists experienced with the species and the individuals concerned should be used. Even then, interpretation of a single record is always ambiguous, and analysis is feasible only when collation of multiple records shows that a behaviour pattern occurs repeatedly under similar circumstances. This approach has been used successfully to study a number of creative capacities of animals: the distribution, nature and neural correlates of deception across the primate order; the occurrence of teaching in animals; and the neural correlates of several aptitudes—in birds, foraging innovation, and in primates, innovation, social learning and tool-use. Drawing on these approaches, we describe the use of this method to investigate a new problem, the cognition of the African elephant, a species whose sheer size and evolutionary distance from humans renders the conventional methods of comparative psychology of little use. The aim is both to chart the creative cognitive capacities of this species, and to devise appropriate experimental methods to confirm and extend previous findings

    Die sensorische Lateralität als Indikator fßr emotionale und kognitive Reaktionen auf Umweltreize beim Tier. The use of sensory laterality for indicating emotional and cognitive reactions on environmental stimuli in animals

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    Zusammenfassung Viele Tiere zeigen eine eindeutige sensorische Lateralität, sprich sie benutzen bevorzugt ein Auge, ein Ohr, oder eine Nüster zur Aufnahme von Sinneseindrücken. Dies korreliert in den meisten Fällen nicht mit der motorischen Lateralität, sondern wird viel mehr durch die einseitige Verarbeitung von Informationen in den jeweiligen Gehirnhemisphären bedingt. So werden emotionale Reaktionen von der rechten, reaktiven Gehirnhemisphäre und rationale Reaktionen von der linken, kognitiven Gehirnhemisphäre gesteuert. Da die Gehirnhälften zum Großen Teil mit den kontrolateralen Sinnesorganen verbunden sind lässt die Seite mit welcher Sinneseindrücke aufgenommen werden Schlüsse auf deren Informationsgehalt zu. So zeigen Tiere bei linksseitiger Aufnahme von Sinneseindrücken vermehrt reaktive, emotionalen Reaktionen, wie etwa bei Angst oder freudige Erregung, und bei rechtsseitig aufgenommene Sinneseindrücke eher rationales, gesteuertes Verhalten. Zudem verstärkt sich die sensorische Lateralität wenn Tiere Stress erfahren, sprich wenn sie wiederholt mit Situationen anthropogenen oder natürlichen Ursprungs konfrontiert werden denen sie nicht gewachsen sind, wie etwa bei unpassenden Haltungs- und Trainingsbedingungen, oder bei unausweichlichem Raubtierdruck und sozialer Konkurrenz. Eine stark ausgeprägte, zunehmende sensorische Lateralität kann daher auf ein beeinträchtigtes Wohlergehen der Tiere hinweisen. Summary Many animals are lateralized when using sensory organs such as the eyes, ears or nostrils. Sensory laterality is not, as previously believed, caused by adjustment to motor laterality, but rather by one sided information processing in the particular brain hemispheres. While the right hemisphere predominantly analyses emotional information, the left hemisphere governs controlled rational, cognitive decisions. Since the brain hemispheres are largely connected with contralateral sensory organs, it is possible to infer how the information may be being interpreted by the side of preferred eye, ear or nostril used. The left eye usually dominates in emotional situations, i.e. fear or positive excitement, and the right eye in rational situations. Moreover, laterality increases when animals are stressed, e.g. when animals are confronted with anthropogenic or natural factors they can not handle, such as unsuitable housing or training conditions or unavoidable predation pressure and social competition. A strong or increasing laterality could therefore potentially indicate welfare issues

    The gestural repertoire of the wild bonobo (Pan paniscus) : a mutually understood communication system

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    Funding was provided by the Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant in Aid for Scientific Research, JSPS Core-to-Core Program, and University of St Andrews 600th Anniversary Scholarship.In animal communication, signallers and recipients are typically different: each signal is given by one subset of individuals (members of the same age, sex, or social rank) and directed towards another. However, there is scope for signaller-recipient interchangeability in systems where most signals are potentially relevant for all age-sex groups, such as great ape gestural communication. In this study of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus), we aimed to discover whether their gestural communication is indeed a mutually understood communicative repertoire, in which all individuals can act as both signallers and recipients. While past studies have only examined the expressed repertoire, the set of gesture types that a signaller deploys, we also examined the understood repertoire, the set of gestures to which a recipient reacts in a way that satisfies the signaller. We found that most of the gestural repertoire was both expressed and understood by all age and sex groups, with few exceptions, suggesting that during their lifetimes all individuals may use and understand all gesture types. Indeed, as the number of overall gesture instances increased, so did the proportion of individuals estimated to both express and understand a gesture type. We compared the community repertoire of bonobos to that of chimpanzees, finding an 88% overlap. Observed differences are consistent with sampling effects generated by the species’ different social systems, and it is thus possible that the repertoire of gesture types available to Pan is determined biologically.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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